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how to delete previous player info?

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    how to delete previous player info?

    I had a warrior on my server named Artanus, which was on level 26. I deleted him, and started a pally on the same server, with the same name. Now, my Zygor's is automatically forwarding the guide to where the old level 26 was, and showing all the steps completed.

    I have deleted my World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\*****\Zul'jin\Artanus folder, but this did not help. I can't seem to find the files that would cache anything in the Zygor folder, but there must be something somewhere that's reading from the old Artanus character.

    Any help?

    Did you try deleting all the Zygor and Cartographer files and reloading them from the members section?
    I use a Mac, so dont rip me if the WTF folder has Zygor guides in it LOL.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      no, actually I didn't, I'll try that now

      EDIT: that didn't work. I deleted the Viewer folder (I don't use Cartographer) and reinstalled, but still the same issues.

      Something somewhere has to have a cache of that character, I just can't see where it is...


        Delete your entire WTF folder, it will reset your addon settings.
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          I found it, I just edited the ZygorGuidesViewer.lua in the World of Warcraft\WTF\SavedVariables directory...

          I have too many addons and too many toons to delete the entire folder, it would take 3 days to get everything set back up correctly, lol


            Originally posted by danarris View Post
            I found it, I just edited the ZygorGuidesViewer.lua in the World of Warcraft\WTF\SavedVariables directory...

            I have too many addons and too many toons to delete the entire folder, it would take 3 days to get everything set back up correctly, lol
            So everything is working as it should now?
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              yes, I deleted the entries concerning this character (it records finished steps under the player's name), and left everything else as it was...everything is working fine now


                Thanks for this - this is a very handy tip. As an official Altoholic, I tend to reuse names that I like and this very behavior was driving me batty!

