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    Mobile Armory Remote Guild Chat Update
    The issue affecting connectivity has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

    Healers and Hit Bonuses
    To clarify, monks will keep their Spirit to hit conversion. Other healers will just have enough free hit to hit.

    New LFR Loot System Feedback
    I'm betting they've put some sort of minimum in (e.g. at least 5/25 people will always get loot). They aren't completely stupid.
    Nope. There is a small chance nobody will get loot and an infinitesimal chance everyone will get loot. Random is random.

    I had thought the loot system was supposed to favor a person who actually needs the loot. I ran 2 LFRs yesterday and got 3 pieces of gear I already had.
    The game doesn't analyze your character and come up with a list of potential upgrades. It just makes sure it doesn't give priest gear to a paladin.

    It doesn't favor anyone and that's the point. All loot rolls are individual and not affected by anyone else.
    Correct. Remember the goal here was not to make gearing up faster or to provide players a way to force certain loot drops. The goal was to remove potential drama that results when a group of strangers in a fast-moving raid doesn't have the time or inclination to site down and agree on who should get what loot. Nobody can accuse you ever again of "ninjaing" an item that was a better upgrade for them. Players can be angry at the laws of probability (or even us) instead of each other.

    I understand some of you liked the wheeling and dealing of deciding who should get an item. We just think that will work better for a pug in normal difficulty where you have more control over group composition, can agree on some ground rules, and generally move at a slower pace.

    It would be nice if the loot was at least trade-able within the raid. I ran on my mage yesterday, and although I need gear, I got pieces I already had. I then looked at the DPS meters and noticed someone who had very good APM and was at least trying to DPS but was lacking and gear and attempted to toss it to them but alas I could not.
    It's great that you're willing to help out your fellow player, but as soon as the possibility for that exists, it undermines our attempt to remove drama, because it would allow players to try and argue with you that they deserve the item you won.

    And players are going to flip a conniption when no one gets any loot off a boss.
    As I said, we'd rather you get frustrated because RNG isn't working in your favor rather than get frustrated because someone who doesn't even care whether they won an item that you desperately want refuses to trade it to you.

    But i need to SEE what I didn't win. Right now it seems like the boss died, and I got 25g in a sack. that's it. I don't care that I didn't win any loot, but I DO need to see WHO did, and WHAT they won.
    We considered this, and still might, but part of what we didn't like with the old system was how spammy the messages were. If 10 people win loot, it still might be pretty spammy. As other players point out, there is also a secondary consideration that it might be more frustrating to see a couple of guys win an item that you wanted rather than just not know.

    I expect the common lack of understanding of statistics will be directed firmly at Blizzard over and over again.
    Yep. Players mad at us is a superior situation to players being mad at each other.

    They wont tell us. one post said 5%, then another post said not 5%. 4 per 25 would be 16%, but I doubt its that, because they dont want people gearing that fast and there is Charm or good fortune tax. So its probably around 10% but there is no way to know for sure till blizz fesses up.
    Off the top of my head, I believe the chance is 15%. That does not include the Charm of Good Fortune.

    New roll results frame added. This new feature can be accessed by clicking the word "[Loot]" in chat, or by typing "/loot". What does this do? And does it apply to LFR?
    If you want to see the results of a loot roll, you can look at the [Loot] link. This system replaces the spam of having a bunch of rolls in chat. This is particularly helpful under Master Looter when you invite individuals to roll. It does not apply to Raid Finder. If we decide that announcing who won what in Raid Finder is a good idea then we could add it.

    Personally I never found an instance where someone got mad because they didn't win what they wanted. However I did find circumstances where someone would win a piece that they already had or didn't need such as having the normal or heroic version of the piece. But honestly, the solution to that problem is sooo easy to fix. Just don't allow players to win loot if they already have the piece on their character or in their bags, it is that simple.
    You're lucky. I've seen plenty of ugly arguments in the Raid Finder runs I have been on. (I always pass on everything, because I'm just there to observe.) If you're running with friends, then there is a big incentive to not be a jerk. If you're running with some dude from another realm who you'll never see again, then there's much less reason to be nice to the guy.

