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Profession Guide News! Big Update - Lots of Fixes + New Features. :-)

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  • enigmachine
    "If we do go with a subscription model"

    ... you can expect a lot of customers to leave.

    "customers would not have to switch to the subscription"

    ... ever, if you want to keep them.

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  • Krayzee
    I'm not too bothered about a subscription fee but what I want to know is: are longer term customers (ie: myself) going to get a better deal then those who have just bought the guide? I remember in Wrath I think it was, people that bought the guide before a set date got the free update whereas I had to buy the whole thing. It wasn't too expensive it just made me feel like newer customers got the better deal. Can I expect the same situation this time around?

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  • mzanker

    I'd be very happy with a subscription scheme.

    To those complaining - remember this is for *new* content. You don't have to pay again for what you've already bought.

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  • shacalock
    I bought the dailies and Alliance guides just before Cataclysm and I can't beilieve how much help they have been. Having previously levelled/deleted around 20 lvl 80 toons it was becoming a pain in the butt to remember the quickest route to level each new toon and the Zygor guides have helped me to complete another 5 lvl 85 toons which most could be used as a main and are fairly max'd out. Each new product which comes out with Zygor updates I often look for the pay button and am shocked to see how much we get for free after the initial layout which to be fair is not bad at all ( the cost of a game ).

    If the plan IS to switch to a sub scheme, I'm all for it especially as previously mentioned it will help the team grow and bring us more content at a quicker pace.

    Keep up the great work, a definite thumbs up from me.

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  • Zygor
    Originally posted by rickandelle View Post
    I find it a little strange that people are so put off by the possiblity of a sub fee, I mean really? Do any of you have any idea how long it takes to actually make the guides? I mean these are great products, one of the reason I choose Zygor's over any other guides,(and I've tried alot, X-celerated,Dugi, etc...) is that there such a great High quality and simplicity that I know they were made by people who really care about there customers,

    So if they feel like this would be a more efficient business plan then I support them fully I know they will continue to make great guides and will continue to improve, something I can't say for other guides.

    I'm on board for the new plan be it a monthly sub fee or not, I know whatever you guys charge, what we get back will be well payed for .

    The fact that for already paying members not to have a monthly fee or to have to pay for updates should make most people grateful but I suppose most don't appreciate what they can get.
    Hey thanks a lot, we really appreciate that! :-)

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  • Zygor
    Originally posted by buzzaard View Post
    I bought all his guides and didnt really use tham as I have 1 main toon, a bank toon, and one toon I sometimes level before I purchased the products. I did level 2 toons to about 23pre cata and the guides were awesome and I felt like my money was well spent. I decided post Cata to start a new toon and the guide was such a mess I basically spent more time debugging it than leveling I pretty much quit leveling in the high 70's.

    I am not really into alts, loremaster, getting pets or mounts.

    I wouldnt mind paying a small update fee for each update I wanted as long as I could see what was in it, bug fixes should be free, new content yea I can go with that, maybe a incremental fee for each update or a version fee that covers all patches until new content is released.

    What I would really be interested in is a GOLD GUIDE!!!
    Gold making is so EASY now, though - it's just time consuming and that will never change. You really only have a few options:

    1. Dailies
    2. Playing the Auction House (buy low / sell high)
    3. Gathering Professions (gather and sell on Auction House)
    4. Farming / Grinding

    We already cover dailies and our Professions guides will help you learn where to gather things to sell with gathering professions. Playing the auction house is good in theory, but not everyone can do it, and it's very time consuming. Farming is super boring, but is probably the most viable option for a "Gold" guide.

    Do you basically want a Farming guide? What are you looking for in a Gold guide, I guess?


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  • rickandelle

    Originally posted by Zygor View Post
    We wish you luck then, too. :-(
    I find it a little strange that people are so put off by the possiblity of a sub fee, I mean really? Do any of you have any idea how long it takes to actually make the guides? I mean these are great products, one of the reason I choose Zygor's over any other guides,(and I've tried alot, X-celerated,Dugi, etc...) is that there such a great High quality and simplicity that I know they were made by people who really care about there customers,

    So if they feel like this would be a more efficient business plan then I support them fully I know they will continue to make great guides and will continue to improve, something I can't say for other guides.

    I'm on board for the new plan be it a monthly sub fee or not, I know whatever you guys charge, what we get back will be well payed for .

    The fact that for already paying members not to have a monthly fee or to have to pay for updates should make most people grateful but I suppose most don't appreciate what they can get.

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  • Zygor
    Originally posted by rmilyard View Post
    After posting I admit my comment was a little harsh. But at sametime you don't know what happened when purchasing my first guide. Getting charged $60 3 times would leaving feeling the same. Yes after 2 weeks dealing with banking vendor and 6 bounced fees in my bank might help you understand.
    This sounds like an issue with our payment processor. So, while we definitely understand and apologize for the frustration caused from a situation like that, that wasn't something we had direct control over. :-(

    Originally posted by remcintyre View Post
    While I can understand the need for additional income, especially based upon the amount of work you put into the guide (Thank you for that).

    Would it be possible to consider say a $0.99 (or even 2$) charge for each large (4.2 > 4.3) content patch, and additional fees for a larger content release (expansion pack).
    Thank you for your appreciation and, in theory, this idea isn't bad. However, for a very small company like Zygor, the product management side of things in our system would become a nightmare, so just really isn't a feasible option for us. Sorry.

    Originally posted by tengill View Post
    The thing is... i dont need the hord leveling guide...
    The way it is right now i pay for the guide i need.
    With a subscription i would get access to both guides i guess.
    Well i guess it comes down to pricing.
    But to be honest, with the level of quality they have given in the guides they have made, and the work they keep doing on updates, i will probably pay for a subscription.
    Even to im paying for 50% that i never will use, i think it might still be worth it.

