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New Xpac

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    New Xpac

    Guys and Ghouls check out the official name and info for the next expansion!

    Click me! Dooo EEEETTTT!!!

    Does anyone know when this is suppose to come out? Also is the Monk Class suppose to be a normal class or a hero class like a DK?


      I think they didn't mention anything about a release date. I expect it to be fall 2012, for an earlier release they should have been much further in development (for example the Pandaren models are mostly missing).

      The Monk will be a normal class starting at level 1 and available to all races except Worgen and Goblin.
      What we won't see are Pandaren Death Knights

      The Pandaren will get a special starting zone and start neutral. At a certain point you will decide a faction, Horde or Alliance.

      Chaos has been busy collecting all information, check out his thread:


        Monk is a normal class both factions get Padarens you choose which faction at level 10. No release date from Blizzard. Some speculation since they had so much stuff to show off at BlizzCon they may be releasing it anywhere from May to August 2012. Talent Trees for monk are Brewmaster Tank, cna't remember for sure names of other trees.Resource is Chi and Light and Dark Force. Use Chi abilities to build up Light or Dark energy up to four max of each and release it with other moves. All the info so far for the next expansion is here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/mists-of-pandaria/
        I have the trailers for things off in my Blue Post Thread here: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...nts-Raid-Maybe. Also if you look at the pictures for the redesign of the Talent for each of the classes then know that it shows three talents for each 15 levels but you can only ever choose one of them. You can go respec them though but you can only choose one.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Also in that Blue Post thread I have posted about everything I found out about WoW from watching the BlizzCon stream today. So it pretty much has everything. I'm going to go pass out now in bed. Doing a 7-8 hour stream of live BlizzCon commentary takes it out of you not to mention the posting of all that info here for your consumption. And as you can see I'm tired because I just mentioned it
          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            So far, just from the trailer:

            Likes: New continent and Asian-themed graphics. I love Asia, it's my favorite part of the world

            More play options aside from raids and dungeons. Cuz I don't want to chain dungeons like Whitney Houston snorting lines of coke.

            Level cap is 90, seriously... 85 is so awkward to say.

            Talents: The previews look kick-arse, I can't wait!

            Dislikes: Kung-Fu Panda Pokemon battle. Apparently Plants Vs. Zombies in WoW wasn't enough, but now at least there's a use for vanity pets. TBH I think Blizz is running on fumes creatively, Kung-Fu Panda was a great movie. I don't think it'll make a great MMO, but we'll see.

            Monk Class (I don't dislike the new class but read on). I wanted a Bard to be the next class, I think they're much more fun and would bring a non-traditional class to WoW. The bard I proposed a while ago See here imo would be more of a debuff/party-raid buff class that would be nearly essential to every raid thanks simply to their utility.

            MISC COMMENTS: I would really hate for Blizz to lose custies over the fact that pandas are too cute. I can't wait to make a panda monk (FOR THE HORDE!!!!) and get it to 90, the only downside is that I'll have to put him on a different realm, hopefully blizz will extent realm capacity per player to keep 11 toons on one realm. However if cross-realm mailing is made possible this will be less of an issue for me, but for many people the new zone, race and class could very well be the deal breaker. As with every previous expansion we'll have to wait and see. I just hope that it doesn't come out too soon. I'd like to start MoT with at least 8 classes at 85, so far I'm a good distance from my goal (just look at the toons in my siggy). Leveling is another "swing-issue" I'm leery of, is Blizz going to drop the XP needed to ding later in the game (70+)? For 4.3 they are, but cutting out more XP as the level cap rises will be more beneficial to them imo. Not just for leveling speed, but 90 levels is a hike that is to be reckoned with. I suppose, in the honor of Pandaria, that Confucius said it best: "The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step." In this case the journey of 90 levels begins with a single quest.


              New thing they are looking to do they said today is change how the realm cap works. Right now it's 10 per realm up to 50 per account.
              They are thinking of changing it to just a cap of 50 per account no realm limit.
              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                Originally posted by chaos5061 View Post
                New thing they are looking to do they said today is change how the realm cap works. Right now it's 10 per realm up to 50 per account.
                They are thinking of changing it to just a cap of 50 per account no realm limit.
                Hopefully they do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them to implement cross-realm mailing or making Void storage accessible to all toons on a battle.net account.


                  They said today what the tech problem they have with that is: The different databases don't talk to each other well enough to make that a viable option yet. Same reason they haven't done BOA across realms yet.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    Originally posted by Skippyninja View Post
                    I would really hate for Blizz to lose custies over the fact that pandas are too cute.
                    I'm sure that they won't lose all the people complaining about the Pandas. They are already in the wrong game looking at other races now

                    A cross realm mail system would be nice. Now that they did the real ID dungeon thing it should be possible as this already needs connected realms.
                    And more than 10 character slots is a thing I already wanted with Cataclysm, I already had to transfer a character to make space for a Worgen...

