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Zygor has leaked my email address

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    Zygor has leaked my email address

    Not sure how but Zygor has leaked my logon ID and email address to mmoglider.fr to SPAM me with an advert for www.mmolazy.eu.

    How do I know this? Because I have given Zygor a unique email address not used anywhere else.

    I have checked my account settings there is no sign of where my email address is accessible to forum users.

    I have tried to read the privacy policy but it just goes to the news page - what a joke!

    This breach of my privacy needs to be addressed!

    This is not an intentional thing done by Zygor. It seems like someone may have hacked the Zygor database. You can find the discussion on it here: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...ygor-been-hack
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