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    Bad Idea for existing customers

    Originally posted by andyst2409 View Post
    this is good and ensures my continued support zygor.... nice 1

    with the initial statement above i have quoted you on the last 2 items on the sub list above will be irrelevant (for me)

    i have 10 x 85's (which you kindly complemented me on) so profs are sorted, titels im not really bothered about. pets and mounts?? i wouldn't spend money on trying to get them, reputations.... well thats covered by dailies mainly (and i have that guide )
    leaving just 2 products, macros and Achievements. Both do interest me i will admit... would i buy guides for them... the achievements i thinkso ...macros?? i write my own so you would need to convince me...if you did then yes i would... BUT

    tie myself to $6 pcm to use them both? and lose functionality when my bills get too much or i get made redundant? ummm no i dont think so

    the beauty of your existing pricing model is that when its bought....its ours ...to fall back on and reffer to for months / years to come ...regardless of our curcumstances.

    the new proposed system ...well a new wow player could subscribe for 10 months ($60)...then for whatever reason not be able to afford it anymore and its gone...what does he have to show for his / her $60 ??? nothing.....until he/she can afford to resume paying.

    Theres an old addage used over here in the uk
    "if it aint broke ....dont fix it"
    i really would ask you to reconsider the whole "subscription" idea

    (for myself as an"Old customer" i will be happy to coninue paying 1 off payments for guides each expansion as yours are the best)


    Well said Andy .
    I reluctantly subscribed to Zygor following Blizzards statement on not allowing paid for add-ons to be used, having previously used a free product which was "bought off". Not malpractice, but in my opinion dirty tricks. I use Carbonite for some of it's features and they were forced to provide this for free, so I wonder why Zygor can charge, and if subscription services will effect their 'permission' as such?

    Admittedly the guides are better, however having to pay for then stump up for upgrades for 2 current users was already a pain. As an existing customer I have already invested with Zygor and feel it is an imposition if not an insult to the Customer base to force them to pay close on $60.00 per annum in order to get access to possibly seldom used guides.

    I will be looking for alternatives elsewhere now, as this seems to be a case of fleecing the existing customers!



      Frankly I am still waiting for your programs to fix the Macintosh version that I have already purchased.

      For the last 6 months or more the Mac version of your updater has said there is "no" version at all installed, above the listing for the new/current version.

      I realize this does not effect whether the program works or not, but it amazes me that you cannot seem to fix this simple problem.


        Originally posted by galrash View Post
        If the purpose of this post is to criticize Zygor for treating this like a business that needs to be profitable, and encourage affiliate advertising... thats absolutely moronic. Any service you receive to be profitable to the company providing it. I have no issues for Zygor using the affiliate program and it makes complete sense in the online WoW market.
        Let me clarify this response with a dignified reply:

        what disturbs me is the way you sell yourself to others
        While at the surface this can appear to mean sell as defined by dollars, in actuality I was referring to the image of the company portrayed by the composition of the affiliates page. I was then indeed linking this image with a deeper underlying attitude of the creators.

        If I was not clear I apologize.


          Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
          Yes. One time fee option for expansion upgrades will still be offered to all customers who previously purchased guides.
          This is made of Pure, Unadulterated Win


            Thanks for clarifying, Zygor The pricing looks very fair to me, even as an existing customer who has bought everything you've released so far.

            Sure, new customers will get a better deal but that's how the world works - get used to it! I've lost count of the number of times I've bought something only to have the price come down a couple of months later


              Originally posted by hihostevo View Post
              Frankly I am still waiting for your programs to fix the Macintosh version that I have already purchased.

              For the last 6 months or more the Mac version of your updater has said there is "no" version at all installed, above the listing for the new/current version.

              I realize this does not effect whether the program works or not, but it amazes me that you cannot seem to fix this simple problem.
              I'm a Mac user and have had no such problems - it works absolutely fine for me.


