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Whats next for zygor guides?

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    Whats next for zygor guides?

    Hey first of all...I LOVE Zygor Guides. you're constantly keeping a good product and listening to bugs and errors and fixing them very fast.

    With that being said you announced the vote for the next guide with no cut off date of the vote and any update about if you are or arent currently working on a new guide.

    I just feel its time for an update their and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.

    A lot of new WOW players don't know how to get old school bc rep and just rep in general. I feel a rep guide should be put into your Amazing Guides.

    A rep guide is already in the dailies and events guide. It's for Wrath. Zygor has said he may add the BC Daiiies one day. For cata rep Zygor has not said when or if he will add that yet since all you need to do is to buy the tabard for them and run dungeons and do there dailies if they have them and the dailies are already in the guide.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.

