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MoP: War: is it really? Or is it fake?

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    Next PTR push, transferred characters will get a random set of 25 max level pets to test with. Aki quest also flagged complete. Should help! Transferring your actual pets is very challenging since we copy chars, not accounts. This solution works nice though. (Source)

    The issue with mech and undead not proccing their rez is a known bug and we plan to fix it in 5.2.0 (Source)

    CRZ and Scourged Whelpling... oops, amirite?
    Your prayers have been answered. We made a dramatic reduction to the respawn timer on these in 5.2.0. (Source)

    In 5.2 the respawn is better for scourge whelpling. Will the same be applied to Minfernal?
    No changes to the Minfernal, we are happy with it's capture rate. Scourged whelp was way off, its similar to Minfernal now. (Source)

    How much experience does an elite pet give (5.2) and can each individual boss (elite) pet be beaten once a day? Curious for leveling
    They give standard XP but their daily quest has a much higher chance to drop a rare battle-stone. (Source)
    Ah cool so fables bag drops a pet and a stone (higher chance). If the fables bag can drop stones why doesn't the panda element bag?
    Spirit tamers give a massive multiplier to XP on their daily's already, no need for the stone. (Source)

    That's interesting. Each time an Elite Battle Pet is despawned, it spawns in as a different level. Bug? Still legendary quality though.
    Different levels each time is a bug, fixed in next build. (Source)

    So uh, stupid question but can multiple people battle an Elite Pet at the same time? Unlike Tamer teams, it despawns when you forfeit/lose.
    Despawn on elite pets is a bug, fixed in next build to work like normal tamers. (Source)

    Especially curious about Stunted Direhorn and Zandalari Hatchling. Figuring out if the raid pets come from mobs or bosses would be neat too.
    Plan is to have bonus rolls work for raid boss pets. Currently 2 of those and one pet on raid trash. Currently plan is that they will drop as normal loot and on bonus rolls. Stunted Direhorn is not 5.2 anymore, most likely 5.3 at this point. We have a cool replacement though! That was just a scaled down direhorn, no wonder it looked good! Shooting for a custom model in 5.3.0 (Source)

    Are battle pet collections intended to not transfer to the PTR? Very tough to test if we have to start from scratch on the PTR.
    We currently do not have tech to move pets with characters since the pets are account based. We would like to solve this as well. (Source)

    Any chance of seeing that Chain Pet Leash from the MoP beta again? Some of my pets are too... Aggressive for a rope one
    Never went away, it's still in the pet rewards bag from daily's. (Source) - (As far as we know, it is not actually in the bags anymore)

    Are Flawless Battle-Stones supposed to change the breed of a pet to a random one when upgrading?
    No, only affects quality. (Source)

    Are epic battle stones planned to be implemented in 5.2? I didn't think they were, but I've seen a couple people think otherwise.
    Nope, holding off on those a bit longer still. They will come along with epic pets at the same time most likely. (Source)

    Will it be possible to get the new pets in LFR - for example son of animus and living sandling. It'd sure give me a lot of incentive
    Yup, they are in all difficulties, including LFR. (Source)

    Will we ever see skin-updates for old mounts, like we did with Gryphons and Wyverns? They look amazing! *Imagines Kodo like that*
    Always a chance if we have a good place to use them. (Source)

    Drop rates on the new world boss mounts be more reasonable in 5.2?
    They will be the same as previous. (Source)
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      I feel that classes have been boiled down over the years. I'd like to see more crazy incorporated into classes! #GhostlyStrike
      Me too. Class diversity is typically the enemy of class balance. Both are important though! (Source)

      Love how all mage specs are competitive. Need the same with locks, sick and tired of playing aff in PVE!
      Mages disagree that they are all competitive. (Source)

      However MM is used as rarely - only to see that it still cant pull the weight.
      I'm quite torn on how to fix multiple DPS specs. We used to think that a 5% delta was okay, but players still pick the highest. (Source)

      More class/spec differentiation/flavor. Better UI/visualization of spells/buffs. Even more story and alliance wins
      Theoretically, how to add class differentiation without making X mandatory in small groups? Very tough for us to solve. (Source)

      Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      Can I have more than 1 dk per server since they aren't a hero class anymore?
      We agree that limitation probably isn't necessary any longer. (Source)

      I mean Dks are just destroyed in PVP right now. I will pay for 10 mins of your time if you hear me out...seriously
      Destroyed by whom? Warriors and mages who are getting nerfed (more) in 5.2? (Source)

