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Pets & Mounts, Titles & Rep Video - Comment to Win WoW Game Time!

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    One of the reasons I lost interest in WOW is because pets I wanted were just too confusing to get & I didn't know where to start. I bought a flying mount which made life a lot easier but there's a lot more I want that I can't get because I don't know where to go or what quests I have to do to get them.

    Zygor at least gives me some hope that I can make some headway here so I have to tip my hat off to him that he does seem to have his finger on gamers pulses and knows what we like and don't like and quickly withdrew subscriptions when we objected.

    These new Zygor Guides have got me seriously thinking about returning to WOW but I'd like some time to try them as I don't have any subscription time left.


      Zygor Guides is doing it once again. They seem to have a knack for knowing what players need in the game. The guides are so simple to follow and a player can do just about anything they want to do in the game and be able to reach the highest level with Zygor Guides. I am excited to see the Reputations Guide and seeing how it plays out. There are some many reputations that a player needs to get for great armor, mounts, and profession scrolls, having all of that information in one guide is going to be fantastic! I cant wait to see what they do next.



        i really love you guide a have lvl 6 85 so far looking forward to get my profession up and get mount bring alot too me cause i dont want to spent alot og time reading on the net what to do

        your guid are the number one i will have to get all the new stuff, but still a day to go long time to wait



          Cudos to Zygor

          I bought my first guide probably 2 years ago and it has changed my WOW life. I have had very little luck in finding or getting a cool mount for any of my toons and think the Pets and Mounts guide will fit the bill and help me look much cooler out there.

          thanks Zygor


            I love your guides cause they are really user friendly. I'm looking forward to the rep, title and pet guides. Those guides will make my life a lot easier playing wow. Keep up the great work


              the achievement guide is the best, ty zygor


                Pets & Mounts Guid forsure!

                Pets & Mounts Guid forsure! I love collecting mounts and this is going to be a great tool!


                  We're getting responses from the members who love reading but don't like posting. To those of you who rarely post here, welcome!

                  I'll use every guide there is (eventually), but my favorite one will end up being the Achievement guide. The other guides all help in getting the easy achievements (and some of the harder ones, Reputation guide for that), but all the hard achievements are going to be in this guide.
                  My avatar is an actual photo of me. Nice or ugly?


                    I'm especially looking forward to the professions guide since I have many different professions on my different characters and it's annoying to browse for these offline-guides. Second I'm looking forward to the Pets & Mounts Guide since I want to get some of these awesome mounts and I never liked it to spend too much time on getting them.


                      Profession guide

                      Long i have waited for this guide, as it is now it takes too long time to lvl professions up to the maximum lvl 525 and it's really expensive for me it coast a lot of gold.

                      The new profession guide, think it will help me a lot to lvl all my profession's

                      And the second guide/guides i have waited for is the rep and macro's guides because it it is really annoying to minimize the game when you have to follow a guide on the internet to use macro's or to the rep and profession guides

                      The Pets & Mounts and Title guides is also something i have been waiting for because it is cool to have many different Mounts/pets and to have a lot of titles

                      So all i have to say is keep up the good work Zygor, really cant wait to get the new guides to my addons, thanks Zygor, really much


                        Well one of my alts is called Catchemall so obviously the pet & mounts guide is of great interest to me as I want to catch 'em all!!!

                        Like the look of the rep & macros too and I'm pretty sure I'll be buying the professions guide too but pets & mounts? That's the one I'm most looking forward to....


                          Thanks again Zygor! I cant wait mainly for professions guide & pets/mounts i find it hard to gain the right a amount of gold to buy mounts or even the flying skill early on. So this + you already owned level guide its game on



                            Awesome. I have been looking forward to these guides for a time. For the moment I'm having a "summer-break" from wow. With the guides, I think I'll start again :-) Thanks for listening to your costumers about subscription. I hope that you make booth options available.


                              I am seriously looking forward to the Pets and Mounts guide. My main is a serious collector, but I can never get organised enough to complete the collections; I am sure that the guide will solve my problem


                                I never thought I would come back to WoW before the next expansion or at least the announcement of it. But with all those guides I'm sure I will try some things out.

