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Profession Guide News! Big Update - Lots of Fixes + New Features. :-)

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    Guest replied
    Who knows but if I had to guess I think it's a way for them to rape us more.

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  • merlik
    The changing of the business model really worries me... I hope it isn't a subscription plan... we will see though.

    I am very excited about having a professions guide in game though. It will make leveling my stuff much easier.

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  • Profession Guide News! Big Update - Lots of Fixes + New Features. :-)


    Admittedly, it's been a while since our last update. However,
    we've been planning something very big for a little while now
    and it's finally coming together. :-)

    Firstly, we just released a pretty big update for the guides.
    Here's the complete change log.


    Alliance Leveling Guide:
    * Rewrote Eastern Kingdoms Leveling guide levels 34-60. The
    Hinterlands and The Cape of Stranglethorn now both merge into
    Western Plaguelands at level 34. From then on, the leveling
    path is the same.
    * Adjusted Dun Morogh 5-8 start level.
    * Fixed minor typos in Northrend and Cataclysm.
    * Took out quests in Nagrand that had reputation problems with
    * Fixed the end of guide that was giving error for Western
    * Dwarf starting zone - added in a quest goal to a later step
    to allow the player to see it completed (Rhapsody Malt).
    * Changed >= Neutral Tags for Scryer and Aldor to show >= Friendly
    * Shadowmoon Valley - Added in "only scyer reputation" for a
    hearth step.
    * Changed some other typos found in the Shadowmoon Valley
    Loremaster guide.
    * Fixed fly point in Eastern Plaguelands.

    Horde Leveling Guide:
    * Fixed minor typos in Northrend and Cataclysm.
    * Changed all of Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Glades flight
    masters to be correct.
    * Added in Bulwark flight master.
    * Changed >= Neutral Tags for Scryer and Aldor to show >= Friendly

    Guides Viewer:
    * MagicKey now marks targets with raid markers.
    * Fixed goto/hearth steps not completing correctly. From our
    tests this now works correctly. If you find anything that proves
    otherwise, please let us know. Thanks!
    * Macro buttons are properly clickable again.
    * TomTom is now able to be used with our guides again.
    * Zygor Built-in Waypoint Arrow corpse arrow is now fixed.
    * Updated Ace libs.
    * Added a "Magic Key" hint display, as an option.

    All Guides:
    * Fixed all obvious inline coordinates to be clickable and
    functional, as intended. Still combing through to find the
    more obscure inline coordinate instances, and will fix those
    in a later update.

    How To Update Your Guides:

    Here are detailed instructions explaining how to update your guides:


    We've been saying that we're gearing up to release our Profession
    Guides very soon. We originally intended on releasing them at
    the end of July, but some things changed and we decided to wait
    a little while longer. We know that sucks, but trust us when
    we say it'll be well worth the wait. :-)

    The new target release date for our Profession Guides is the
    end of September. However, we'll also be introducing 2 more
    full-fledged, brand new guide types to the Zygor Guides product

    Essentially, we'll be releasing 3 guides at the same time.

    As if that wasn't huge enough right there by itself, we're
    also turning our entire business model upside down and making
    it easier than ever to get ALL of our guides (including the 3
    brand new ones). We can't tell you exactly what we're planning
    just yet, but we can say that it's uncharted territory.

    Nobody's ever done this before, so we're pioneering into the
    Wild Wild West. :-D However, We've already gotten some feedback
    from a select few of you and we're very confident that you'll
    be happy with what's to come.

    We'll be releasing more information as we draw closer to the
    release date of these guides. So stay tuned and get ready. It's going to be a fun ride, we guarantee it.

    Talk soon!

    John Cook
    Zygor Guides, LLC