    I'll also challenge the "it is just that simple." Some warriors want two copies of Gurthalak. Do we always push two-handed weapons to warriors? Just Fury warriors? What about caster shaman who might want to gem their Elemental and Restoration sets differently? What if you don't have the LFR version of the item, but you have the normal version? What if you don't have that exact item, but you have a better item for the same slot? We can come up with rules for all of those, but they're not simple rules and players may not understand them. Today you can roll on an item that you already have. Maybe you want to disenchant it. Maybe you're just greedy.

    Furthermore, if we don't let you get an item you already have, we're not going to give you the other item that you want -- that just lets you gear up more quickly. Instead, we'd give you gold instead. When fishing for a particular item, I think it would feel better to get an epic item that I already own rather than to get nothing but gold over and over again. But I understand that might be subjective.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Golden Lotus Reputation Grind
      If you've ever worked in a large company before as part of a development team, you've probably been in the situation where you come up with a great idea, work hard at making it a reality and then have management come back at you saying "Thanks for all the hard work but we decides things will be like this instead. Make it happen".
      Our management doesn't work that way. You can blame me for anything you don't like about the game.

      But, if you're saying that you like to play WoW by just running raids and nothing else or you expect your alts to be as powerful as your mains without having to actually play them, then that is going counter for the direction we're taking for Mists. I'm trying to explore a little bit in this thread what some players are looking for. You can consider the Golden Lotus faction to essentially be another questing zone (Vale of Eternal Blossoms in fact) but a maximum level zone for reputation instead of leveling zone for experience. Players don't often suggest that they should be able to skip whole leveling zones, even on alts, so I want to understand the desire to skip over this content. If the issue is just that "faction grind" and "daily quests" leave a bad taste in your mouth from previous experiences, then that's totally reasonable, but give us a chance to show you how much better these new ones are.

      Numbers Tweaking
      We're working on Kill Command for Dragon Soul. It works fine on all of the level 90 raid bosses.

      As we often caution, there is a big difference between target dummies and raid bosses. We aren't going to (and don't want to!) guarantee that every spec does equal DPS on every encounter. We think it's interesting and fun that encounter mechanics can play into the strengths and weaknesses of various specs, so long as the delta isn't gigantic.

      Also remember that while we test for a variety of skill levels, the numbers that tend to get tossed around are the highest possible numbers for a skilled player playing flawlessly. Very few of us can play flawlessly. Improving your individual play will almost always have a greater impact on your DPS than the kinds of buffs we typically hand out.

      New LFR Loot System
      Is there no more drops or what ? I did several attempts now and still no drop other than 25 g what is wrong ?
      The drops are there! The Raid Finder now uses a new looting system introduced with patch 5.0.4, called Personal loot. You can read more about it on this blog article by Ghostcrawler.

      Beta Warrior Feedback
      We felt like the uptime that a warrior had on a target in PvP was high enough without changing Heroic Leap to be a snare breaker.

      We considered a variety of ways we could lower uptime, but ultimately settled on the PvP set bonus. One reason was because nobody actually had it yet, so it would feel like less of a nerf than changing something like the Charge talents. The other reason had to do with clarity. As I have said recently, one of my biggest concerns about the talent changes effect on PvP is that it makes it so much harder, perhaps even unreasonable, to learn the toolbox of every potential opponent. As a caster, a warrior that is at range and immobilized should be the visual trigger that it's okay to start casting, but you already have to mentally account for so many things, from trinkets to Spell Reflect, possibly Storm Bolt and perhaps even Disrupting Shout depending on range. Having to also mentally keep track of the warrior's Heroic Leap cooldown erodes clarity even further.

      We don't find the argument that you need a dispeller to handle roots and snares to be compelling. You're not supposed to be a one man army. You're supposed to be glad that you have teammates to help you out. We don't think this one change is going to mean warriors don't have sufficient time to perform melee attacks (even sans dispeller).

      I'll admit it was a very cool bonus and one I was looking forward to on my warrior, but on top of the overall package that warriors have, it looked like it was going to become a problem.

      I don't expect many warriors to agree with our logic, because that would ultimately mean admitting that you were too powerful in PvP, but you asked for it, so there it is.

