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Pets & Mounts, Titles & Rep Video - Comment to Win WoW Game Time!

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    Zygor, oh, Zygor, wisest of gnomes,
    you've guided so many, the young and the old,
    yet so many secrets - undiscovered and untold -
    remain still in Azeroth, land that I roam

    Zygor, oh, Zygor, most magnificent of gnomes,
    so many times I have looked up in awe
    to warriors with armor I never even saw,
    but now, thanks to thee, I can make these my own

    Zygor, oh, Zygor, most brilliant of gnomes,
    I seek your council for glory once more,
    I wish to earn treasure I've gained never before,
    be it gold and silver, or glimmering stones

    So far my ear-crushing Ode to Zygor. And yes, it sounds about equally terrible in Orcish.

    Anyway, all ass-kissing aside, playing WoW with Zygor guides has made this huge and increasingly versatile game a lot easier, especially now I have a lot less free time. Leveling is a lot more fun when you can save minutes or hours on the grinding quests, so you can enjoy the more epic story-lines and plots.
    The one problem I still have is leveling my professions. Somehow I never seem to get the hang of it, and almost every time it gets way too expensive. Grinding for the materials is a lot more tedious if you don't have a guide pointing you in the right direction, and grinding is boring enough as it is. So I'll be looking forward most to the professions guide.

    I'm very happy to see that you're expanding your guides to other domains then dailies and quests. It'll make a lot of the add-ons I'm using now unnecessary. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to this release!


      Hey oh !

      I think all the guides are greats, i leveled up more than 7 characters to 85, without being bored !


        I am most interested in the Professions and Achievement guides, though leaning more towards Achievements. I already use a free website for powerleveling my professions, and using an addon, I can easily see what makes money in the AH just by looking at my profession window. For this reason, I'd like to see how Zygor competes. Can't wait!


          I have levelled toons on both Alliance and Horde and could not imagine trying to level without your guides. Top notch content and the updates since i started have only make it easier and more enjoyable.

          Looking forward to the profs guides as i try and have all professions covered on each server. (saves and makes me $$$)

          Keep up the excellent work...


            So what i really want to know is what time these go on sale? I have money trying to jump out of my wallet like its on fire or something. might as well spend it on the guides

            needed to clarify, 12 midnight (pst,est)?


              Zygor has the best guide system for WoW and listens to its customers. Now Zygor is getting even better with more guides! I can't wait for the Pets and Mounts guide as well as the macro guide since I don't know how to make macros myself very well, and I like to collect as many pets and mounts as I can get my hands on! Thanks for the great guides and keep up the great work, Zygor!



                Myself I've been looking forward mostly to the achievement guide. I'm a giant overachiever and I think getting achievements is way underrated in WoW. Too many people are busy raiding and pvping once they hit 85. I've been working on getting EVERY achievement possible in the game. I'm glad Zygor is coming to my rescue as I was almost about to give up Finally with the Achievement Guide I'll be able to achieve my Overachiever title!



                  I Have been using your guides since day one but till this i wonder why zygor? i mean why did you name your guides zygor? its not bad at all im just curious as to how you got the name ZYGOR?


                    Originally posted by vergan View Post
                    I Have been using your guides since day one but till this i wonder why zygor? i mean why did you name your guides zygor? its not bad at all im just curious as to how you got the name ZYGOR?
                    It was the name of John's main character when he was playing the game just for fun.
                    Zygor Guides Creative Director


                      I am most excited for the Mounts guide. I am a huge mount collector and want to get 100 mounts on all of my characters for the red dragonhawk's and albino drake. I have close to 50 mounts if not over 50 mounts on most of my characters...with the exception of my rogue whoi is only level 32 so I am currently working her things. I was always saying it would be great if I could havea guide to help me obtain those mounts! Now you guys are about to put one out...YAY!
                      I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


                        Love the videos ...


                          To clarify:

                          The new guides (as well as all current guides) go on sale at approx. 12 pm PDT tomorrow.

                          A dungeon guide is pretty far down on the list, as far as I know. The team will be working on getting the kinks out of the new guides in the coming weeks, so a brand new guide would not be up for at least 8 months (excluding expansions).
                          My avatar is an actual photo of me. Nice or ugly?


                            Pets & Mounts Wow!!!!

                            I have used the levelling guide, together with the profession ones.
                            I was delighted of the ability to keep everything updated patch after patch in such a short time.
                            And now PETS & MOUNTS: simply the best gift for any Wow fan, that has interest to explore the warcraft world in the its most hidden areas, quests and achiev...
                            No other thing will make the game more enjoyable.
                            Again GRATZ!!!


                              I can't wait for the Pets and Mounts guide - I am always trying to outdo my hubby in that area. However, I think the Macro guide is the one I will get the most use out of because that is an area that has always vexed me. Truth be told, I will probably end up getting all of the guides, as Zygor has never let me down. I have always enjoyed the guides and can't wait to see the new ones!! Keep up the good work, guys!

                              Ruchia - 85 Dranei Mage
                              Orihimay - 85 Worgen Rouge


                                Hi, love the idea of all guides mentioned, but wish you would revert back to having subscription payment. I won't be able to afford block prices.

                                Mordraign, nagrand, nelf hunter