      Figured I'd try asking again but is the way HB gets spammed by Frost DW in both single target and aoe considered fine by devs?
      We think it's borderline. Seems unfair to tell warriors they can't use WW single target but then let DKs do it. (Source)

      Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      resto druid can do nothing except hot,hot and hot.Do you think druid is designed using hot at all time?
      Ideally a lot of hots, but not 100%. (Source)

      What do you feel is the hardest healer to pvp balance? When I think about hots my mind hurts so Id say druids.
      Over the course of all expansions, I'd say druids. It's the combo of hots + shifting + Cyclone. (Source)

      Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      On Mages. Was increased mana regen from Tier6 talents a good choice? It only affects Arcane, making it "double dib" on them.
      On the whole, we're not sure. They are probably too focused on Arcane at the expense of Fire and Frost. (Source)

      Greg do you think its possible to honestly get frostbolt back to Wrath stages? putting it on FoF and reduce cast time? please.
      Not crazy about reducing cast times on anything, but as you can see, we're still trying out various FoF design on PTR. (Source)

      Do you not think Scorch was mana management? What do you think we were using it for, our health?
      Isn't that the defense you could offer of any loophole? "I liked this, because it let me get around limitations." (Source)
      We offer nothing but using talents to our advantage, which is what they r there for, no? It's not our fault, you made it.
      If the Scorch rotation is just that much fun, we could nerf Arcane DPS instead to account for being at 6 stacks so often. (Source)
      It's totally not your fault. Not sure where that is coming from. It's still our responsibility to fix it. (Source)
      You made the tree and scorn us for using it to our advantage? Shame on you. We r suppose to manage mana right?
      So under that logic if you found a way to keep your crit rate at 100% and we fixed it, that is scorning you? (Source)

      Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      Please consider making Divine purpose baseline. Even if it has a lower proc chance it would help sustained damage.
      We heard from a lot of paladins who hated DP. A talent seemed like a good solution. (Source)
      no paladin in their right mind would complain about divine purpose, a free 3 paladin proc come on?
      They did. It wasn't the free power -- it was the unprecitability of the rotation. (Source)

      Why is Holy Radiance costing 21.6k Mana when you removed Judgement of the Pure and Replenishment
      Because LoD and WoG are free. (Source)

      Hey I was wondering if there was way to look into bringing back Seal of Command as another seal option. Rets want it back.
      What it would do? It's hard enough getting them to use the 3-4 they have. (Source)
      SoJ proc from judgement = actully usable. SoT damage increase is needed. Its a dps loss even in wind lord.
      You're using SoR or SoJ on a single target? (Source)

      Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      cont. Why not cap it (Divine Aegis) at 40%, but allow larger single heals to create larger shields?
      Yeah potentially. It's largely a problem that using all AEs reigns supreme in 25s but single targets are great for 10s. (Source)

      Holy PVP- should it be viable? Any comment on the current low number of healer priests (both holy and disc) on all ladders?
      Easier to balance. Easier to learn. But that's small consolation for the guy who loves his non-traditional PvP spec. (Source)
      We struggle with this question a lot. You can argue that PvP would be better for many players with fewer specs than 34. (Source)

      stop being lazy and remake the priests 90 set of talents..Mechanics like halo shouldnt even be in the game.. rest is just bad.
      Those usually aren't the talents we hear much complaining about. (Source)
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
        New and existing players are going to choose classes that fit their playstyle AND give them options. Rogues only do one thing.
        Do you really think it's a ranged vs melee thing? Many DPS shaman e.g. don't swap Enh to Ele all the time. Pure vs hybrid? (Source)

        Do you think there might be just a bit too much passive damage going on with rogues now? That's what personally turned me off.
        To use FPS terms, the high auto+poison damage keeps rogues feeling like an SMG instead of a shotgun. Maybe time for a change? (Source)
        if you're going to use fps terms don't you think a rogue should be more like a sniper rather than a shotgun
        Snipers have very low ROF though. They also tend to be complained about in FPS for the same reasons - uncounterable burst. (Source)
        in most games sniping takes more skill, which makes the good players not mind its extra power
        You and I read different FPS forums. (Source)

        While I'm quite happy with how my rogue plays (I roll assassination), the analogy you make is pretty spot-on.
        And I'm not saying the SMG feel is a bad design. Watching bars chew away quickly can be entertaining too. Diversity is good. (Source)

        Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
        GC do you think arms rotation feels a little too unpredictable? I understand fury being unpredictable but why arms?
        The 5.2 change to Taste for Blood removes one source of RNG. Sudden Death will still provide a break from monotony. (Source)

        On PTR, Taste for Blood comes at level 20, but Overpower at level 30. Kind of hard to use TfB without the ability it procs
        They should both be level 20. Did you roll a new warrior for PTR? (Source)

        your work isn't done, my rogue can still go 100-0 in shockwave
        What are the sources of the damage being used to kill you in those 4 sec? (Source)
        you seriously need a screenshot?my rogue in ful mal died in shockwave today on arena, just warrior,druid was CCd
        How long do you think you should be able to live? How many sec should it take someone to kill you? (Source)
        honestly we don't know. We leave that to you.
        The complaint was that 4 sec of stun was too short. I'm just trying to establish expectations here. 6 sec? 10? 30? (Source)

        Just tried Arms on the PTR. V. Boring. Needs another proc/dot/thing to track. MS>OP>OP>Slam+CS is just dull. Needs salt.
        Are you sure you're Slamming at the right time? It shouldn't always follow dual OPs AFAIK. (Source)
        It feels unfinished, uninspired, bland, it needs another button to press, another mechanic, something else, a random element.
        The random element is what many warriors didn't like. Fury can be more about unpredictability (which fits). (Source)

        as projected, in pvp, second wind is ticking at 2,000 health a second.LOL want warrs in pvp you say? then you fail, hard.
        Warrior success in PvP shouldn't hinge on a single mandatory talent. (Source)
        you may have caused 1 warrior out there to actually try the other 2 talents on that tier in MOP. quit ur job.
        What you are saying then is that Second Wind is still too powerful compared to the others? (Source)

        people complain about warrior cd stacking. Maybe that's the problem with their burst?
        War Banner and Recklessness play well together, but we've heard fewer complaints since trinket and TfB changes. (Source)
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          the ilvl requirements for 5.2 LFR = too high, especially w/out new 5 mans. Running 5.2 dailies for weeks for new gear = no fun
          What about 5.0 LFR? There are 5 you can run a week. (Source)

          What is with the 1 hr.+ long DPS queues for LFR?
          Typically, it's not enough healers queuing. (Source)

          however, the Asian special version iLV for 25-raids really forced Asian players feel to switch to 25s over an over again
          Asian players overwhelmingly told us they liked having dual lockouts. In EU and NA some love it, some hate it. (Source)

          Too many times I'm in LFR where 1/3 of the healers are in dps spec and dpsing, leaving us with 3 healers. How to stop this?
          There are 2 issues. One, we don't have an offspec LFR loot system yet. Two, the fights don't often need that much healing. (Source)

          I've been playing mmo since UO beta. Your idea ruins my enjoyment. You guys can do heroic mode. Leave 10m for casual
          The reason we went to 10s being equal for progression is because so many players asked us to. How to rectify that? (Source)

          Tears of boredom is all we have from Galleon. Waiting hours in hopes of his spawn isn't a challenge. It's stupid.
          Which is why the 5.2 boss will be different. (Source)

          I have a concern regarding the tag 5.2 World Bosses. Won't players just wait for a guild to get a boss to 5% and hit it?
          For the Sha equivalent, does anyone care? For the Galleon equivalent... just try it. (Source)

          what happened to 7 dungeon runs per week for valor, can we have this back instead of having to daily for 80 valor?
          Old model: 7 per week but 8th useless. New model, 1 a day then as many as you want for less. (Source)
          Strongly prefer 7x/wk. Can't play weekdays much, like to grind on weekends. Its was fun for me in cata
          You can still do that. The runs after the first still give valor. It's not the most efficient way possible, but totally works. (Source)

          it's something only HC raiders (a minority of the raiders) would say, or someone with more time than skill.
          HC raiders tend to do content anyway. It's more casual raiders who drop out if rewards and prestige are lacking. (Source)
          Really? Often when i read forums i think its hc raiders who leave the game if they did the content.
          They might complain about the loss of their prestige, but it typically doesn't stop them from raiding. For less HC, it does. (Source)

          For my groups and myself, we cleared mech. The instance was short (important), relatively easy (important), (1/2)
          Players who went to Pathaleon weren't the problem. (Source)