      That said, I DO think what GC said about Stormbolt is silly because of course you'd want to use it in your rotation as a PVE DPS Warrior if you spec'ed into it. Otherwise it'd be nearly useless in PVE situations.
      Yeah my comment was unclear. Storm Bolt doesn't reset the swing timer because we don't want warriors to have to worry about when it's okay to use or not. Use it. We let Heroic Throw not reset the swing timer because it's a small source of damage you can use when nothing else is available if you hate having empty GCDs. It will be a very small percent of total damage.

      You honestly think Warrior mobility was higher than other Classes ? I think you should go look at Druids then because ours is about half as good as their is right now.
      That's not the issue. The issue we were concerned about was warriors being too good in PvP, and that the leading contribution to that was that they were almost impossible to control. Warriors have a lot of mobility and a lot of answers to being controlled. Nerfing a set bonus that nobody actually has on live and few players have gotten used to seemed like the appropriate place to address that.

      If we conclude that druids are too dominant in PvP, then we can look at whether their mobility is the main contributing factor, or whether it's something else like crowd control or healing.

      If you think that warriors are weak in PvP or that other classes are too powerful, then that's an appropriate thing to bring up, but I don't expect to see a very diverse set of opinions in a thread that has been about warrior issues for 46 pages. I know it's not fun to be nerfed, and I don't honestly expect many players to say "Yeah, it's true, we were probably too good." That happens, but it's very rare. It's easy to look at a toy you almost had that slipped away and be disappointed. I get that.
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        Build 16030 Retribution Changes
        I dont mind the DS nerf near as much as the mastery nerf as 1; its a double dip nerf to DS as DS is on the mastery and 2: a mastery nerf is a straight up damage nerff to all pally abilities so its not just the 3% for 1 or 2 spells its 3% from CS, HotR, HoW, TV, and DS. Which is the entire ret rotation. even small nerfs to mastery have large repercussions to ret cus its effects as so wide spread into the ret spec.
        Ret mastery was not nerfed. It has been 15% for quite awhile. You're probably just seeing a tooltip correction.

        Death Knights
        Stamina Buff for Death Knights
        As Reltus quotes, we were worried about DK spike damage. With this change we feel that all of the tanks are pretty close in terms of surviving spikes, but at the moment DKs and Brewmasters require too little healing and warriors and druids require too much healing. Paladins are in a good place and serving as our target. Our solution to the rage tanks is probably going to be to give them more rage to use their defenses more. We haven't decided what to do with DK and monks yet. We're not considering major mechanics changes -- just numbers adjustments.

        Chain Lightning Changes
        I believe my post said:
        Chain Lightning now deals 17.5% less damage to the primary target, but chains 80% of the damage to each successive target, up from 70%. This should help spread the damage better, and also reduce the damage against a single target. The total damage remains the same, when glyphed.

        In other words, it does less damage to one target but that is offset by more damage to subsequent targets. We want to keep it an AE ability.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Terrace of the Endless Spring Raid Preview
          Today we have a preview of the bosses in Terrace of the Endless Spring, the raid which is unlocked after completing the Heart of Fear raid. Not only does Elite mode drop better gear, it now drops some bonus pieces of gear on Protectors of the Endless.

          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
          Twitter @Chaos5061.
          Translations are done with Google Translate.


            Mogu'shan Vaults Raid Preview
            Today we have an updated preview of the Mogu'shan Vaults raid! If you don't remember what the raid zone looks like, you can take a look at our very early preview. Keep in mind that the zone was very unfinished at that time and that does not represent the final area. You can find these pages in the menu at the right of the navbar in the future.

            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              Tiller's Daily Quest
              We are also taking a look at one of the new daily quests that you do for the Tiller's faction. The Water, Water Everywhere quest asks you to fly around the Heartland and water dusty spots in the crops. You can unlock a kite that flies much faster and a kite that flies higher later on.

              One extra source of rep we didn't mention in the original preview is harvesting crops! Each plant you harvest will give you 49 Tillers reputation.

              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
              Twitter @Chaos5061.
              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                We are aware of an issue in which the Darkmoon Faire quests did not reset properly. We are currently working on a hotfix that we will apply to all realms as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

                Transmutation Mastery Change
                The profession has been changed to prepare for the upcoming expansion and will now require the higher grade material in order to complete the quests.

                Class Complexity
                You have to consider that WoW is a multiplayer game in which players are very often competing, whether comparing damage meters in a raid or out and out trying to kill each other in PvP. Changes to your your character end up affecting everyone who comes into contact with your character. If you can order up exactly what you want, you're affecting a bunch of other people.

