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    Patch 5.2 PTR Notes - Feb 19 Update

    New Daily Quest Hub: Isle of Thunder.
    Heroes fortunate enough to acquire a “Key to the Palace of Lei Shen” can bring it to the Shado-Pan on the Isle of Thunder and use it to infiltrate the fabled treasure vaults of the first emperor. Heroes are tasked with grabbing as much loot as they can within five minutes. Larger chests will have the most loot, including special keys that can be used at the end of the run for a chance at epic gear and other major rewards. Keys are awarded from rare mobs, hidden chests around the island, and from award satchels obtained by completing daily quests.

    Taking Over The Farm
    Players that have grown attached to working the land at Sunsong Ranch can now acquire purchase the farm land from Farmer Yoon via a quest. The farmhouse becomes a rest point like an Inn, where the player can bind and instantly log out. Work orders will pour into the farm from factions across Pandaria, and completing a work order will earn a reputation boost with the issuing faction.
    The option to take over the farm is available to characters that are exalted with the Tillers and have unlocked all 16 farm plots.

    Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
    Glyph of Evocation now causes the Invocation talent to restore 10% (was 20%) health after completing an Evocation.
    Arcane Blast damage has been reduced by 22.2% and mana cost has been increased to 1.66667% of base mana (was 1.5%).
    Arcane Missile's damage has been reduced by 22.2%.
    Arcane Barrage damage has been reduced by 13.6%.
    Frostbolt now deals 52% more damage, but its debuff no longer increases subsequent Frostbolt damage.

    Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
    Chi Wave now does 100% more damage and 14% less healing, and no longer costs Chi, and has a 15 second cooldown.
    Zen Sphere now has a limit of 2 (was 1), detonates when either the recipient reaches 35% health or the Zen Sphere is dispelled, no longer costs Chi, and has a 10 second cooldown. Its periodic damage has been increased by 22%, periodic healing has been reduced by 61%, its detonation healing has been reduced by 62%, and detonation range has been increased by 40%.
    Chi Burst now does 340% more damage and 69% more healing, no longer costs Chi, and has a 30 second cooldown.
    Jab now costs 6% (was 4%) of base mana to use.
    The Glyphed version of Uplift now costs 8% of base mana (was 6.6%) to cast.
    Teachings of the Monastery now provides additional benefits.
    Tiger Palm damage increased by 100%. and restores 1% of max mana.
    Muscle Memory is a new passive ability for Mistweaver Monks. Successful Jab and Spinning Crane Kick which damages at least 3 enemies cause Muscle Memory. Muscle Memory causes the Monk's next Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick to deal 150% more damage and restore 2% mana.

    Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
    Seal of Justice now causes melee attacks to deal an additional 20% (was 16%) as Holy damage.
    Retribution 2-piece PvP set bonus now grants 1000 PvP power (was 800).
    Retribution 4-piece PvP set bonus had been replaced. It now decreases the cooldown on Avenging Wrath by 65 seconds.

    Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
    Power Word: Solace has been replaced with a new talent: Solace & Insanity
    For Holy and Discipline, Power Word: Solace replaces Holy Fire. It deals the same damage, and interacts with other spells and abilities in the same manner but does not trigger Atonement, is instant, costs no mana, and restores 1% of maximum mana on each cast. Damage dealt by Power Word: Solace will heal a nearby friendly player within 40 yards of the target for 100% of the damage dealt (50% when healing the Priest).
    Power Infusion now increases the Priest's damage by 10% in addition to current effects.
    Mastery: Shield Discipline now also increases all healing done by a lesser amount, but the bonus provided by Mastery has been reduced by 36%.
    Penance now has a range of 40 yards for both friendly and hostile targets (was 40 yards for friendly and 30 yards for hostile targets).
    Spirit Shell now provides an absorb shield equal to the average healing and absorb of the triggering spell, including criticals and Divine Aegis.
    Divine Aegis now causes critical heals to apply an absorb shield on the target for 100% of the amount healed instead of healing for twice as much. In addition, it grants Power Word: Shield a chance equal to the Priest's critical chance for the shield to absorb twice as much damage.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      Lava Burst base damage has been reduced by 33% but now always deals a critical strike. When cast on targets affected by Flame Shock, it now deals 50% more damage.
      Ancestral Guidance now copies 60% (was 40%) of the amount healed.
      Conductivity now shares 30% (was 20%) of the healing received from Healing Wave, Greater Healing Wave, or Healing Surge.

      Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
      Overpower now costs 10 rage and reduces Mortal Strike remaining cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
      Sudden Death now has a 25% chance to activate from Overpower instead of a 10% (was 20%) chance to activate from auto attacks or Opportunity Strike. In addition, using Execute makes Overpower free for 10 seconds.

      Players of the same faction that participated in a fight with Pandaria world bosses (Sha of Anger, Galleon, Nalak the Storm Lord, and Oondasta) now get shared credit for the kill and will be eligible for loot.

      Raids, Dungeons and Scenarios
      Satchels obtained via the Raid Finder now have a chance to contain additional rewards, including: consumables, Spirits of Harmony, rare pets or mounts, and Raid Finder versions of Normal and Heroic difficulty zone drops that were previously unavailable from Raid Finder encounters!
      Mogu Runes of Fate have been added and provides a bonus roll for Throne of Thunder, Nalak the Storm Lord, and Oondasta and are purchased with Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. Elder Charms of Good Fortune will continue to work in Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, the Sha of Anger, and Salyis' Warband (Galleon).
      The maximum number of Elder Charms of Good Fortune a character can hold has been increased to 20 (was 10).
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Patch 5.2 - Isle of Thunder Faction Quartermaster Update
        The cloaks offered by the Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught were added to quartermasters in the latest PTR build. The cloaks cost 937 Valor Points and only some are flagged as needing Revered currently, but will likely change to all of them.

        496 Back Tank Back Cloak of the Immortal Guardian
        496 Back Tank Back Cloak of the Immortal Guardian
        496 Back Melee Back Shan'ze Partisan's Greatcloak
        496 Back Melee Back Shan'ze Partisan's Greatcloak
        496 Back Spell Spirit Back Shan'ze Gravetender Cloak
        496 Back Spell Spirit Back Shan'ze Gravetender Cloak
        496 Back Physical DPS Back Thunder-Chaser Cloak
        496 Back Physical DPS Back Thunder-Chaser Cloak
        496 Back Spell DPS Back Static-Collecting Cloak
        496 Back Spell DPS Back Static-Collecting Cloak
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          A Day on the Isle of Thunder
          Crithto wrote a nice blog post about what you can expect when Patch 5.2 is live. It covers some of these things:

          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            Legendary Meta-gems
            In order to further discourage the use of these in PvP, the effects are dispellable. Not all of them are Spell Steal-able because frankly some of the effects are too complex to work correctly when stolen.

            In order to provide feedback on potential changes to rotational priority or damage modeling, please confirm these estimated new values, or provide the accurate value in their place:
            Sure. Here are the correct values. Flat amounts are the values at level 90, as you’d expect.

            Howling Blast: 575 + 85.1% of Attack Power
            Frost Strike (motfw): 126% Weapon Damage
            Obliterate (motfw): 386.4% weapon damage, +25% w/ two disease
            Scourge Strike: 633 + 140% Weapon Damage, 25% shadow damage per disease
            Diseases: 187(FF)/223(BP) + 17.9% AP
            Diseases (Unholy): 299.2(FF)/356.8(BP) + 28.64% AP
            Soul Reaper (motfw): 120% weapon damage

            …based on modeling I've done (with assistance from Theck and Hamlet), [Gaze of the Twins is] actually a Guardian's best trinket for Rage Generation.
            Gaze of the Twins will only proc for Str users.

            Thoughts on an Unholy Death Knight using Unerring Vision of Lei-Shen and using Festering Strike to maintain these 100% crit chance diseases permanently?
            Unerring Vision of Lei-Shen will only proc for Int users.

            The first the comes to mind is on the mage class. In frost spec, taking the rune of power talent, I noticed that the frost pet's waterbolt apparently is double dipping from Rune of Power. The first effect (reasonably) comes from the mage at 15%. But, it has another multiplicative 15% on top of that.
            We’re not seeing this. Are you perhaps seeing the result of the Frostbolt debuff?

            Rune of Re-Origination
            We're going to make some changes to this trinket based on testing and feedback. Our goal was to make it decent if you didn't game it at all but offer some opportunities for enhanced benefits if you did. We're going to try to meet that goal better with these changes:

            10 sec duration (down from 20 sec) but with double the proc rate.
            Increase your highest secondary stat by 200% of the sum of your two lowest secondary stats. For example: you have 3500 mastery, 5000 crit, 7000 haste. Rune procs, and you get [-3500 mastery, -5000 crit, +17000 haste]. Same logic as before, just double the size of the buff to your highest stat.