          1h & 2h Strength weapons drop from the same bosses while Caster and Agi weapons were spread out, any reason for this?
          Not really. We just try to keep loot from always falling into a predictable pattern. (Source)

          I have pvp gear stashed in the bank from Sha which I don't use because I don't pvp.
          That's okay. Hopefully there are some players who look at a couple of PvP pieces and decide to give it a try. (Source)

          The problem for PVP is you listen to 1500 players. Balance for 2.2, or wherever the T2 cutoff is if its changed
          Aren't you kind of saying that unskilled players don't deserve a fun game? Or are they just too ignorant to grasp issues? (Source)

          I'm reading the 5.2 PTR notes, and it looks like monks are going to be like DK's in season 5... Your thoughts?
          We hope not, but monks are so absent from PvP right now that we fear the solutions need to be dramatic, not subtle. (Source)

          Do you think your entire defensive toolkit should have counters? I truly believe that's where paper vs practice affects ret.
          Yes! Why would it be fair to have things with no counter at all? (Source)

          CC DRs, pvp power, and class burst CDs all need to be heavily looked at. Is it going to be 6.0 before these issues are fixed?
          We've made DR changes and burst changes in 5.2. What needs to change about PvP Power? Be specific if you want us to discuss it. (Source)

          Please tell me that there's a global resilience buff coming in 5.2? PVP damage is actually absurd (_ALL_ classes/specs).
          We don't think damage is too high, just a few outliers. Q: How long should it take to kill someone? How long does it take now? (Source)

          I don't think they're too complex, but macro'ing is integral to any class' peak performance (rightfully, imo).
          Yeah it's pretty hard to be optimal in PvP without macros for any class, but I'm not sure that's something we need to fix. (Source)
          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            Hello Mr. Street. Isn't that unfair that all old PvP art is unavailable to PvE players while all old PvE art is to PvP'ers?
            All old art isn't available to anyone. We eventually allow access to more and more, just not all immediately. (Source)

            Just come up with a mechanic that allows people with mains to catch up faster on their alts.
            It's just balance. Playing alts had entertained a lot of players for years. Too much streamlining risks removing that gameplay. (Source)
            I like the idea of leveling a toon and being able to swap classes. (A la FFXI) and more invested more returned.
            It's an interesting discussion of when it's okay for players to not have to level a second character. (Source)

            Wait, so it's ok to make us burn out by running the same content for months? Bad drops? No drops? ICC anyone?
            It's a balance. Finishing a raid in 2 weeks (because you have all the loot) is as lame as grinding it for 8 months. (Source)

            Ghostcrawler, please answer this question..
            On letting players only level once? It's a big discussion. How important or interesting is leveling after the first time? (Source)

            V. of the A- any chance the 1k VP trigger could be obtained on multiple characters to spread the load, instead of just one?
            Problem with that is now you should constantly swap characters to benefit from "first of the day" bonuses and not play your main. (Source)

            Hey Greg! With talents and Glyph being easy to apebt and change, want reason do you use to defende duel spec? as in more spec
            Maybe it's time for more than two specs? (Source)

            You removed helm enchants because they were 'mandatory'. Why add item upgrades which make capping valor 'mandatory'?
            Helm enchants had one source. Valor has many. (Source)

            How come we cant put MOP LFR and tier items in Void storage? (not upgraded)
            At the moment, it would strip the upgrades from the items. We are fixing it for 5.2 and you can use Void Storage on them as expected. (Source)

            So then what you are considering is to get all secondary stats very close in value and remove hit/exp?
            Or keep reforging, but axe hit/exp from the game. Choosing haste vs. crit is less mathy and more (though not 100%) about style. (Source)

            Many players actually enjoy playing with the reforge feature. If its not fun for you, dont use it.
            Can you explain what's fun about it for you? In my experience, many players use a spreadsheet etc. to make the decisions for them. (Source)

            Would it be technically difficult to let us choose reforging amounts? E.g. only reforging 122 hit instead of the maximum 187
            We've discussed that as a potential solution too. (Source)

            About transmog in 5.2, why we can't transmog 2h sword into spear or staff is becos of tech problem? pleaz answer my question.
            We have answered this and it is because the animations use what the weapon really is, not what it looks like. (Source)
            Surely you must have programmers who can make it work? Players care about these things, more than you might think
            Of course they do. At the end of the day there are only so many of us. We hire people whenever we find good ones though. (Source)