                In your hamburger analogy, you're telling the restaurant "You should make sure that nobody can have mayonnaise because I don't like it."

                I've actually used the restaurant analogy myself, because few restaurant patrons have the impression that they're going to be able to go back into the kitchen, give the chefs pointers, rearrange the menu and so on just because they think highly of their own opinions on food. Restaurants may honor your request to hold the salt or put the dressing on the side, and many chefs are probably thrilled to get feedback on the dishes they prepare to get an idea of what their customers like or not, but ultimately if you don't like a restaurant's food, you should probably go to another restaurant, not try and change the menu.

                As far as class complexity, that's another attempt to serve a very diverse player base. Some players like a few buttons and some like to have a lot. If the restaurant required every dish to have the same number of ingredients, that doesn't improve the quality of the food. I only think it's a problem if some classes are so much more challenging to play that those players expect to do higher DPS as a result, or I guess if the number of buttons is truly stupid.

                Also, remember that there is a huge difference between reasonable and optional. If adding an ability to your rotation improves your DPS by 1% then it might not be worth worrying about. I actually wish guides would focus a little more on describing both the "90% rotation" as well as the "theoretically highest rotation."

                Second Wind and Healing Nerf
                We applied a healing nerf to Arenas and BGs because it was getting impossible to kill anyone. We hope this is just a temporary 85 measure.

                Based on some of these reports, it sounds like percentage heals like Second Wind were affected. They probably shouldn't be. Percentage heals aren't boosted by PvP Power, so they shouldn't be nerfed by the blanket PvP healing debuff. We'll discuss and likely fix it.

                Our stance on Second Wind hasn't changed. Under some circumstances, especially duels, it can account for a tremendous percentage of your health healed, but usually in group PvP (where we spend far more balance emphasis) you're unlikely to stay below 30% health for very long -- you'll either be healed up or killed.
                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                Translations are done with Google Translate.


                  Mists of Pandaria Almost Never Was
                  The Verge had an interesting short piece back during Gamescom that is worth a read.
                  • A different expansion was pitched, accepted, and background work and lore was started on.
                  • The team then changed direction to Mists of Pandaria when everyone agreed that it felt right.
                  • This expansion goes back to World of Warcraft's roots more so than any expansion before it, thanks to the sense of exploring an entirely new area.
                  • Mists of Pandaria has something that wasn't in the original lore and is more about discovery than previous expansions.
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    Ragnaros Mount Hotfix
                    The Smoldering Egg of Millagazor from Ragnaros was dropping for 100% in Normal Difficulty for the past few days until a hotfix was made tonight that fixed the drop rate. Normally the mount only drops 100% of the time in Heroic mode.

                    This did not appear to be a bug at first, but with all of the QQ about earning the mount from other players they suspended it.
                    No, it was fixed because the drop rate was never intended.

                    For them this was a brand new encounter, why take that away from them?
                    I'm not entirely certain how fixing an unintended drop rate for a single item takes the encounter away from anyone.

                    My understanding is that it is a guaranteed drop
                    That is currently for heroic version.

                    Will I be suspended/banned for winning a mount I had no idea was bugged? I know it probably won't happen, I would love a blue to chime in on this.
                    I can't say for certain but as I understand it, obtaining the mount required no exploitation. The drop rate should be fixed now. Additional actions would seem unlikely.
                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      Mists of Pandaria Archaeology Preview
                      Today we are taking a look at some of the changes made to Archaeology in Mists of Pandaria. You can find these changes and all of the longer lists that go with them in the menu on the right of the navbar.
                      • You are now able to survey up to six times per digsite. This change went live with Patch 5.0.4.
                      • There will be two new races to solve for, the Pandaren and the Mogu.
                      • You won't want to vendor the new artifacts, as they only sell for 1g. Instead, you use them to create a Restored Artifact.
                      • Restored Artifacts can be used to purchase crates that contain 5-9 fragments for the non Pandaria races, as well as two other items.
                      • Occasionally an Ancient Haunt will spawn after finding artifact fragments. They rarely drop a Mogu or Pandaren keystone and always drop ~7 fragments.
                      • There are some Archaeology daily quests now!
                      • You can find Pristine versions of artifacts and put them on display.