            Forgive me for saying this....we are high right now? Locks/mages are topping meters and all I see is + + + + + + for them. If you go to raid-bots (shows what people are actually doing with the classes), click on any fight other than Galaron....look at who is on to....mages and locks (speaking 25 heroic).

            We did not ask for a buff to haste.

            I work for a software company, so I understand you have tools to see things that we don't. But don't friggin cop out and say things like "you are higher than you should be now"
            Arcane and Affliction are high on many fights in 5.1, but they shouldn't be in 5.2. It's almost always the wrong argument to compare yourself to the highest DPS specs out there. "Middle of the pack" is actually where everyone is supposed to be.

            Also, many warriors did ask for a buff to haste. Feel free to bring it up with them.

            I try to always be careful to say "X is where or not where *we* want it." I say that because we pick the target DPS for everyone, not the community. We find that when we phrase it that way, players spend less time (though still a lot) campaigning for DPS buffs.
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              As someone who's main-specced Beast Mastery through most of his hunter career, these adjustments concern me about the implications for spec balance. Rough estimate, this seems like it's about a 5% adjustment upwards for Survival, and closer to 10% adjustment upwards for Marksman (maybe more if the rotation changes from 5.1 to favour Aimed Shot more).
              This is why I added the caveat that you can't just take the 5.1 environment and mentally add buffs or nerfs. My advice here if you can't test it yourself on the PTR is to trust your theorycrafting community and see where they think everyone will end up in 5.2. (Zeherah made a post up above.)

              I believe he's saying the damage buffs for pve will harm pvp, as a lot of ptr feedback was already very worried about very high burst and sustained damage ( people being gibbed in a few globals constantly) in pvp in full tyrannical gear with resil gems.
              But that's a vague answer. That's not anything I can discuss with my design team. What would be more helpful are as many specifics as possible. What are you worried about from Shadow priests or Frost DKs? Mind Spike? Obliterate? Dots? We can go look at those specific cases where there are concerns. We don't think it's appropriate just to nerf everyone's PvP damage by 15% or something just in case.

              GC we've still yet to get a clear cut answer on whether or not Lava Burst will scale (i know you hate that word, sorry) with crit rating (IE More crit chance = higher damage like Soul Fire/Chaos Bolt). Also, Bombay or Tanka Rey?
              You used the word correctly, so no worries. What makes me reach for the Bombay are vague concerns about "scaling issues" masquerading DPS buff requests. (If you're worried about your DPS, just be up front and say you're worried about your DPS.)

              We are unlikely to add extra crit damage to Lava Burst given the amount of time we have left for testing because we don't feel we can accurately predict what it would do to gear or rotational choices, and there is a PvP burst risk as well. We're not against the idea in theory and might try it at a future date once we have more information about what the 5.2 changes do to Elemental overall.

              I also bet you did not test both Titan's Grip and SMF, since both do substantially different in Raids.
              We treat SMF and TG (and also DW and 2H Frost) as separate specs for purposes of our testing. Nowhere do we see Execute anywhere close to the percentage of damage you're suggesting.

              That said, several warriors have asked us to nerf Execute instead of the numbers we did hit. We might still do that, but Execute damage is a scary thing to mess with at this stage because it can cause relatively-hard-to-predict changes to priorities and damage between TG and SMF. We'll consider it though.

              The fact that the reason behind the nerf was totally false.
              You're conflating two issues. Stampede had a bug causing it to do too much damage, which we eventually found and fixed. At the same time, we also wanted to tone down all of the "because I'm immune to everything I'm going to come beat your face in" cooldowns. We deeply regret having so many "I'm immune to everything" mechanics. We don't think they are good for PvP overall, even though it can be fun to beat someone's face in while they have no recourse.

              Anything uncounterable is probably something we are trying to phase out in PvP.

              Blizzard seems to be unable to admit that having Sanctity of Battle as baseline for Paladins was a mistake.
              Sorry, we just don't think it was a mistake. If you go back and look at a lot of the feedback about haste for paladins, many players like how haste feels. They like how well it ties into their active mitigation. We don't think there was any mistake here. We just have to make sure (long-term) that avoidance still has some role for tanks. We reduced the proc chance of Grand Crusader because we also allowed it to be caused from dodge and parry, which helps to make those stats somewhat more attractive.