                /moderator hat off
                /rant on

                I keep seeing all this crying and complaining about why someone can get the guides now for $6 when you paid $60 for the guides within the last year. I paid $100 for my guides back in the BC days, spent another $50 to upgrade them to WotLK, then spent another $30 to upgrade to Cata, and that's just the leveling guides. Let's not forget the Dailies guides that was another $60 for the guides and then another $30 for the Cata upgrade. Do you see me complaining about someone getting all of that for $6? No you don't. It's simple economy and business. Do you really sit there and complain every single day of the week about something that just went down in price and now someone can buy it cheaper than when you bought it a week ago? This stuff happens every day of the week. Do everyone a favor and before you start the self-centered complaints about how much you've spent on something and the new prices think about all those who have spent a whole lot more than you have for the same items.

                /rant off
                /moderator hat on
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                  I was talking to around 40 senior/retired/disabled people in the UK last night about the subscription service for zygor. All of us own zygor guides.
                  Because we are a minority group we don't get price reductions for anything like this. Meaning we just can't afford to shell out moeny on a monthly basis.
                  The main argument is, for what you pay monthly you could save it and buy another guide for a one off payment from one of zygors competitors who don't charge a monthy fee.
                  I recomended zygor to a lot of them, something i will not be doing in future because of the changes.


                    Originally posted by cabby View Post
                    It may be cheaper - I don't think so. But even if it would be a little bit more expensive: I would buy it. But I want to buy it. If I'm playing less a month I don't want to feel like throwing money away with subscribing to zygor guides. If I'm short of money aI want to have an guides paid in month I had the money AND be able to use it. I don't want to pay for 1 new guide (it's not really six, another guide privides nearly the same content as one) as much as others for 3 (Archivement-Package, Level and Dailies&Event).

                    I decided to give another guide a chance for the archivement and profession part and maybe just use the abilitiy to upgrade with a single fee. If Zygor gets more interessting content I may think about coming back, but getting the archivement guide for 25$ and free updates seems better to me, even if I liked Zygor and wouldn't have thought about changing.


                      Originally posted by cabby View Post
                      /moderator hat off
                      /rant on

                      I keep seeing all this crying and complaining about why someone can get the guides now for $6 when you paid $60 for the guides within the last year. I paid $100 for my guides back in the BC days, spent another $50 to upgrade them to WotLK, then spent another $30 to upgrade to Cata, and that's just the leveling guides. Let's not forget the Dailies guides that was another $60 for the guides and then another $30 for the Cata upgrade. Do you see me complaining about someone getting all of that for $6? No you don't. It's simple economy and business. Do you really sit there and complain every single day of the week about something that just went down in price and now someone can buy it cheaper than when you bought it a week ago? This stuff happens every day of the week. Do everyone a favor and before you start the self-centered complaints about how much you've spent on something and the new prices think about all those who have spent a whole lot more than you have for the same items.

                      /rant off
                      /moderator hat on
                      To me it's great to have a subscription service but I have disagree with you if a user stays for an average of 6 to 8 months which is industry standard (BTW I am in Internet Marketing) They would use the service and pay roughly $36 total for the usage of all the guides.

                      Now the standard Wow Player stays in a subscription basis for anywhere from 8 months to 3 years. On the low end they would pay to rent the guides at least $48 for the 8 months. But since wow players have a very high retention rate when it comes things about wow they are looking to spend over the next three years an Average of $172 to $216.

                      So I can see how people like myself that purchase the guides previously, upgrades etc would be annoyed, I'm not I don't really care either way. On Rl I'll make money on the product, the game end I'm all good there as well.

                      So long term it's good for business, but it might not be so great for the end user time will tell.


                        My comment wasn't directed at you patje (unless you were one of the dozens of posts complaining about the new customers getting the same thing as you have for cheaper) but I do understand what you mean. I even have a post in this thread (not sure how many pages back now) stating that I'd like to see one time fees for all of the different guides to go along with the subscription model. I'm pretty sure at this point in time that won't happen but it would be nice to see it at some point in the future.
                        My Flight Path Follies guide

                        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                          Originally posted by cabby View Post
                          /moderator hat off
                          /rant on

                          I keep seeing all this crying and complaining about why someone can get the guides now for $6 when you paid $60 for the guides within the last year. I paid $100 for my guides back in the BC days, spent another $50 to upgrade them to WotLK, then spent another $30 to upgrade to Cata, and that's just the leveling guides. Let's not forget the Dailies guides that was another $60 for the guides and then another $30 for the Cata upgrade. Do you see me complaining about someone getting all of that for $6? No you don't. It's simple economy and business. Do you really sit there and complain every single day of the week about something that just went down in price and now someone can buy it cheaper than when you bought it a week ago? This stuff happens every day of the week. Do everyone a favor and before you start the self-centered complaints about how much you've spent on something and the new prices think about all those who have spent a whole lot more than you have for the same items.

