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a few questions

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    a few questions

    i have a few questions. i would have asked sooner but my forum account was ban.

    i cant get my creature viewer window to move away from the guide viewer. it is stuck to the left side of the guide viewer. i have tried clicking on it all over.

    i use the guide in upside down mode. but the tool tips for step forward and step backward cover the guide steps. how can i move the tool tip?

    i see on the zygor home page it says 100% in game guides. this lead me to believe that 100% or all of the guides would be in game. the macro guide is not?

    where are all the guides that was online in the members section? you used those guides as a selling point when i bought my original leveling guides. you had no reason to take them away and i want them back.

    will a lot more content be added to the professions guide? this is the most expensive guide and has the least amount of information in it. on your home page it says These guides are best suited for. Players looking for the best ways to make gold. it also says make money, no gimmicks. this leads me to believe the guide will help me make gold. i had my professions maxed already. i bought this guide to make gold. also where is the farming part of this guide? on your home page it says “Players who would like the opinion of farming materials, rather than buying them”. how is that not misleading?

    on your home page it says join over 60,000 zygor guides users. if this is true and not a mistype that is amazing! well done. but for having 60,000 users don’t you think the forums here are dead and lacking content? you are quick to respond to problems. but as far as discussion between the 60,000 users goes its dead. an idea to help fix this would to be to have some sort of events or contests.

    i have bragged you name and guides to all of my friends that i play wow with. your leveling guides were a+ the best out there. what happened with round 2 of the guides? i get the feeling when using these guides. that they are un finished and quickly thrown together. it feels like i am using cheep guides. but they are far form cheep to buy. i will not be telling people about the new guides.

    I'll give you some unofficial answers since these can change at anytime as Zygor sees fit, but they're fairly accurate at this time.

    1. The NPC viewer can't be detached from the guide window and moved as far as I know. This might be a suggestion for the team as an option in the future.

    2. As far as I know the tool tips can't be moved unless you're very familiar with the LUA coding and go into the guide viewer lua file and do some manual editing of that file.

    3. The macro guide is currently more of a tutorial on how to make and use macros in game. Zygor has said that he does have plans to make this a hybrid guide where there will be some stuff in game and the tutorial we currently have on the web. There has been no ETA on when the in game portion will happen.

    4. Those bonus guides will return. Zygor has said he wasn't sure if he'd just put them up in the Members Area again or if he'd convert them over to in game guides. You haven't lost them permanently, just right now due to the website redesign they're in a bit of limbo, but they will be back.

    5. First, don't forget that the cost wasn't just for the Professions guide but also the Achievements guide and that has a lot in it too. Zygor has been listening to all of the feedback concerning the Professions guide and is looking at many ways to improve it based on that feedback. I don't know exactly what they will add to it but there has been a lot of suggestions. For the 'best ways to make gold, no gimmicks' thing, in WoW the best way to make gold without playing the AH is thru the trade skills and the Professions guide will help you to get those trade skills maxed so you can make gold with them. I know that for someone with already maxed professions it isn't very useful right now, but like I said they are working on improving it. For the 'option of farming materials, rather than buying them' that was in reference to learning professions. For example, if you're working on Alchemy the guide will give you the option to go farm supplies with herbalism or buy them from the AH. The team are currently working on getting some kind of farming routing in place like you're looking for I believe, and in the mean time you can hold CTRL + ALT while clicking on the forward and backward step arrows to be able to find those routes to use.

    6. While I also think it would be nice to have more community interaction here with all the guide users, most of them just purchase their guides and play the game ignoring the forums. There's really nothing we can do about that. Just look at the contest for the free game time cards and look at how many responded compared to how many own the guides and you'll see that unless someone has any major problems with the guides they just ignore this stuff.

    7. What happened with the new guides was Zygor listening to his customers about the subscription model. Originally the new guides were designed with the thought of the subscription model being used and everyone having all guides. This meant that the guides were designed to be interactive. For example, the new Reputations guide could use all of the reputation guides that were already in the Dailies guides without needing to re-type it all and have it duplicated in 2 guides. After the announcement of the release date of the new guides along with the announcement of the subscription model there was quite an uproar from the community about not wanting subscriptions. Zygor decided to change his mind about the subscription model but still had to release the guides on the date promised or there would have been an even bigger uproar about not releasing the guides when promised. Zygor and the team (I think 4 people total) only had a few days to start trying to re-do the guides to try to make them individual guides instead of interactive. Needless to say there wasn't enough time to accomplish this. Zygor and the team are doing their very best to finish that conversion and to fix any bugs that are found in the shortest time possible, while also listening to the feedback and thinking of ways to incorporate new suggestions. I know this has been a bit of a rough launch for the new products when compared to previous guide releases such as the Dailies, but I'm sure that once everything has been fixed and the suggestions implemented that the new guides will live up to the Zygor name and be worth every penny.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Originally posted by cabby View Post
      1. The NPC viewer can't be detached from the guide window and moved as far as I know. This might be a suggestion for the team as an option in the future.
      You can detatch it. If you click-drag along the top edge of the NPC viewer pane after the close X pops up you can move it around. Also, click-dragging either of the two lower corners under the same condition allows resizing.


        Good to know, I never have it turned on so never had to think about moving it.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

