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Order & Chaos MMORPG for iPhone

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    Order & Chaos MMORPG for iPhone

    Now first off this is a WOW-clone make no mistake about it. They changed just enough that they won't get sued. But it is a MMORPG for the iPhone and is priced at $6.99 on the app store. Subscription fees are this first 3 Months are free .99 cents for a month 1.99 for 3 months and 2.99 for 6 months. Have heard no word about a Android version. Have not played it yet I may tonight. Here is a video about it:

    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.

    One other thing you must be on a wifi connection to play.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Not bad. Could use a couple of improvements. The autorun feature is nice but getting out of it needs to be better. Ran past a couple of quest givers and into mobs while trying to get out of it. Needs a better mapping system. The big map has no waypoints at all for quest givers or quest turn-ins or anything really except places and you have to hold a button to get the names of the places to pop up. You can set a waypoint but I haven't seen the point of that yet since I haven't found where it tells you where to go for that waypoint. The arrow that point you to quest givers and turn-ins and objectives of the quest is at the bottom of your feet. They show up on the minimap but are so big you have to be on top of them to really see them on there. Your just better off following the arrow at the bottom of your feet. Controls are ok. About what you would expect with a touch screen joystick. Need to fix the chat window pop up. It will minimize if nothing happens but any type of new message in chat and it pops up and blocks practically the bottom half of the screen and when you are trying to loot a mob at your feet and it pops up is annoying. Played a Ranger. Need either a pet to hold the mob away from you or they seriously need to up there attack speed with a bow because you get one shot and they are on you. Better to play a warrior who can use bows also and just use it to pull the mob and the you can melee them to death it's basically the same thing almost. Yes you can use a ability called rapid shot even when they are close but you go straight to melee attacks when they get close so really you are not playing a ranger class. There is a mail system didn't try. There is a game store. You can buy gold and jewels for real money. Gold are for items and jewels are used to buy stuff for increasing stats for a hour and can also buy double xp for 30 minutes and a hour. That's about all I have experinced so far in the game run into anything else of interest will let you know.
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.

