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Healing Lesson anyone?

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    Healing Lesson anyone?

    Anyone have any healing words of wisdom...
    Second...for a level 80 shaman Enchantment or elemential?

    As a healer, best tip is to get your Mana Regeneration as good as you can get it. Run out of Mana in Dungeon or Raid in the middle of a fight causing a wipe and you will not be popular.


      Yeah, spell power and spirit/mp5 are very important, along with a lot of Int for the increased mana pool.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


        There is one stat missing... haste.
        Haste is the last stat to work on as a healer, but vital to a raid.
        As a shammy healer, you are going to be called on as raid heals, unless there is no holy pally. Getting off your heals quickly is very, very important. The longer your cast time, the more risk of a wipe. In a raid, you are casting spell after spell after spell; healing, curing, healing, curing, healing, curing... non-stop.
        For the factually accurate people out there, that scenario is not 100% for Plaguewing, granted, but close. Going frostwing and beyond, another story.
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          Another good tip is to grow very very thick skin. As a Healer you will need to get use to copping alot of abuse.
          The Tank and the Healer are always blamed for a wipe in a Dungeon or Raid regardless of whether you caused it or not


            Originally posted by trevo66 View Post
            Another good tip is to grow very very thick skin. As a Healer you will need to get use to copping alot of abuse.
            The Tank and the Healer are always blamed for a wipe in a Dungeon or Raid regardless of whether you caused it or not
            Ill add to this post.....

            If you messed up, either as healer or as tank... own up to it.
            I have never been yelled at when I took the rap for my own actions or inactions.
            If I didnt get a heal off in time, I say so.
            If I failed to pay attn to something and we wipe, I say so.

            I always get something along the lines of, 'no problem, it happens sometimes.'

            Start tossing around blame or whatever, and watch the fireworks grow.

            Just my experience as both the healer and tank in a run.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              Well for my healing i think my heals are very low maybe i'm wrong



                Ill look at your build when I get home.

                In the meantime... there is a friend of mine that has the keys to my old guild..... she knows who she is.......
                Could you give some hints to me to pass on here? You are the best shammy healer I know.
                Dont want to put you on the spot, so Ill relay the info, if you dont mind.
                "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                  i am looking at the other healing classes to my guilds want me to hurry up and level my pally so i spend my time on my priest healer


                    I don't know much about holy paladins since I play a resto shaman myself but I would recommend that you read this guide on talents, spells, equipment, glyphs etc if you haven't already:

                    It has also tips on how to heal the different fights in ICC.

                    I see that you do not have specced into the talent Divinity in the Protection tree. I would suggest you do that since that gives you 5% more healing.


                      A couple things I will caution you on right away...

                      To tank, you need better defense rating, no lower than 540.
                      Yes, you can go lower and get buffs from this or that class and be fine, but that is limiting you, and those in your group, imo.

                      Next is your haste. I cant tell what your SP is, so post that for me if you will.
                      As a holy pally your job will be tank heals. This means you are going to caste heavy heals non-stop. The faster you get a heal off the better.
                      You want strong heals (sp) super fas (haste) with a much stronger MP5 (mana) pool than you have now.

                      Your sword is great for healing spec, but there isnt a battered hilt sword useful for a tank. Since you are a dwarf, a mace is your best bet.

                      You have to have 2 separate sets of gear for your specs. Prot and holy need different stats to them.
                      Holy..... SP, MP5, Haste..... in that order
                      Prot...... Armor, defense, strength and stamina.... all equal in importance.

                      Your talents seem to be fine for the most part.
                      In your prot spec I would recommend the following....
                      Loose Conviction in the Ret tree. Place one point in Divine Sacrifice, and two points in Divine Guardian. You will (should anyway) use this when the boss gives group damage. This makes the healers job easier; one target to worry about.
                      The fourth point place in Seal of Command. This is an excellent seal to use if you happen to get a mob pull bigger than you expected (pet aggro, feared, etc).
                      The fifth point I have in Blessing of Might.

                      For holy I would just say, go check out this build.

                      IMO, you have some talents where they just dont need to be.

                      Pretty good so far. Just need some tweaking to make you super pally chick.
                      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                        plusheal.com check out the shammy forums and feel free to ask questions. I do all the time for my priest and I always get some good info.


                          Priest not greens (I'm great healer at heroics it fun easy and keeps my heart pumping)

                          Holy pally (I can do it but it's so...dull)

                          Resto shaman (Mana issues and horrible in 5 mans)

                          Resto druid (Worst healing class for me)


                            Originally posted by malonstorm View Post
                            Priest not greens (I'm great healer at heroics it fun easy and keeps my heart pumping)

                            Holy pally (I can do it but it's so...dull)

                            Resto shaman (Mana issues and horrible in 5 mans)

                            Resto druid (Worst healing class for me)
                            This is why I hate trying to answer the 'which toon should I play' questions.

                            For me, resto druid is the best healing spec for me.

                            Just depends on the player.... but no one listens.
                            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                              I HATED pally heals!
                              I find Druid ok but boring after a long time of healing on my druid so I now heal on my shaman! They r both good but different in lots of ways! But I like the shammy heals more now!(maybe bc it's new to me still)
                              Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
                              Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
                              Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
                              Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
                              Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
                              Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
                              Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
                              Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
                              Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
                              Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
                              Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA

