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My workout results.

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    My workout results.

    *I will edit this post every Sat*

    Thought I'd make a post for myself on here to watch how much weight I lose and to show others if they are interested in reading how my weekly results go.

    I'm 20 years old, 6 Ft. even, and when I started 230 pounds. I've lived an easy life with no drive or motivation in my life and have decided to join the United States Air Force and will be tracking my progress until then.

    I currently do P90X and have cut ALL sodas, junk food, fast food, poptarts, and Hot Pockets.

    If no one reads this it will be fine with me, as I stated this is for anyone interested and will hopefully get others in the mood to potentially lose weight as well.

    Week 1 start: 230 Pounds even.
    Week 1 End: 222 Pounds.
    Results = 8 LBS.

    Week 2 start: 222 LBS.
    Week 2 End: 220 LBS.
    *Note* major slack week but kept my diet and water steady.
    Results: 2 LBS.

    Week 3: New workout, 3 mile jog in the afternoon, followed by a 5 minute break then an hour of P90X

    Week 4 weight: 214

    Week 5: 212

    Week 6: 207.

    Week 7: 203, starting to feel really, really good.

    Week 8: 199 pounds.

    Current: 194 (36 pounds lost)

    Ending weight of this post: 192 (38 pounds lost)

    Start: 230 LBS.
    End: 192
    Difference: 38 pounds.

    I plan to do this work 6 months straight until summer time here in Texas, I plan to post pictures of my start and finish at the end of the first 3 months of this workout.

    Thanks for reading,

    *Also, if this is not allowed you mods can go ahead and delete.* =)

    Good read. A little info about myself before I post. I'm 25, I was a health & fitness management major at UW-Milwaukee here in Wisconsin, had an internship helping run a health club, have personal trained for years, in May '09 entered my first bodybuilding competition. I entered to get in shape for my wedding and have been hooked ever since. I competed at 159lbs in '09, and plan to step on the stage in April at about 190. And all along my goal has to be the best drug free (no steroid/GH) bodybuilder I can be.

    P90X is a good program, but if you really want to optimize your gains I have to reccommend Max-OT. I'm not trying to do a plug here, but just based on my own personal experience as well as others I've trained, you will get better results in far less time.

    Looking forward to the pictures. 6 months is time to drastically transform your body. Remember however you train, you will optimize your results by training with as much intensity as possible and keep your diet clean.
    Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

    Current Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 198
    16 Weeks til WI State Fair Bodybuilding
    22 Weeks til NANBF Badger Classic


      It's fine with me. Here's mine: I'm 30 height is 5' 8.5" May 1st weighed 245 May 31st weighed 230 now around late April early June my work schedule changed and I wasn't able to go to the gym regularly until late October when it changed back. I weighed 209 on Oct. 31st.Haven't weighed myself since.I'm planning doing it on the first week in January. I'll post my gym workout later But I can tell you that they are all at least a hour long workout. I'm also on a 1500 calorie diet. I found that I can reach that cal limit by mostly eating lean cuisine dinners. My food looks like this: One serving of cereal usually either Fruitloops or Frosted Flakes with one serving of Low Fat milk comes out to 300 cals. Lunch is a Lean Cuisine usually somewhere 220-350 cals. Then gym for a hour at least burning between 450-650 cals. Dinner is usually anywhere from 600-800 cals. Then the snacks are either a bag of popcorn for 235 cals. or some Ice Cream Cones no Ice Cream of course which are 20 cals. a cone and I usually eat about 4 of them. And I'm usually about 150-250 cals. below my daily limit.
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Originally posted by jerothas View Post
        Good read. A little info about myself before I post. I'm 25, I was a health & fitness management major at UW-Milwaukee here in Wisconsin, had an internship helping run a health club, have personal trained for years, in May '09 entered my first bodybuilding competition. I entered to get in shape for my wedding and have been hooked ever since. I competed at 159lbs in '09, and plan to step on the stage in April at about 190. And all along my goal has to be the best drug free (no steroid/GH) bodybuilder I can be.

        P90X is a good program, but if you really want to optimize your gains I have to reccommend Max-OT. I'm not trying to do a plug here, but just based on my own personal experience as well as others I've trained, you will get better results in far less time.

        Looking forward to the pictures. 6 months is time to drastically transform your body. Remember however you train, you will optimize your results by training with as much intensity as possible and keep your diet clean.
        I may add this in during the second cycle of P90X, looks interesting, however, my goal right now is more to slim down than to bulk up.

        Yes, I know muscles burns fat, but I like where I'm heading so far and will try to keep it going for as long as I can.

        Enjoyed reading your post as well, I've never been interested in competing in weight lifting competitions but when I played football I used to be amazing at squats (In my eyes) in 7th grade I was able to do 300 pounds then by 10th grade I could do about 450.

        My plan is to post the starting picture and my 3 month picture on the same day then post again later with the 6 months results. My goal and what I'm pushing for is to atleast get to 180 maybe 185. It's going to be hard but I'm heavily motivated.


          Originally posted by dudedafool View Post
          Thought I'd make a post for myself on here to watch how much weight I lose and to show others if they are interested in reading how my weekly results go.

          I'm 20 years old, 6 Ft. even, and when I started 230 pounds. I've lived an easy life with no drive or motivation in my life and have decided to join the United States Air Force and will be tracking my progress until then.

          I currently do P90X and have cut ALL sodas, junk food, fast food, poptarts, and Hot Pockets.

          If no one reads this it will be fine with me, as I stated this is for anyone interested and will hopefully get others in the mood to potentially lose weight as well.

          Week 1 start: 230 Pounds even.
          Week 1 End: 222 Pounds.
          Results = 8 LBS.

