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  • Zygor
    Questions & Concerns Address Here:

    Shutting this one down to keep the conversation in one location. Thanks.

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  • silverhawk11
    Originally posted by maningrey View Post
    I think it is valid to point out that pretty much every customer doesn't want this subscription based method.
    Announcement is posted now. Let me know what you think.

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  • maningrey
    Originally posted by silverhawk11 View Post
    Thank you for citing information in the thread that is directly below this.
    I think it is valid to point out that pretty much every customer doesn't want this subscription based method.

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  • silverhawk11
    Originally posted by patje View Post
    Argument accepted. So make two options: Buy or rent. Set a minimun rent time above the sales price or - if actually possible - stop the usage. But some people don't want to depend on a company or bind themselvs to a subscription.

    Edit: Argument accepted sounds wrong. I understood what you mean and could follow it. I think I'm not in a position to "accept" Arguments or not

    Haha, I got what you meant . Glad my point was made clearly!

    Originally posted by maningrey View Post
    Poll as it currently stands.

    Yes - 2 - 4.35%

    No - 41 - 89.13%

    I really dont care - 3 - 6.52%
    Thank you for citing information in the thread that is directly below this.

    Originally posted by alz2011 View Post

    Oh really I do not see much evidence of it here. Did your research say “hey screw your old customer base over you have had their money anyway”.
    His/her reply was towards a member of the community who said they don't care for new guides. And, as stated within this 29 page thread, none of us except the staff know the actual pricing, or any other information about the subscription. Please, just allow them to post more information about the pricing changes :beg:.

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  • dmontgomery32
    Unfortunately, I do not see the value in paying $180 per year when I currently pay $75 per expansion ($40 for Leveling, $35 for Dailies/Events). I do not believe Blizzard will get to an expansion every 12 months, and I think 18 is being optimistic.

    Based on 18 month cycle: $75 vs. $270.

    I realize you are adding some very nice new guides. This issue is that I now must pruchase all of your guides. I don't play Horde, but now I have to pay for Horde Leveling Guides. I don't care about Titles, but now I have to pay for a Titles Guide. You have removed your customer's ability to chose which products they wish to purchase.

    I LOVE the Zygor guides. I have recommended them countless times. I think it is the best in class, and I've bought quite a few guides in my time to compare.

    But, most sadly, I will use the guides up to Level 85 (I understand you are not ending support for those) and Dailies and Events Guide (Which I hope you plan to continue to support as well), but I will not be signing up for the subscription service. I work in Marketing. I'm not getting a $14.99 per month/$180 per year return on my investment.

    I wish Zygor the best of luck. They have the best product, but they have priced me out of the market.

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  • Kamchak
    29 pages of you all bickering like a family at Thanksgiving dinner. HOWEVER, none of you KNOW ANYTHING about whats to come in pricing. So lets set a rule here for the thread;
    * If you want to gripe about the pricing, even though you have no clue what will actually come out of your pocket in the end, go for it.
    * If you disagree with the descent of those that dont want a monthly fee, state your case. However, if you cant do so in a manner that is respectful, then perhaps you need to ask why your responding to begin with.
    You all came here with a positive outlook on WoW, and wanted a guide to help you take the frustration aspect out of the game; and here we all are, even if that is all the similarity we share.
    Start to treat each other well, or Im shutting the thread down, and any others that take its place.

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  • alz2011
    Research this

    Originally posted by Zygor Support
    I'm sorry you feel that way but [URL="http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/showthread.php?10214-Which-Zygor-Guide-Would-You-Most-Like-To-See-Next"
    our own research[/URL] indicates that customers want these new guides very much.
    Oh really I do not see much evidence of it here. Did your research say “hey screw your old customer base over you have had their money anyway”.

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  • maningrey
    Poll as it currently stands.

    Yes - 2 - 4.35%

    No - 41 - 89.13%

    I really dont care - 3 - 6.52%

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  • patje
    Originally posted by silverhawk11 View Post
    [COLOR=#222222]I'm saying it's much easier for newcomers to spend $15 to get a suite of guides for just a month to try them out, and then drop it if they don't like it. They didn't spend the $100 to get the leveling and dailies guides. Prior to the subscription service, they had to beg their husband/wife/mom/dad/wallet for $50-$60 to get this really cool leveling guide for a video game.
    Argument accepted. So make two options: Buy or rent. Set a minimun rent time above the sales price or - if actually possible - stop the usage. But some people don't want to depend on a company or bind themselvs to a subscription.