            I call BS. "Increase" is paltry compared to multiple gifts; I encounter multiple Bling's a day.
            BC that wasn't the reason. It felt like work to log in 10 alts to maximize a Bling appearance. It made something fun not fun. (Source)

            You can also LFR with friends. I do it often.
            Yes, that is a good point. Anything with friends in WoW is good. (Source)

            Also: If Discovery and newness goes so well, why are you afraid of making radical changes between expansions?
            "Even if the design is better now, I don't want to have to relearn my class." Don't see on the forums a lot, but very common. (Source)
            We lose a lot of players who say they couldn't keep up the rate of change. (Source)

            Ever consider talking one-on-one in-depth with players about game design, just to bounce around ideas and brainstorm? Curious.
            Yeah, I love stuff like that. Figuring out a medium and not causing excluded players to feel excluded are the challenges. (Source)

            "and we don't care anyway." makes me feel im losing my time here.
            Context FTW. We don't care if a "silent majority" agrees with you. We care about the strength of your argument or feedback. (Source)

            Devil's advocate: people don't like working harder, even in "gimme content", when they don't have to.
            I do really inefficient things in some games so long as they're fun. I think it's an MMO phenomenon: the fear of being wrong. (Source)

            Sites like noxxic, EJ, IV and you'll see the benefit we TC's bring. Look at the wow forums, what benefits do the whiners bring
            Humor me. How does theorycrafting make the game more fun (excluding the people who enjoy geeking out on the numbers)? (Source)

            Ah, crap. This is probably going to cement my reputation as a apologist. http://t.co/kmXn3xqM
            I get that Twitter has huge limits. Still, it allows me to reach more player than forums did, w/out the "manifesto" problem. (Source)
            How about something that's kindof like Twitter which doesn't allow long questions but does allow long answers?
            I don't really have time for long answers. That's the problem. (Source)

            But my tweets can come across as harsh or blunt. I get that. Not sure of the right solution. (Source)
            It's the limit of characters. No space left to be very polite. It's the system, not us.
            Agreed. So maybe players could stop imagining words that aren't actually there? (Source)

            Any suggestions for ways to help devs? Forum posts? Compilations of posts? Twitter? Going to HQ and demanding chngs?
            I would suggest tweets for short, simple things, and succinct forum posts for more in-depth discussions. (Source)

            Not to mention cannibalizing on the guild behind you in progression will be back with a vengeance.
            Why does the community often leap from one extreme to the other? Just because it's not 100 degrees out doesn't mean it's 0 degrees. (Source)
            why does blizzard make balance changes from one extreme to another.
            Any examples? I feel most of our balance changes are pretty modest. They are often 10 to 20% swings. (Source)
            You wiped out all talents, made new ones. Thats like a 100% swing. Ring of Frost is a talent, LOL!
            Okay, though we didn't do that for balance reasons per se, but because the old talent system was kind of dumb. (Source)
            When you made the Talent build before MoP you said it was an important change for the better, and now you say it was dumb?
            Look back at our comments. We tried to fix the talent design in Cataclysm. It helped, but not enough. You guys deserve better. (Source)

            How hard would it be to take several of the best players that have "credibility" and just make the changes they agree on?
            How on Earth would you identify those players? (Source)

            it's very dissapointing going on to WOL and seeing cn players ahead of me with higher gear then we can obtain unfair?
            It's hard to compare. They waited a long time for LK and Cataclysm while your ilevels were ahead of theirs. (Source
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


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              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                Have they said anything yet for when 5.2 will hit the live servers?
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                  No but the expectations are late Feburary early March.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    Looking at the calender that would give us the dates of

                    Feb. 19th
                    Feb. 26th
                    Mar. 5th and
                    Mar. 12th
                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      I was just worried about it hitting tomorrow. Wanted some extra time to finish gathering up some more VP to finish upgrading one of my purple gear items before they remove the upgrade vendor.
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                        Nah ain't got to worry about that. Way to early. They haven't finished all the bosses for raid testing yet.
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          Patch 5.2 - Elder Charms Changes
                          Patch 5.2 adds another way to earn Elder Charms, through daily quests! It seems that the Sunreaver Supply Crate and Kirin Tor Supply Crate have a chance to drop anElder Charm of Good Fortune. The cap on these has been increased to 20, up from 10.

                          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                          Twitter @Chaos5061.
                          Translations are done with Google Translate.


                            Patch 5.2 - New Legendary Quests
                            The next few quests in the legendary questline were added in a recent PTR build. Several of them still lack objectives.