              There are numerous, serious issues with multiple different healer specs/classes. All of them are essentially being brushed under the rug so 5.2 can go live on schedule.
              If we, the developers, though there were numerous, serious issues with multiple specs, we would delay the patch. We are fortunately in a position where we can do that and we do it all the time (heck, with almost every product we release). There are some players out there with concerns, and that is their prerogative, but it's also pretty par for the course for any of our major patches or expansions. We think things are pretty close.

              with buffs to warriors/dks/rogues I only see the gap between us and other melee getting even larger.
              We need evidence to evaluate claims like that. Unfortunately, as I've said, 5.1 evidence isn't super useful at this point.

              If they make our cooldowns lower, damage without cooldowns becomes less of a concern
              Yep. There is nothing inherently stronger about sustained damage than burst damage, provided the end result is the same (and often the opposite is true). There are encounter specifics that throw that out of kilter, such as the frequency of burst windows and the length of the fight, but in general we like those complexities because they help prevent every class from behaving exactly the same way. When CDs are too long, then the risk of things getting out of kilter are increased - consider the example of a 10 minute cooldown, that will rarely ever get used more than once per fight. We think a 2 min CD solves the problem sufficiently. Your DPS at any given second won't be the same as everyone else's -- this is a good thing -- but integrated over the course of a fight it will be close, again taking into consideration that we like variation among encounters.
              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                Even including the 4-piece T15 bonus and boosted stats, I'm simming that 2/2 upgraded T14 gear is outperforming T15 gear of equivalent difficulty levels because of the reduced CD on an incredibly buffed Penance. This is an issue.
                We have considered nerfing the priest T14 set bonus to 1 sec off of Penance (under the argument that Penance is more powerful now) and just reducing Penance by 1 sec baseline. That undoes a little bit of the first part of my argument, but Penance is a fun spell and a single-target one at that.

                Tiriél is also correct that partially it's just a comparison between upgraded heroic 5.0 gear and normal 5.2 gear ilevels.

                No. I can reproduce this consistently (100% of the time) on the live server. Steps to reproduce (at least on live, I will verify whether this still exists on PTR)
                Okay, that sounds like it is just the tooltip and not the damage itself, but we'll still check it out. Tooltips can only be so accurate since so many things affect spell points these days.
                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                Translations are done with Google Translate.


                  Monday, February 25
                  Horridon - 25 Player Normal - 11:00 PST (14:00 EST, 20:00 CET)
                  Iron Qon - 25 Player Normal - 13:30 PST (16:30 EST, 22:30 CET)
                  Twin Consorts - 25 Player Normal - 15:00 PST (18:00 EST, 00:00 CET)
                  Lei Shen - 25 Player Normal - 16:30 PST (19:30 EST, 01:30 CET)

                  As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    Patch 5.2 PTR - Build 16618
                    Build 16618 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon.

                    Armored Skyscreamer
                    The blue version of the Armored Skyscreamer is now the Glory of the Thundering Raider reward.

                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      Dungeons & Raids
                      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                      Twitter @Chaos5061.
                      Translations are done with Google Translate.


                        New Thunderforged Items
                        Lots of Thunderforged items have shown up over the past few days! Please note that this is not every Thunderforged item, many are still missing. The item level 496 cloaksfrom the previous build are now all epic and correctly set to Revered reputation required.

