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no more guide updates since 29Th of JULY??

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    no more guide updates since 29Th of JULY??

    hello Team at .zygorguides i am a great user of your guides as are many here my question is why is no more guide updates coming and whats with the so long awaited Release of the gold and profession guides coming you said for a long time its gonna happen but R U LYING? its been said for such a long time

    u always kept me happy but this is starting to get wired

    please post updates soon and keep your people satasfired


    There haven't been any updates since then because they've been busy trying to get the Professions guide finished. Zygor just posted an update on this within the last 24 hours. You just need to watch all threads.

    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Also, I ask that all threads on this subject be closed in favor of the original thread. There have been too many related to this that this is starting to look like Blizzard's thread system... If you need updates please refer to the original thread.
      My avatar is an actual photo of me. Nice or ugly?