                            This time around, after speaking with Wrathion you will have to earn Exalted standing by killing mobs on the Isle of the Thunder King. While you do this, you need to collect 20 legendary drops from the Throne of the Thunder raid, similar to the Sigil of Power and Sigil of Wisdom.

                            After you faction completes the War Effort enough to unlock the Lighting Forge, you can then proceed with the quest line, at some point collecting Titan Runestone and earning a legendary meta gem.

                            90 Meet Me Upstairs Meet Wrathion upstairs on the second floor of the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.
                            90 Secrets of the First Empire Collect 20 Secrets of the Empire and 40 Trillium Bar.
                            90 I Need a Champion Earn Exalted Reputation with the Black Prince by defeating mogu, Zandalari, and saurok enemies on the Isle of the Thunder King.
                            90 The Lightning Forge Progress through the Isle of the Thunder King until you unlock the Lightning Forge. Meet Wrathion outside the Lightning Forge and complete his task.
                            90 Spirit of the Storm Lord
                            90 The Crown of Heaven
                            90 Echoes of the Titans Collect Titan Runestone x 12
                            90 Heart of the Thunder King
                            90 A Reckoning
                            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                            Twitter @Chaos5061.
                            Translations are done with Google Translate.


                              Cross-Realm Zones and PvP
                              Players have always been able to kill low level characters, this isn't something new with CRZ.

                              PvP realms were designed right from the get-go to be a place where random acts of PvP could take place (outside of a handful of safe zones), and we have no plans to change this.

                              Ganking is always a threat on these realms, there have always been players who enjoy it and who go out of their way to do so. It just comes with the PvP realm unfortunately.

                              Patch 5.2 PvP Gear Changes
                              I am just going to jump in here again and respond to a few of the points that have been raised so far in this thread, but have not received a response.

                              I approve this change but more rewards for PvP have to be given!
                              We have a cosmetically different and unique weapon enchant planned to be available at 2200 rating. We are also looking into the possibility of adding in some additional vanity items and rewards that can be earned at various ratings.

                              Whats the point in having elite gear at all with this change? Why not just remove it?
                              The reason it's not simply removed is because with this change we are making it so that there's a difference in stats between the normal and elite versions, while it is not nearly as big as the difference between the Malevolent and Tyrannical gear, it's still desirable. The problem that lies in the current system we use is that you have 2 sets of PvP gear (Honor and Conquest) comparatively to there being four levels of gear for PvE (LFR, Valor, Normal and Heroic raid).

                              You need to remember that the Honor gear cannot be so good that it substitutes dungeon gear as an LFR entry item or is better than loot from LFR, Conquest gear cannot be better for PvE than the Heroic raid items, but both need to be stronger in PvP than their counterparts. This ends up creating a system where we have to balance two tiers of items against four, meaning there's a void for upgrades between Honor and Conquest items.

                              This new system means that we will now have four sets of PvP gear (Dreadful, Malevolent, Tyrannical and Elite Tyrannical) to scale up with the PvE sets so that the stats will increase in a much more gradual manner. So we can now avoid the gap in upgrades caused by having only two sets of PvP gear.

                              This means that you can get 27k Conq Points over say 3 months, dont spend them, and then buy they full set of Elite gear in 5.2.
                              Ooooh... You so sneaky! :O

                              Your plans have already been thwarted, though. Not only will you be having some trouble competing with those that have started buying the normal version of the Tyrannical gear while you are waiting, there is also a 5000 Conquest point cap. This will prevent you from saving up your points, so it is definitely recommended that you buy the normal version before you get the elite one to avoid missing out on gear.

                              Do you think players will feel rewarded for achieving a rating that can simply be "farmed" and is not earned like in the old days ?
                              The rating inflation will mean that ratings end up being higher at the end of the season than what has been seen previously, but this does not mean that they will be so dramatic that 2200 rating will be easily achieved by everyone.
                              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                              Twitter @Chaos5061.
                              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                                Sounds like L90 talents. Greg says they're fun, but how many players actually enjoy them? Very, VERY few.
                                There's that invisible majority again. Why not try "I don't find them enjoyable and I can imagine other players feel similarly"? (Source)

                                Did you ever though about bringing back "5sec rule" back to healing ? To concept of having to sometimes stop healing to regen
                                As a player, I enjoyed gaming the 5SR. Canceling heals constantly was kind of tedious and the whole concept is a lil mathy. (Source)