                        528 Trinket Trinket Spark of Zandalar
                        528 Trinket Trinket Primordius' Talisman of Rage
                        528 Finger Tank Finger Jin'rokh's Soulcrystal
                        528 Neck Melee Neck Amulet of the Primal Turtle
                        528 Finger Melee Finger Band of the Scaled Tyrant
                        528 Neck Spell Spirit Neck Horridon's Tusk Fragment
                        528 Finger Spell Spirit Finger Petrified Eye of the Basilisk
                        528 Trinket Spell Spirit Trinket Stolen Relic of Zuldazar
                        528 Neck Physical DPS Neck Talisman of Living Poison
                        528 Finger Physical DPS Finger Sign of the Bloodied God
                        528 Finger Physical DPS Finger Gore-Soaked Gear
                        528 Trinket Physical DPS Trinket Renataki's Soul Charm
                        528 Trinket Physical DPS Trinket Talisman of Bloodlust
                        528 Finger Spell DPS Finger Jin'rokh's Dreamshard
                        528 Trinket Spell DPS Trinket Horridon's Last Gasp
                        528 Back Tank Back Beakbreaker Greatcloak
                        528 Back Melee Back Hydra-Scale Bloodcloak
                        528 Back Melee Back Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          528 Cloth Spell Spirit Head Stonegaze Hood
                          528 Cloth Spell Spirit Chest Robes of Static Bursts
                          528 Cloth Spell Spirit Legs Leggings of Ebon Veins
                          528 Cloth Spell Spirit Wrists Vaccinator's Armwraps
                          528 Cloth Spell Spirit Hands Helix-Breaker Gloves
                          528 Back Spell Spirit Back Drape of Booming Nights
                          528 Back Physical DPS Back Wastewalker's Sandblasted Drape
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Head Flamecaster's Burning Crown
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Shoulders Fissure-Split Shoulderwraps
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Chest Robes of Mutagenic Blood
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Legs Al'set's Tormented Leggings
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Wrists Azure Shell Bracers
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Wrists Bracers of Fragile Bone
                          528 Cloth Spell DPS Hands Crystal-Claw Gloves
                          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                          Twitter @Chaos5061.
                          Translations are done with Google Translate.


                            528 Cloth Spell DPS Hands Lightningweaver Gauntlets
                            528 Back Spell DPS Back Shimmershell Cape
                            528 Leather Spell Spirit Shoulders Spaulders of Dinomancy
                            528 Leather Spell Spirit Chest Robes of Concussive Shocks
                            528 Leather Spell Spirit Legs Leggings of the Malformed Sapling
                            528 Leather Spell Spirit Wrists Vampire Bat-Hide Bracers
                            528 Leather Spell Spirit Wrists Infinitely Conducting Bracers
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Head Lightning-Eye Hood
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Shoulders Forgotten Mantle of the Moon
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Chest Rockfall Ribwraps
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Legs Crimson Bloom Legguards
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Wrists Bindings of Multiplicative Strikes
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Hands Gloves of Cushioned Air
                            528 Leather Physical DPS Hands Grips of Vampiric Cruelty
                            528 Leather Spell DPS Legs Roots of Rampaging Earth
                            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                            Twitter @Chaos5061.
                            Translations are done with Google Translate.


                              528 Mail Spell Spirit Shoulders Spaulders of Quaking Fear
                              528 Mail Spell Spirit Feet Ghostbinder Greatboots
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Shoulders Static-Shot Shoulderguards
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Chest Sul'lithuz Sandmail
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Legs Spearman's Jingling Leggings
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Feet Quakestompers
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Wrists Beady-Eye Bracers
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Wrists Bracers of Mutagenic Fervor
                              528 Mail Physical DPS Hands Synapse-String Handguards
                              528 Mail Spell DPS Head Clear-Mind Helm
                              528 Mail Spell DPS Legs Legguards of Scintillating Scales
                              528 Plate Tank Shoulders Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates
                              528 Plate Tank Legs Black Blood Legplates
                              528 Plate Tank Wrists Shell-Coated Wristplates
                              528 Plate Melee Shoulders Shoulderguards of Centripetal Destruction
                              528 Plate Melee Chest Chestplate of Violent Detonation
                              528 Plate Melee Waist Cloudbreaker Greatbelt
                              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                              Twitter @Chaos5061.
                              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                                528 Plate Melee Legs Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
                                528 Plate Melee Wrists Frozen Warlord's Bracers
                                528 Plate Melee Wrists Bracers of Constant Implosion
                                528 Plate Melee Wrists Caustic Spike Bracers
                                528 Plate Melee Hands Rein-Binder's Fists
                                528 Plate Spell Spirit Shoulders Spaulders of Primordial Growth
                                528 Plate Spell Spirit Waist Refreshing Abalone Girdle
                                528 Plate Spell Spirit Wrists Bonemender Bracers
                                528 Plate Spell Spirit Hands Tortos' Shellseizers
                                528 Plate Spell DPS Chest Ionized Yojamban Carapace
                                528 Plate Spell DPS Wrists Armplates of the Vanquished Abomination
                                528 Shield Tank Off Hand Greatshield of the Gloaming
                                528 Shield Spell Spirit Off Hand Tortos' Discarded Shell
                                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                                Translations are done with Google Translate.