    Edit: Argument accepted sounds wrong. I understood what you mean and could follow it. I think I'm not in a position to "accept" Arguments or not
    Last edited by patje; September 27, 2011, 06:31 PM. Reason: Argument "accepted"

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  • silverhawk11
    Originally posted by patje View Post
    If Zygor makes an millionaire-in-RL-guide, 15$ per month wouldn't be a problem to us
    But did you buy these guides in the last year? Otherwise you have your 200$ vs. 360$ or even more.

    I purchased mine on April 17th, 2009 . I honestly can't remember the prices when I purchased. I remember having to beg my wife for it, and now she knows I use them frequently, so I tell her when an update comes out and we just get the upgrade!

    Originally posted by 1manarmy View Post
    The problem with that is the recurring monthly fee? I own all of Zygor's guides and I don't even play Alliance but he priced both guides at a reasonable price so it was an easy decision. I spent my 180 bucks or whatever it was and have gotten my monies worth but now a monthly fee is unattractive to the existing customer. Let's say I spent 180 dollars over a 2 year period for the guides now compare that to paying 359.00 (14.99 X 24) for the next 2 years is not attractive.
    I agree with you if the revealed prices don't match purchasing a lifetime, so let's do some math. If you averaged the price of the guides at $30/faction (which it'd most likely be higher), then you're paying $270/faction or $540 for both for every guide. Then when a new expansion comes out, you're looking at another $15/faction or $30 for both, which you've now spent $405/faction and $810 for both. There's also the possibility of the company adding MORE guides, and then more expansions coming out. We have the same price each month regardless of an expansion upgrade, while lifetime members have to pay to upgrade their guides. Correct me if my math is wrong, though, haha :P.

    Originally posted by master View Post
    that guide is a short one. it would explain how to build a ponzi scheme like the one they are building. http://www.zygorguides.com/affiliates/
    It was a joke...

    EDIT: Woohoo! I just got 1,000 posts. That's what I've been aiming for all day .

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  • patje
    Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
    I'm sorry you feel that way but our own research indicates that customers want these new guides very much.
    Yes, and I would buy these guides, the day they are presented. I was looking forward making archivements with my new main with this guide. I know you make good workd and therefore I would like to suport you by buying even guides not very important to me. (Of course, if you really think each oof them is worth 40$ i would have thought about ist )

    I would maybe even think about an subscription-system, if the price and circumstances are fair, because I understand, that calculation is easier.

    1. Pricing: Max. 5$. I've a lifetime-update, I don't have to pay for this like new costumers - except for addons maybe. But even then is 5$ a maximum.

    2. Keep it: I want to buy a guide, not rend it. It would be okay to me, if you have to have been a subscriber for at least 6 or 12 months to keep the guides officially running. (Besides it was mentioned, it will be difficult to secure this for Zygor Guides in the first place.) They maybe outdated, if I can't afford updating them, but I don't want to feel loosing money.

    3. Attractiv: If the subscription is more than getting a few bugfixes or corrections of your guide (without changes within the game), it will become attractive and intresting. Paying for corrections or just when changes in WoW occur is not enouth for a monthly fee.

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  • dulak
    Originally posted by bjones9942 View Post
    Just an FYI - messages are being edited for reasons OTHER than profanity. I did not mention another competitor by name and yet zap goes part of my message. Nice Zygor.
    It's been happening here for ages. My personal opinion about the removal of competitor names is that they're afraid of losing business. Either way, meh, don't care that much.

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  • master
    Originally posted by alz2011 View Post

    Spot on I read your post no profanity only truth. Moreover, like all dictators, they erase the truth when it gets to unpleasant for them. It is only a matter of time before they close this thread and delete it.
    thats because they don't really care what we have to say. they already know what the monthly rate will be. you can't tell me that this much plaining and programming has been done and they are not sure what to charge.

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  • alz2011
    The truth is out there

    Originally posted by bjones9942 View Post
    Just an FYI - messages are being edited for reasons OTHER than profanity. I did not mention another competitor by name and yet zap goes part of my message. Nice Zygor.
    Spot on I read your post no profanity only truth. Moreover, like all dictators, they erase the truth when it gets to unpleasant for them. It is only a matter of time before they close this thread and delete it.

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  • coasty
    Originally posted by dulak View Post
    That's how subscriptions for everything works. If you get cable from your local provider at say, 100 a month. Then they run a special 4 months later where new customers can get the exact same thing for 50 a month for the first 6 months, are you gonna go complain to them about it and cancel your service? I doubt it.
    Good point. That's exactly how Comcast works.

    BUT... You didn't mention that all a current customer has to do to is call customer service and complain about it, and you also get that promotion price. I know you can because I've done so multiple times, with multiple companies not just with Comcast. What Comcast relies on, like other companies with similar promotions, is that almost all of their current customers won't bother to call and complain about it. It's called customer apathy.

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