                      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                      Twitter @Chaos5061.
                      Translations are done with Google Translate.


                        Lorewalker Story: Seven Burdens of Shaohao
                        In Mists of Pandaria there are several extra lore related achievements to go with the regular zone exploration achievements.

                        Once you have found all of the objects for an achievement, Lorewalker Cho will send you mail that asks you to meet him at the Seat of Knowledge. Once there he will narrate a small story that gives you some more information about Pandaria lore.

                        In the video below, the What is Worth Fighting For story is told to you.

                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          Class / Spec Complexity and Listening to Feedback
                          I think there are a couple of points here worth addressing that either came up since my initial post or I missed the first time.

                          I think part of what the OP is asking for is alternatives to the hunter (IIRC) rotation with fewer buttons. That's a reasonable request. We tried in the talent trees overall to make sure there was always a passive option for every tier so you didn't need a button. The level 60 tier has 2 active buttons and one that is somewhat reactionary, and the level 75 tier has 3 active buttons. We like the hunter tree overall and are unlikely to change it at this stage, but I think it's a fair criticism for players who like fewer buttons.

                          Second, there is a lot of supposition that we somehow baited and switched players by changing the game. We have to change the game. Many of the rules and mechanics in vanilla wouldn't be acceptable to players these days. So I think we're just arguing about degree of change. Some warlocks are saying their class changed too much and some rogues are saying their class didn't change enough. Those are all valid opinions and the kinds of things we try and take into consideration when we're deciding on class changes going into an expansion.

                          I hope you take my word though that every change we make, even the ones that end up not working out again, are made because we are ultimately trying to make the game more fun for the players, and not because we're bored designers trying to entertain ourselves by experimenting with your characters. We weigh every change. You still may not agree with them all, but I want to reassure you that they aren't made on a whim, and nearly every one began with player feedback at some point.

                          Finally, it has been mentioned a few times in this thread that when most players feel a certain way, that the developers should absolutely take action. I'd generally agree with that statement. The main problem with that strategy is that we don't really have any idea what most players want. (And no, you can't just extrapolate that if 4 forum posters feel one way, then 400,000 non-posters must as well).

                          Instead, we fall back a lot on logic, common sense, professional experience and a lot of gut instinct. We do use a lot of ways to capture player feedback, and the forums are one of those tools. They're good for pitching ideas or points of view, but bad for trying to figure out how many other players agree with you.

                          What happens nearly every time is some group of players advocates position A and another group advocates position B. What sometimes happens after that is the A players try to argue that they are smarter, more experienced, or more important players, therefore their opinion should count more. As you have all experienced, it can escalate into an argument quickly. We try to take both positions under advisement, consider what A or B would mean for the game, maybe try some things out internally, and eventually come to a conclusion. Sometimes we do A, sometimes B, sometimes nothing, and sometimes C. None of that means we ignore player feedback. It definitely does not mean that we ignore these massive groups of sensible players who are unified on a given position that is so self-evidently correct that we're obviously derelict in our jobs for not implementing their changes immediately. Those scenarios just don't exist. It would make our lives much easier perhaps if they did.

                          Just my 2 copper here but in my opinion the problem is not the analogy so much as it always feels like anytime GC responds to any criticism over the years he consistently degrades the "way" you post be it bad analogy or "not constructive" etc. I may have missed a few posts over the years but he always seems to find a way to deflect from the intent of how a critical poster "feels" about an issue and rarely ever acknowledges that a critical post could have merit.
                          I do that a lot because it's in our (the developers') best interests to have clear, concise and specific feedback. Improving the tone of the discussion pays far larger dividends to me personally that turning the forums into an ask the devs Q&A. I don't personally (and neither does Blizzard as a company) have the bandwidth to answer even a fraction of the questions we receive. Therefore, trying to get the community to understand how to improve the efficiency of their messages can in turn improve the efficiency of our game design.

