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I had frog legs today!

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    I had frog legs today!

    I barfed.

    The end.

    Haha, next on your list is sheep's eyes, monkey's brain, and bull's balls.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      No, next come spider eyes Jarl style


        Haven't had frogs legs yet... but have had (and enjoyed) escargo, calamari and pulpo (octopus) and then there's the sushi... which includes eel, more octopus and other great stuff... yummy!

        I'm guessing you didn't think they tasted like chicken unless you really don't like chicken... lol
        * Signature to be Updated at a later time *


          I was bored one Sunday afternoon so took a ferry from Dover to Calais to have a look round. I ended up in a small cafe tasting frogs legs for the first time. I loved them! Mind you, there was so much garlic butter melted on them that they didn't taste of much else


            Originally posted by voltec View Post
            Haven't had frogs legs yet... but have had (and enjoyed) escargo, calamari and pulpo (octopus) and then there's the sushi... which includes eel, more octopus and other great stuff... yummy!

            I'm guessing you didn't think they tasted like chicken unless you really don't like chicken... lol
            It tasted FAR from chicken, taste wise.

            It tasted as if I was chewing on a chicken bone but it had a very nasty and very crunchy egg around it.
            That's all I could taste.

            I think it might have been the fact I knew it was a frog leg and I was telling myself it was going to be gross which is weird since I love beef, pork, and chicken.


              Yes, look and expectation of food greatly influence the taste.
              Recently I saw a test where they tasted white wine in a room with colored light.
              With red light it tasted like red wine, green light made it taste sour and blue light made it taste like water.
              Even experts get confused when tasting red and white wine out of black glasses.


                Really, you didn't think they tasted like chicken? My dad loves them so I tried them when I was a kid, but to me the taste was literally just like chicken but a bit crunchier. I bet if you didn't know it was a frog leg and just ate it you wouldn't tell a difference .
                It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.

