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Refer-A-Friend Smart Injection?

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    Refer-A-Friend Smart Injection?

    So I'm doing refer-a-friend and the quest guide doesn't change from the normal one. I'm leveling up faster than the guide which is telling me to keep doing lower level quests. While this isn't a huge problem because I get a lot of bonus experience anyways I'm just wondering what is the smart injection supposed to be doing for refer-a-friend players? Is it just supposed to tell me when to switch guides to go level in another area?

    Exactly. No matter why you outlevel the guide (heirlooms, guild XP bonus, recruit a friend) it will suggest zones suitable for your level.
    However on some occasions it may be necessary to do low level quests for reputation or quest chains later on. I think you need all of the 1-5 quests and may even need to stick to the guide until you finished the first zone (normally at around level 10).


      And depending on how fast you skip you may be traveling a lot. With just heirlooms my warrior had to do some big traveling to get to the next guide section but Zygor or his staff (can't remember which) has stated they are working on solving this issue. Just in case for some reason check the Flight Master to see if you have the Flight Point. Blizzard has changed up how you get Flight Points some. I know for sure that my warrior didn't have this one flight point I needed one time and I just check it to see if I had anywhere closer and the Flight Point I had to go to was already on my Flight Map and I know I had never been there before on that character so check it before you try to walk or use a mount.
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Also, check in the guide settings (right-click the Z icon on the mini-map) that, under Step Completion, you have "pop-up guide suggestions" selected.

        And, on the main guide window, click the down arrow at the top right to bring up the guide selection window, then click "Suggest" - it should list zones which are more appropriate for your level.


          Ok so basically its just outleveling the guide it will suggest you move to new zones faster. Ok, I was just wondering if I wasn't using the guide correctly. I noticed the flight master thing, definitely making life easier. I'm level 37 now at under 1 day played. Definitely making leveling a lot easier.