                          The second problem is, sometimes C just doesn't make sense. Literally, no sense. Example: What was the reason given for "homogenizing" Rogues? To paraphrase: "We wanted Rogues to feel like Rogues, and not have 30+ classes in the game to balance." After which we see Monks with three separate specs, Druids with four (4!!!), and even a complete change to one of Warlocks.
                          In this specific case, it's because rogues are a pure class with 3 DPS specs. If for example Combat had superior damage and Subtlety had superior control, then one is the PvE spec and one is the PvP spec and Assassination is probably dead. We thought the only reasonable way to let rogue spec be a choice was to share the utility and the damage, and make the spec choice about the way you do damage. Warlocks, mages, hunters and even the DPS specs of warriors and DKs follow a similar pattern.
                          I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                          Twitter @Chaos5061.
                          Translations are done with Google Translate.


                            I'm sure they must have statistical tools.

                            - How many people spec X v. Y v. Z?
                            - How many people use glyph A, B, C...?
                            - How many people talent D, E, F...?
                            - How many people use ability G, H, I...?
                            - In what parts of the game do they use A-Z?
                            - How do spec/glyph/talent choices and ability use correlate with time played in game?
                            Yes, we do all of that. I'd wager we collect more information than most players realize.

                            What it doesn't provide us is context. Do more players spec X because the guides tell them to? Because X does higher damage? Because it's harder to screw up the X rotation? Because X has prettier spells? Because X is more fun? Because they've just always played X?

                            Even more important, how much change would it take to get some players to go Y? How much change can we risk before everyone goes Y? We've caused that several times, and I hate it when that happens. It's a failure on the part of me and my team when it does.

                            A question to consider: Is there any real evidence on Blizzard's side that the majority want their chosen playstyle changed so much each and every expansion that they essentially have to relearn it?
                            We can't measure majorities for the reasons I mentioned above. Instead, we look at what players are complaining about, and try to evaluate the passion, legitimacy, and logic of what they say. To use just a few examples, players complained that warlock rotations were convoluted, that rogues had too many ramping mechanics, that rage was too boom or bust, that hunter minimum rage sucked, that mages had to be Frost for control, that totems were just group buffs with too many drawbacks, that Presences didn't match spec, and so on. Those are just a few examples, and I know not every player agrees with them.

                            As I mentioned before, you also have the cases (I see this the most with rogue and maybe shaman) that while the rotations aren't necessarily broken, the players are just tired of them and want something new. It's very hard to balance "Give me something new" with "I like my character exactly as they are."
                            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                            Twitter @Chaos5061.
                            Translations are done with Google Translate.


                              No Mana Constraints
                              It is just completely and utterly false. Mana might feel tigher at 85 (post-patch 5.0.4) than it does at 90? Mana is much, much, much tighter at 90 than it is at 85 (post-patch 5.0.4). It's not even close.
                              We're talking about 5 different numbers here.

                              1) Mana at 85, pre-geared.
                              2) Mana at 85, post-geared.
                              3) Mana at 85, post-geared, post patch. <-- You're probably here right now.
                              4) Mana at 90, pre-geared.
                              5) Mana at 90, post-geared.

                              Our expectation is that things look like this: 2 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 1

                              To explain:
                              Mana for a Dragon Soul geared healer (2) is too good, but not dramatically so.
                              Mana for a new level 85 (1) is too punishing.
                              For Mists, mana for a raid-geared character (5) should feel good, but not as good as 2.
                              For Mists, mana for a new level 90 (4), should not feel as punishing as 1.
                              For the current "lame duck session" you're playing a level 85 character using Mists numbers (3). This is NOT the same number as 2 or 5. We knew this would be the case, so we nerfed Dragon Soul by an additional 5% to make sure nobody started stumbling where they had smooth sailing the week prior.

                              In other words, 1 and 2 no longer exist, so we're looking at 5 > 4 > 3.

                              Value 3 will be irrelevant to most players in a few weeks, at which point the only relevant thing is 5 > 4 (meaning geared characters have more mana than ungeared characters).

                              FEEDBACK: Heart of Fear (Raid Finder)
                              The Wind Lord Mel'jarak encounter has a bug in LFR mode that prevents Recklessness from being triggered (increased damage taken on the boss for each trio of Mantid that are defeated). This should be fixed tomorrow.
                              I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                              Twitter @Chaos5061.
                              Translations are done with Google Translate.


                                Massive update tonight. So be prepared for a lot of info. Yes it will be mostly old stuff that i have missed. So if you've been keeping up on MMO Champion then not much new will be posted.
                                I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                                Twitter @Chaos5061.
                                Translations are done with Google Translate.