                                Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                what is the intent behind mage and lock blanket removal but hunter still retains blanket? I really don`t see a distinction ...
                                We did nerf Silencing Shot. We were worried that mage/lock still bring a lot to the table & don't want hunter to just be "I burst!" (Source)

                                Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                Isn't Storm, Earth and Fire more of a shaman spell? Would have been perfect to reduce dmg taken a bit like Ancestral Awakenin
                                Pandaren had the spell in War 3. (Source)

                                Please comment on the abomination of a spell, "Ring of Peace"
                                We think monks need pretty drastic buffs to get them into PvP. Player not used to seeing them. If RoP's too powerful we can adjust. (Source)

                                Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                why can't paladins hold daggers?
                                I guess daggers are considered too gauche? It's been that way forever. (Source)

                                Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                What necessitated the PW:Solace/Holy Fire changes? Will new PW:Sol = cur. glyphed HF+Mindbender for damage/healing/mana?
                                We had to nerf Solace so much to make it non-mandatory that nobody used it. Trying a different approach now. (Source)

                                using that logic then whats the point of a priest having mass dispell...
                                We don't want classes to have abilities so critical that you must bring them - you can't bring 11 classes to a 10 player raid. (Source)

                                Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                here is some player feedback: launch 5.2! Lol cannot wait for blood fear's revamp. Honest Q: why did something so op go live?
                                We thought we could balance it by making the health cost sufficient. We were wrong. (Source)
                                Blood Fear went live the same reason Second Wind went live they didn't think it would be OP at higher Ilevel.
                                We're still not sure they are OP at higher level, but we can't make the experience unfun at low levels either. (Source)

                                Heya ghostie, I belive if you guys removed the 20% health cost from the new Blood Fear it would actually make it a viable pick
                                We could consider it. It probably needs a token health cost just to keep the "Blood" name. (Source)

                                Point in fact, Destro less than a 1% spread for 3 Grim, yet nerfed Sac for them. Aff Sac is ~6.5% ahead, only nerfed by 1.7%.
                                Last I looked, 90% of Affliction and Destro had Sac in PvE and 90% of Destro had Sac in PvP. That doesn't feel like a choice. (Source)
                                Even with Sac,Destro was bottom of lock DPS. So regardless of intent, it's a nerf to our worst spec.
                                Destro is good on some fights. Regardless, having a mandatory talent prop up a low dps spec isn't good design. (Source)

                                Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
                                Is there any plans to make bloodsurge and wild strike useful in 5.2 instead of being a last resort move.
                                When would you not use Wild Strike? If you mean CS, RB and BT are better, that doesn't make Bloodsurge bad. (Source)
                                I think he means that outside of CS, it is better to have dead GCDs and pool rage(for HS spam in CS) than use WS.
                                Could make CS not affect HS, but then a lot of warriors have some relearning to do. (Source)
                                I think the solution is in changing WS, not in breaking something that works well (heroic strike).
                                But what would you change WS to? Ultimately it's a priority question of whether it beats HS, RB etc. (Source)

                                Any plans for Warriors Deadly Calm? Most seem to just macro it to HS and be done with it. Seems rather weak at the moment.
                                We probably should not have added it back in MoP. It's not interesting and the class doesn't need it. (Source)

                                Trinkets? No. Haste being desirable? Maybe. Thought about using an Enh/Guardian type of haste solution?
                                Fury damage is very high. If we e.g. gave more rage from haste we would have to nerf damage accordingly. (Source)

                                And Arm's proposed 5.2 rotation will mean more consistent dmg in D Stance & complaints about warrior survival.
                                Nerfing Dstance (for non Prot) and buffing SW is something we'd consider, but the other 2 talent would stay dead in PvP. (Source)
                                As long as SW gives the passive rage, the other 2 will stay dead. Give that passively to all warriors.
                                We don't think it's the rage. Players complain that SW warriors hard to kill from the healing. Prob exactly why warriors take it. (Source)

                                WS is ignored 90% of the time cuz of GCD caps, heroic strike used much more to dump rage.
                                That's a tricky issue to fix without screwing up rotation. HS is good during CS because it stacks. Hard to push other things out. (Source)

                                You may not have removed warriors from PVP but you made them boring to play in PvE. I am tired of page after page of nerfs.
                                Just curious - what warrior nerf has made them boring in PvE? TfB never seemed to be that popular... (Source)
                                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                                Translations are done with Google Translate.