    But ill wait for the official update.
    We believe the pricing is fair, especially since you'll be getting all of our products immediately, as well as expansion upgrades and any new World of Warcraft products we release in the future.

    It becomes "oh ok, I can spend a small fee each month and get everything now, and all future stuff too included", instead of "omg, I have to drop like $150+ to get everything right now, plus large amounts later when it's time to upgrade or new products are released".

    We've done a lot of analysis for this, and there actually will not be that big of a difference between the 2 models. This one just allows us to have a much more stable income to allow us to comfortably hire more people to help get things done a lot faster - which in turn helps us make the products even better for you guys.

    So we really think it's a win/win.

    Originally posted by AcidRaZor View Post
    I'll be happy IF the team at Zygor can release updates quicker/fix things faster. For example Firelands. Yea sure, you get used to the steps, and if you've done all the mark turn in quests you have all the dailies available to you (so no skipping Ricket), but you still have to manually go and skip conditional quests. Something I feel Zygor could have updated already. and if the change in their business model makes that happen, I'm all for it. As long as it doesn't break the bank.

    Oh... and Zygor dude (if you read this), please feel free to tell us what the other 2 guides are you will be releasing... You already have an established user-base with rave reviews. You might as well do what Blizzard does, release the info, create hype like that (get the word out before end of September) and get people onboard like that? I feel that'll be much more effective than "wait and see what we have in store"
    Bah, but us Warlocks are so secretive with the goodies! Alas, we'll spill the beans.

    Guides on the way:
    1. Professions
    2. Achievements
    3. Vanity Pets & Mounts

    Among others that are close behind. What?! We have to keep some goodies hidden!

    P.S. - Our Achievements guide is not going to be something laughable like 15 achievements. We're covering as many as humanly possible, in traditional Zygor fashion. :-D

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  • buzzaard
    I bought all his guides and didnt really use tham as I have 1 main toon, a bank toon, and one toon I sometimes level before I purchased the products. I did level 2 toons to about 23pre cata and the guides were awesome and I felt like my money was well spent. I decided post Cata to start a new toon and the guide was such a mess I basically spent more time debugging it than leveling I pretty much quit leveling in the high 70's.

    I am not really into alts, loremaster, getting pets or mounts.

    I wouldnt mind paying a small update fee for each update I wanted as long as I could see what was in it, bug fixes should be free, new content yea I can go with that, maybe a incremental fee for each update or a version fee that covers all patches until new content is released.

    What I would really be interested in is a GOLD GUIDE!!!

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  • AcidRaZor
    I'll be happy IF the team at Zygor can release updates quicker/fix things faster. For example Firelands. Yea sure, you get used to the steps, and if you've done all the mark turn in quests you have all the dailies available to you (so no skipping Ricket), but you still have to manually go and skip conditional quests. Something I feel Zygor could have updated already. and if the change in their business model makes that happen, I'm all for it. As long as it doesn't break the bank.

    Oh... and Zygor dude (if you read this), please feel free to tell us what the other 2 guides are you will be releasing... You already have an established user-base with rave reviews. You might as well do what Blizzard does, release the info, create hype like that (get the word out before end of September) and get people onboard like that? I feel that'll be much more effective than "wait and see what we have in store"

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  • tengill
    The thing is... i dont need the hord leveling guide...
    The way it is right now i pay for the guide i need.
    With a subscription i would get access to both guides i guess.
    Well i guess it comes down to pricing.
    But to be honest, with the level of quality they have given in the guides they have made, and the work they keep doing on updates, i will probably pay for a subscription.
    Even to im paying for 50% that i never will use, i think it might still be worth it.

    But ill wait for the official update.

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  • remcintyre
    While I can understand the need for additional income, especially based upon the amount of work you put into the guide (Thank you for that).

    Would it be possible to consider say a $0.99 (or even 2$) charge for each large (4.2 > 4.3) content patch, and additional fees for a larger content release (expansion pack).

    This would increase the general revenue, and would (I feel) limit the amount of bad vibes that your customers might feel otherwise. This way, they keep what they paid for, but if additional content is released, they are required to pay for the additional content guide.

    Your guide is actually quite expensive compared to the others out there, but it provides a great deal more features, which is fantastic, and it has been worth (to me) the large initial investment for a simple video game.

    Thanks for listening to the input though.

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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    Whatever happens, I am sure John and the team will have carefully evaluated the situation and proposals. Nothing outrageous will happen, they need our custom to stay afloat.

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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by dulak View Post
    With comments like that rmilyard, you can go over to some other guide seller. The prices they charge here are not bad at all compared to many I've seen. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

    After posting I admit my comment was a little harsh. But at sametime you don't know what happened when purchasing my first guide. Getting charged $60 3 times would leaving feeling the same. Yes after 2 weeks dealing with banking vendor and 6 bounced fees in my bank might help you understand.

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  • bjones9942
    Originally posted by cabby View Post
    Zygor has not yet said that the new plan is subscription. He has replied to subscription worries with his thoughts on how it might work, but he has yet to say that it will be subscription. I think everyone should just take a breather and wait to see what the official word will be when it comes out.
    Um, I think this pretty much says it *will* be a subscription (but I'll wait for an announcement):

    Originally posted by Zygor View Post
    Sorry, but we disagree. We've been bending over backwards to try to figure out a way to make this fair to everyone. You'll have used our guides for an entire year by the time this change happens. You're only going to have to subscribe if you want *new* guides. How are we being unfair?

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