          Week 2 start: 222 LBS.
          Week 2 End: 220 LBS.
          *Note* major slack week but kept my diet and water steady.
          Results: 2 LBS.

          Week 3: New workout, 3 mile jog in the afternoon, followed by a 5 minute break then an hour of P90X

          Start: 220 LBS.
          End: ?

          I plan to do this work 6 months straight until summer time here in Texas, I plan to post pictures of my start and finish at the end of the first 3 months of this workout.

          Thanks for reading,

          *Also, if this is not allowed you mods can go ahead and delete.* =)
          You're joining the "Chair Force?" No need to bulk up, you don't have to do push-ups or sit-ups, you just have to recognize what they are. Real men join the Navy as Corpsmen, go FMF, and serve with the Marines.


            I too am developing a strong desire to drop personal ballast. And not solely for appearance sake as much as long term medical. As a private pilot, I am required to adhere to a certain standard medically, and it is much easier to stay healthy than to eat like an average american (high fat, high sugar, large quantities) and go through the extra hoops the FAA imposes if you live that lifestyle.

            I just got everything together for building a computer station around my treadmill. An additional monitor, wireless keyboard/mouse and shelf units to support everything. Still need to set it up.

            My idea is to be able to watch videos from Hulu, and more importantly, play WoW while doing a steady walk. We all know how easy it is to lose several hours playing the game. So why not use that aspect to knock out a regular 4 to 5 miles of walking every evening?

            Once I get the station set up, I'll post photos and details of the treadstation setup.


              Originally posted by Skippyninja View Post
              You're joining the "Chair Force?" No need to bulk up, you don't have to do push-ups or sit-ups, you just have to recognize what they are. Real men join the Navy as Corpsmen, go FMF, and serve with the Marines.
              That is exactly what my cousin does . He considers himself more Marine now than Navy even though he is a Corpsman.

              He is stationed at Camp Pendleton in California. I got to go on base there as well, that base is MASSIVE!

              I'm also doing this workout because my cousin who is a senior this year just enlisted yesterday for the Navy.. Seals. Scary thing is I know he'll more than likely make the program.

              And, I know the Air Force or "Chair Force" as you so call it, is one of the pushover and "easier" of the branches but I want to be a MP and just do my 6 years then try to become a cop IRL when I get out.


                While some of the Air Force is rightly criticised as being a cushy job, you can't deny that the "PJ's" aren't bad assses in their own right.


                I mean, to go in, under fire, get to the downed pilot, treat his injuries, and then (again under fire) bring him out! It's difficult enough on your own, but now you have a wounded individual to take care of, reducing your progres and providing distractions.

                SEALs are great for what they do, but my hat's off to the PJ's for their job.

                Dudeafool; while in the airforce, do explore learning to fly and get both your fixed and rotarwing tickets. The law enforcement aviation careers are awesome, and it's really good when someone else can pay for your instruction and time building.

                Plus flying your own craft is just way cool anyhow!


                  Hate to say it, but, I've deviated from my original daily workout. I feel at my current weight, P90X is a little too uncomfortable. Not the uncomfortable that you can work through (Which I pushed myself through everyday) but, it's gotten to the point where I don't feel my body can fully take it even though I'm 3 weeks in.

                  So to counter this, I'm dropping doing P90X daily, instead I plan on doing P90X every other day changing workouts every week, BUT, I brought out my 60 pound weight vest and am jogging 8 miles a night, with the last half mile as my walking cooldown period.
                  My first day jogging again in a year ( 2 nights ago) I struggled to do 3 miles but pushed myself, and now on my 3rd day I'm doing it as if it was nothing.

                  So now, it's 8 miles a night, and every other day doing P90X on top of it. Seems more intense but my body can handle jogging more even though it's still a MAJOR push.
                  I think after 2 months of jogging I will once again pick up P90X in it's entirety.

                  I'm working out with my cousin who just enlisted as a Seal so I'm doing all this jogging with him so he has someone to jog with and chat too if needed and for myself, I love jogging.

                  Sorry for the long post,



                    Current weight: 214

                    I'm going to make a simple post like this every Saturday to make it easier.


                      Keep up the good work brother. Looking forward to your saturday posts.
                      Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

                      Current Weight: 222
                      Goal Weight: 198
                      16 Weeks til WI State Fair Bodybuilding
                      22 Weeks til NANBF Badger Classic


                        I'll update it now.

                        Current Weight: 212.
                        Loss: 2 pounds

                        Not alot of weight loss, so I did hardly any jogging and still gained a loss. Been really sick, but am getting better.

                        Will update next week.


                          Good luck man, I just got the P90x for Christmas, planning on starting sometime today lol.


                            Originally posted by imasav View Post
                            Good luck man, I just got the P90x for Christmas, planning on starting sometime today lol.
                            If you're not in above average shape, I wouldn't recommend it at first.

                            Being overweight when I started was insanely hard and pretty painful.
                            I've been jogging nightly and have lost 18 pounds overall. I plan on restarting P90X again in Feb as I should be down to hopefully 208 or lower and feel it would be alot easier for me.

                            If you decide to start it, be prepared for a hard yet satisfying workout, if you do lax workouts with it you might as well not even start, haha.

                            Push yourself and I'm positive you'll notice results.

                            Also, Pylometrics and Yoga are easily the worst workouts, they sound insanely easy yet they're far from it.

                            Hopefully you'll keep me posted on your workout results.

                            I look noticeably thinner having dropped 18 pounds and am loving the way I look again.


                              I've shed another 2 pounds.

                              So it's official, I've lost 20 pounds in about 6 weeks.

                              I'm really excited!

