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any good gold guides

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    any good gold guides

    Are there any good gold guides out there

    From what I read here before: no.
    All gold guides can be reduced to some simple rules:
    - look at the prices in the AH for jewels, enchants, ores, cloth and so on. Buy when stuff is cheap and much is offered and sell expensive when there's a shortage.
    - get gathering professions and farm ores, flowers, leather
    - if you have crafting professions you can make much needed things (gems, enchants) and sell those. I for example made some thousands of gold by buying materials for the landslide enchant and selling the scrolls. With each I made over 300 gold.

    Edit: there are various auction addons that may be worth looking at, for example auctioneer

    Edit2: in this post is a link for some gold making guides:


      I use auctioneer, auctionator, and marketwatcher. You may want to check them out. Matketwatcher if you have a crafter profession.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

