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Already got Zygor but thinking of buying Dugi guide. Help!

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    Already got Zygor but thinking of buying Dugi guide. Help!

    The reason I am asking is because I really want to level a couple of new classes before MOP actually goes live but there is one problem, back when I leveled my Mage I was Alliance, now this level 40 priest I am trying to power level is Horde, so I do not have a guide for it. Don't get me wrong, Zygor was the first and only leveling guide I ever used, it was just so epic! The thing that is mainly attracting me to go to Dugi is because someone in game told me that their guide isn't bad and actually has I think all or most of their guides in one download and they give free updates for life, as well as Zygor. I have no problem sticking with Zygor, it's just the though of "I really wanna try something new out" that's making me kind of want to try it out. Does anyone have any honest comparison between Zygor and Dugi? Compare/Contrast? Also any input is greatly appreciated, trying to get as many 85's as possible before MOP!

    I like the Zygor guide more because of the following:
    I never liked the tourguide style where you only get one line that does not really tell you what to do, you either need to move the mouse over that line to get further instructions or open the whole guide.
    I can make my own guide and fix issues with the guides because the Zygor guide files are plain readable text.

    BTW, this "pay that much and get all upgrades for free" thing is only marketing, to benefit from it as a new customer you would need to buy all guides available including a video gold guide to get to the mentioned price... And then you won't get new guides, only upgrades for some of their guides, even the achievements and professions guide is not included.


      So Dugi doesn't have the "TomTom" navigation arrow to tell you what to do exactly? You also stated "I never liked the tourguide style where you only get one line that does not really tell you what to do" Can I ask what exactly do you mean by that? Are you saying that about Dugi specifically or just other guides in general?

      But thanks man, guessing I'll stick with Zygor and just purchase the Alliance leveling guide to level 90 since it's 20$ that leaves me with some money to transfer my toon to alliance side lol. Someone give this broke man some change! jk lol thanks for the help I appreciate it guys, if there's any way we can use any type of promo or coupon code that would be amazing though
      Last edited by yo0123yo; September 8, 2012, 12:03 AM. Reason: Shorten


        I think all current ingame guides have a navigation arrow, there's no difference.
        But most other guides use the TourGuide style.
        This means for example if you have to kill mobs they only tell you "kill this and that". Not for which quest, not how many, not where (except for the waypoint). For all those information you need to move the mouse across that line.
        The Zygor guide shows much more information at first sight which is something I like to have.
        Also you can configure the Zygor guide to show more than one step, don't know if this is possible with other guides.

        It's all a question about personal preference though.
        I came from the Brian Kopp guide which started as PDF guide and then evolved into an addon that only showed the text like the PDF with added waypoints. I was very happy with that but then the support stopped and it was only an Alliance guide so I switched over to Dugi's but did not like the TourGuide thing so I again switched over to Zygor's guide. Which I am happy with for nearly 4 years (hey, in two weeks it's exactly 4 years).


          I use the current versions of both Zygor and Dugi Guides. Both show you which quests to do and have a navigation arrow showing you where to go. I actually prefer the Dugi quest route - it is often more efficient than Zygor's - and the Outland and Northrend guides are more up to date (including the quests that are no longer elite).

          Zygor has their nice-looking addon showing you which quests to do; Dugi integrates into the WoW client's own list of quests down the right hand side, enhancing the information and providing a model viewer, target button (very useful) and only shows the list of quests that are relevant for the current steps. (There may still be a single line tourguide-type view but I never use it.) It has pop-up tooltips that give you extra information on completing a quest.

          Dugi has a dynamic routing system which will always give you the quickest route to a waypoint. It uses any class-specific travel enhancements you might have (portals, shaman's astral thingy) and takes into account the current position of boats, zeps, etc. So in Northrend it will calculate whether it's quicker to fly to Dalaran and use a portal, or whether it's quicker to fly to the coast and use a boat/zep. It works very well.

          Dugi has different difficulty levels - if you're a WoW beginner you can set it to keep you in zones longer so that you are doing more green quests; if you're an heirloomed-up prot pally (for example) you can set it to take you to higher zones earlier.

