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  • viruzzz
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    Netflix inflated their prices and took away services from their customers that they previously had. We're doing just the opposite by lowering our prices dramatically and giving customers our entire suite of products and all future products and upgrade content.
    What you are doing has nothing to do with what netflix did. It's like comparing apples and oranges. Your claim of lower prices make no sense Because those prices will be under a new pricing structure. Its like saying that the price of WOW is the listed price in the store. We all know that is a lie.

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  • szasha
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    Netflix used to include both DVD by mail and instant streaming all for one price. They took away the DVD by mail and split it off into its own separate service, requiring you to pay double for what used to be included.
    Technically, they didn't take DVD by mail away... they simply split the services... and mine was about 60% more ($16.94 vs $10.59). However, that was more than I was willing to pay, so I dropped the service. Back to Zygor... I have been a huge fan and have recommended you to everyone. I understand I can continue to update my guides until expansion... I understand that after that I have to subscribe or say goodbye. But hopefully before that time comes, you guys will come up with a plan to retain your pre-subscription members. Goodnite

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  • zarpus
    I was holding out on getting the final upgrade that I needed to have all of the current guides until I found out what this was all about. My members page still lists a $15 upgrade for either the Horde or Alliance Dailies and Events Guide, $30 for both I guess. The last time I was here I could upgrade both for $23 but that seems to be gone now on my member page. Zygor, on October 4th, after you move to the new plan and the monthly price, will I no longer be able to get this $23 upgrade so that I will have all of the current guides that are available now, at this moment? The reason I ask is that it's doubtful that I will be able to go with the subscription plan that you are planning because of my status of being on a fixed income (Social Security Disability), especially since those of us in this situation have not even gotten a cost of living increase for the past 2 years and I don't know whether we will be getting one this year either. I can barely make ends meet some moths as it is now so, perhaps, as much as I enjoy the game, maybe it's time for me to think about leaving not only Zygor Guides but the game as well.

    In any case, whatever I decide, I wish you luck in your new endeavor. It's been fun.

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  • 4d3fd0dc
    Originally posted by 4d3fd0dc View Post
    Ok for sake of argument, what happens if I do not want or need the other guides? Say I just want leveling guide. Is it fair that I have to pay a subscription for guides I do not use or want?
    Ok I'll concede to your Netlix arguement. But what about paying for guides I do not want or need?

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  • runebladez
    I think the monthly subscription fee is an excellent idea. I mean cmon...You all know its not going to cost as much as the game itself which is $14.99 right?..Even if it was half that it would be around $7.99 for the guides which IMO would be a fair price and If i know Zygor, he treats his customers like gold and I'M guessing that he will have them at $4.99 per month. Thats awesome!! cmon thats a pack of cigarettes for godsake!! lol And lets do some number crunching...if hes got over 50,000 customers paying $4.99 a month, that would be around $250,000 a month, which would be $3,000,000 a year for his comany....Sounds like a pretty good business decision to me. And have faith I'M sure hes gonna take care of the people that are allready long time members like myself.

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by 4d3fd0dc View Post
    And Netflix did not take away services, just raised price.
    Netflix used to include both DVD by mail and instant streaming all for one price. They took away the DVD by mail and split it off into its own separate service, requiring you to pay double for what used to be included.

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  • szasha
    Originally posted by gameslob View Post
    Will it still be possible to pay one sum for a new guide?
    Zygor support stated earlier that we would be able to continue to update our existing guides until an expansion. Once an expansion hits, we are being forced to go with monthly subscription.

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  • chris1763
    I dont really agree having a monthly fee is the right thing to do, as others have stated above you are alienating your current members in doing this. I really love the guides but when you go to this new payment model I agree with sobeit81 that those of us that have paid over $100 for these current guides receive several months free

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  • 4d3fd0dc
    And Netflix did not take away services, just raised price.

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  • gameslob
    Will it still be possible to pay one sum for a new guide?

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  • merlik
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    Netflix inflated their prices and took away services from their customers that they previously had. We're doing just the opposite by lowering our prices dramatically and giving customers our entire suite of products and all future products and upgrade content.
    Nice spin, we will see once the official pricing is released...

    You didn't lower price, you lowered the barrier to entry.

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  • 4d3fd0dc
    Ok for sake of argument, what happens if I do not want or need the other guides? Say I just want leveling guide. Is it fair that I have to pay a subscription for guides I do not use or want?

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  • szasha
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    Netflix inflated their prices and took away services from their customers that they previously had. We're doing just the opposite by lowering our prices dramatically and giving customers our entire suite of products and all future products and upgrade content.
    And how is what you are doing any different? You are taking away a service - the ability to buy the products outright. I don't know about the price yet... as you haven't told us the monthly fee... it could be more than the cost of the guide.

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  • Zygor Admin
    Originally posted by 4d3fd0dc View Post
    I own a business too. I appreciate u deserve income from your product. But take a lesson from Netflix, alienating your customers is not smart business.
    Netflix inflated their prices and took away services from their customers that they previously had. We're doing just the opposite by lowering our prices dramatically and giving customers our entire suite of products and all future products and upgrade content.

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  • szasha
    Originally posted by 4d3fd0dc View Post
    I own a business too. I appreciate u deserve income from your product. But take a lesson from Netflix, alienating your customers is not smart business. In this economy another monthly bill is what people don't need. I do appreciate your guides and the work you put into them.
    Yes, I dropped Netflix... please Zygor listen to your customer base... before this happens.

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