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Graphics performance after 5.0.4

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    Graphics performance after 5.0.4

    I have a core i7 processor and an AMD HD 68xx graphics card. Up to 5.0.4 I've been happily playing on Ultra with at least 60fps, even in Orgrimmar and Stormwind with lots of players. Since 5.0.4 I'm lucky to get 40-50 fps, even out in the open (e.g. Mulgore).

    What have they changed? I'm having to play on High now - even then it often dips below 60fps and seems a bit jerky when I'm flying around. Are there any changes I can make to get things back how they were or is it just a new WoW graphics engine?


    OK, I see plenty of other people are complaining on the WoW forums. Hopefully this is something that will be fixed in the patches running up to MoP.


      Normally Blizzard improves the overall graphics with every addon which costs a bit performance.
      I think on my computer it did not drop very much, I have 30-50 FPS in the new Pandaria zones and 40-60 in the older zones and unpopulated Sotrmwind with ultra settings, 8x multisampling, 1680*1050.
      I have a Phenom II X4 965 and a Geforce GTX 460.


        Yes, after reading some of the horror stories on the Blizzard forums (people going from 30-40 fps down to less than 10) I guess I don't have it too bad

        Just installed the latest AMD drivers (Catalyst said it was up to date but there were newer ones on the web site) and I'm now running on high settings. with distance set to ultra and getting a pretty steady 60 (vsync enabled) everywhere. This is 1920x1080 windowed full screen.

        Unfortunately, flight is still a little choppy even at 60fps which it never was before 5.0.4.


          Also meant to say that I appreciate that Blizzard will make graphics engine improvements with each expansion but this latest one appears to have really crippled a lot of people. That's why I'm hoping that some of the performance drop is down to sloppy coding which will hopefully be fixed in minor patches.


            The big question is how stable are the FPS. If 30 is the minimum and it does not drop further in dungeons or raids it's fine, after 2 years without an upgrade my PC is on the lower end and the WoW engine has never been the best...


              Also keep in mind, Bliz ran a checker on your system before loading the patch, changing the structure of your game on your system. You may recall the info box stating it was to, among other things, make the game 'lighter' to your system. What this means is your cashe files were changed, getting written over or written from scratch. Plus there are just bugs prominent in every program update, much less one of this size.
              All combined there will be some glitches in video quality and FPS drops for a week or so.
              "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                I wonder if they've changed something in 5.0.5? I'm now getting over 50fps at 1920x1080 on ultra.