          Bad points: Zygor's questing route not quite as well optimised as Dugi. Zygor addon sometimes gets in the way whereas Dugi integrates nicely into and enhances the existing Blizzard quest list. Zygor's extra information on completing quests is better that Dugi in places. Lots of options for Dugi but they are not explained very well. Dugi no longer includes a talent addon after 5.0.4 (but you don't need one, to be honest).

          In summary, both will get you to max level very quickly - it's really down to look and feel and which of the enhancements (e.g. travel system) you find useful.

          If Zygor optimised their quest route to level 90 and included a functioning target button (i.e. selects nearest quest target) AND included a similar optimised travel system then I think it would be worth the extra money over Dugi.


            Does Dugi work with other quest list addons? I've never liked the look to the default Blizzard one so I use custom ones. What about someone that likes Carbonite and uses that quest watch window?
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              That's a good question to which I don't know the answer, Cabby. I use very few addons myself - just levelling guide, Auctionator and Altoholic so I don't have problems. But, yes, I can imagine that two addons trying to control the same interface element may cause some issues.

              If so, chalk up another point for Zygor


                A quest tracker replacement seems to override modifications by the Dugi guide. At least the QuestGuru tracker does still completely replaces the quest tracker.


                  mzanker, when you said:

                  "Dugi has a dynamic routing system which will always give you the quickest route to a waypoint. It uses any class-specific travel enhancements you might have (portals, shaman's astral thingy) and takes into account the current position of boats, zeps, etc. So in Northrend it will calculate whether it's quicker to fly to Dalaran and use a portal, or whether it's quicker to fly to the coast and use a boat/zep. It works very well."

                  ... I said: "Amen!" I wish Zygor's Leveling Guides included that. It's a real nuisance to (try to) travel around without a little bit of help. Blizzard, of course, never supplied a "clear-cut" method of Travel within its own game! It never even included POI icons on maps to find Portals, etc. Even my Carbonite addon, which I love, doesn't show those POI's. I wish it did.

                  I don't use and have never tried Dugi's stuff, and probably never will. But, it's interesting to see that others have noticed what I've noticed about Blizzard's failure to make the game "more workable," and they've created addons that are helpful.


                    It does work very well but it's not perfect. Sometimes you want to save a hearth for when you've completed a quest right in the back of a cave and you don't want to fight your way out again. It doesn't take things like that into account so it can be a bit annoying to find yourself in that situation with your hearthstone on cooldown


                      I had altoholic on my pc the other day. It wouldn't work for me. Was bugging out and just over all not functioning as it once had. Bothered me greatly as I really enjoyed that addon.
                      As to which guides to use, I'm a fan of Zygors. I've used Dugi's before and just didn't much care for it.


                        Altoholic is working fine for me - there have been a couple of updates since 5.0.4.


                          I started using Zygor then tried out Dugi. I have to say that I don't like the format and how everything is put together for Dugi ingame

                          With Zygor the experience is more flowing and free more easy to use

                          I would suggest to save your money and stick with Zygor Guides. Much better!!!


                            Originally posted by Cartman View Post
                            BTW, this "pay that much and get all upgrades for free" thing is only marketing, to benefit from it as a new customer you would need to buy all guides available including a video gold guide to get to the mentioned price... And then you won't get new guides, only upgrades for some of their guides, even the achievements and professions guide is not included.
                            But its still much better than what we get from zygor.. (which is nothing)


                              And if you are a brand new user and purchase the Dugi guides right now with his sale you still won't hit the mark to get all future expansion upgrades for free. Purchasing every guide he offers during his sale right now will still leave you $55 short to get the free upgrades. This means you would still have to pay for at least one more expansion upgrade for his guides and even then that might not be enough to hit the mark.

                              See, he's not dumb, it's more like carnies trying to work marks. He made the big announcement about the free upgrades but at the same time he told people to wait to purchase his guides when he was running the sale. He knew that the majority of the people would wait for the sale so that way he could still get at least one more expansion upgrade fee out of them. It's just a marketing gimmick and then in another year (before the next expansion) he'll probably rescind the loyalty program and only those already flagged for it will still get it.

                              Zygor doesn't try to mislead people like that. The upgrade pricing has pretty much always been the same from the beginning and he doesn't try to fool you with anything.
                              My Flight Path Follies guide

                              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

