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Rude behavior in Randoms

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    There are morons everywhere.
    Ages ago I entered a Battleground to find I was the only person on our side that was from another realm. Very other toon was from the same realm. The abuse I copped from the other players bordered on the extreme.

    This maybe a bit of a generalisation, but rudeness and outright poor playmanship increases during school holidays....well that is what I seem to find.

    I have played WoW for several years, and I have learnt that the Ignore function in the game can be your best friend. And yes, there are players and entire guilds that seem to delight in annoying other players.

    I understand that Blizzard will be making a serious attempt to stamp out ingame bad behaviour with the Cata Expansion with amoung other features, an "Auto Ban" feature.
    With more and more countries bringing in Anti-bullying Laws and other Cybre Laws to protection people from online bullying and harassment, it will be interesting to see how WoW will adapt. It may find it in breach of the Law in some countries.
    One thing that has always distrurbed me about WoW (and why I do not allow my 2 teenagers to play the game) is that the game is directly marketed to young teenagers yet the online chat rooms are not monitored in real time by In-Room Moderators for abuse or predatory behaviour. Unless another player complains about a players bad behaviour, you can get away with pretty much anything.
    In my country the game is marketed for 13 year olds and up. There is no way I would allow a 13yo to play WoW with the sort of things I see in the chat on a daily basis.

    My two cents worth anyway.