                          /rant off
                          /moderator hat on
                          as you did /moderator hat off /rant on

                          i'll my equiv
                          /gloves off
                          /steel toecapped boots on
                          /rant on

                          so you paid in excess of $200-300 for your guides.... well so did some of us so thats nowt to shout about... the upgrade pricing structure you so well described above is a standard pricing model and works. cool all happy so far???? good then i'll continue

                          learn to read my friend.... its not the price we are complaining about its the constant draw on our already dwindling monthly financial resources..... and the fact that it doesnt matter how many months/years we pay for this in subscription..... as soon as a payment is missed you're locked out

                          now think of it this way... $6 pcm x 12 = $72 per year...... for 6 guides and upgrades / updates thats a damn good deal
                          now x that by the 5 yrs blizz expects wow to continue = $360 ok thats a lot of money for some people but for 6 guides upgrades and updates its still good value.

                          but what if its only 1 of the new products that you want? say the achievment guide? then its not looking like a good deal or value for money at all......

                          tbh if i was zygor i would offer both options
                          $6 pcm for all ..... for those who do and want to do everything in wow
                          and (based on roughly the price of the guides last time around ..im old my memory is shot ) $29.99 for each individual guide as a 1 off payment

                          that way zygor gets the best of both worlds and everyone is happy

                          so dont just see the surface that ppl are bitching about the prices look deeper and read between the lines befor you come out with ill concieved comments like your post ok?

                          just my 2pence worth no hard feelings /handshake

                          /withdraws boot
                          /puts gloves back on
                          /doff's hat in your direction


                            damn took so long with the above post
                            it became outdated lol
                            how typically british of me


                              You are a customer service genius, not.

                              So customers come up with valid complaints, and your answer is to throw abuse.

                              This hat on, hat off thing doesnt work, you are a paid lacky, so stfu, people are entitled to their opinion.


                                So much hate...

                                Well as a super casual player, Zygor Guides is my life line.
                                I play maby 3h to 6h a month and when i do i load up the guide and go.
                                As i have all the alliance guides i need to look at what the new guides offer me.

                                From what i can tell there is no information regarding the nature of the new guides in terms of if they are in game guides or website guides. (like the food and drink or Archaeology guides).

                                Now i expect that they are in game guides so the question becomes the content of the guides.

                                New Products Include:
                                * Professions
                                * Achievements
                                * Pets & Mounts
                                * Titles
                                * Reputations
                                * Macros
                                * Future Expansion Upgrades
                                * Future Products

                                I can say right away that im interested in all of the guides, now the Macros one has me thinking that it will not be a in game guide but that is fine it dos not need to be.

                                If i can get a confirmation that all the guides (except the macro one) is in game guides, i WILL subscribe to the service.

                                With regards to the question of HOW they will "turn off" the guides for the people that end there subscriptions that is a harder nut to crack.
                                If they are going to use the same method they are to day, then a lot of people will cheat.
                                Sorry but that´s just the nature of man and woman.
                                Im intrigued in what solution they are going with and im looking forward to more information.

                                Now they mention future products and this got me interested, as far as i know there is only one mmo to be released that is a lot like WoW and that is the star wars one.
                                Now i do not know if that game supports mods, but if it do then maby Zygor is thinking of making a guide for it.

                                I like the people working in this company, the work they do and im in a position where the monthly fee do not impact me as much (im one of the lucky few with a resection proof job) so i will support them.

                                I think we have a case of the normal way forums work going on to day, in that only the worried people are posting in them.

