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New leveling challenge!

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    New leveling challenge!

    Hello fellow friends of Zygor,

    after leveling two toons with the help of the guides, I started working on other "projects", and even though I am enjoying the leveling experience, I feel like I need to have a new challenge, or anyway a suggestion on a class to level.
    So, no best place to ask than the Zygor guides' forum!

    I would like to know from you a suggestion between the following classes:
    Warrior, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Paladin (I don't like DK, probably I won't ever level on of these);
    and I'd like to hear your opinion on heirlooms yes/no or some of them?

    While leveling I mostly do questing, with a bit of dungeons but most of the time I just quest.
    If you can come up with additional challenges I would like to hear them! ^^

    Thanks for reading
    Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!

    I'd say for a challenge do either the Warrior or Rogue. And to keep with the challenging aspect do not supply any form of help for the new toon from any of your other toons. This would mean no sending bags, money, BOAs, etc. The easiest way to do this is to start him off on a new server. Helps reduce the temptation to help.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Would recommend the same thing that Cabby has already mentioned.


        I'll third a no-help Warrior. I'll even go one better, if you want to accept it, and give you a time to beat. My current fastest to 85 on a Warrior (Orc, Fury, no-help, quests only) is 4d22h /played.


          I prefer the solo questing experience in WoW and Zygor guides makes it far more enjoyable.

          I have done both Alliance and Horde Rogue characters to 85 and enjoyed both, I am sure that the Horde version was faster and seemed to get the better gear all the time. Both toons done just with questing using the Zygor levelling guides, not within in a guild. Both done in under 5 days and I am sure that the Horde Undead Rogue was very close to the beginning of the 4 days.

          Currently doing a Alliance Human Paladin and enjoying that as well, but I do have the benifit of guild perks, even if I am only using the 15 min cool down on the hearthstone.
          Fury Warrior is my next toon to do,

          Then to finish of my Holy Priest with the guides, might re-roll this toon as was started before I used the guide.

          Whatever you choose enjoy.



            Thanks for the answers, a lot of really interesting ideas!

            Looks like a Warrior is going to be my toon, plus without any help! I like the sound of this, it would be a real challenge to have a quick leveling time as well as have enough time for professions, post things on AH to buy bags etc.
            Daeymien, I think your time is amazing, really quick! For my ability, I will set a less than 5 days as goal (which is already an amazing time, considering it took me 5 days and 12 hours to level my mage with guild perks, heirlooms and all of kinds of help).

            Thanks again, my Goblin Warrior will soon adventure in the world out there with the help of Zygor!
            Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!


              I don't think using an AH mule would count as giving him help. And for professions, if it's not something you can do while leveling don't bother with it. So just use a couple of gathering professions, send the stuff to the AH mule, and let the AH mule do the AH scans and posting and mail back the profits.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                Originally posted by cabby View Post
                I don't think using an AH mule would count as giving him help. And for professions, if it's not something you can do while leveling don't bother with it. So just use a couple of gathering professions, send the stuff to the AH mule, and let the AH mule do the AH scans and posting and mail back the profits.
                Sounds good to me. I noticed that in the early levels I end up leveling too fast for Mining and Herbalism, and at level 20 I end up spending 2 or 3 hours leveling them back from 30-40 points to 100 or 120 to be good with the level 20+ areas, then I'm good til 85. I will take Skinning and First Aid without doubt, but I am not sure about Mining or Herbalism. I have also this idea of leveling Mining and at 85 use Zygor Profession guide to level Blacksmithing to 525, with the help of mining for farming. This is just an idea that has nothing to do with the leveling part though :P
                Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!


                  Originally posted by wulfgardr View Post
                  ...I have also this idea of leveling Mining and at 85 use Zygor Profession guide to level Blacksmithing to 525, with the help of mining for farming. This is just an idea that has nothing to do with the leveling part though :P
                  If you want to do a profession like BS, one of the best things I have learned is just work the BS profession guide. You will be given the opportunity to gather your mats, which is mining. While you gather mats you level your mining in near-perfect succession. Only twice was I told gathering mats that I hit max level in mining. I went to learn the next level mining, came back to the zone, finished gathering my mats... it was a breeze.
                  Just my $0.02 on the matter.
                  "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                    Thanks for the suggestion, Kamchak - it's something I never did and it can bring some new fun to me. With this, the original challenge to level as fast as possible will probably be harder, but still I can try to do that while following the guide...
                    A question: how did you managed to stop the leveling part to switch to leveling a profession? I would just open the profession guide every time I see a change in materials and use the gathered mats to level my profession a bit, but I am not sure it's an efficient way to do!
                    Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!


                      First thing you'll want to do is go into the guide options and at the bottom of the main page is a guide history slider. Move that all the way to the right to 15. This will help to keep your last place easier. Now what you do is go and level with the guides for a while. Once Your ready to try to do the Blacksmithing just load up that guide and whenever it gives you a list of materials needed there should be an option at the bottom of the step to farm it. Use that option and it will guide you to level mining and do the farming for the Blacksmithing ores all at once. Then when you're ready to go back to leveling open the guide selection window and click the Recent button at the top. In there should be the last leveling guide you had loaded along with the step you were on. Just load that and it will automatically load that guide and step (no need to try to fast forward back to where you were). Then after leveling some more use the Recent to find your Blacksmithing guide and step again.

                      Once you set the history to 15 then it will keep a running record of the last 15 guides you had loaded. In the early levels you'll be going thru a lot of leveling guides fast so every few levels you'll want to load the Blacksmithing guide from the Recent section quickly just to put it at the top of the list again.
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                        Amazing, Zygor Guides never cease to amaze me!
                        With this Recent option everything will be easier, now I feel like I have finally found something really thrilling to do.

                        Thanks again for the help, going to Kezan now!
                        Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!


                          Haha, the Recent option has been a part of the guides for quite some time now, just not everyone realizes it's there or what it's meant for.
                          My Flight Path Follies guide

                          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                            Hello everyone, I just want to make a little update to say that I'm enjoying this new experience!

                            So far, I had a very good time with this Warrior. I am leveling as Fury and without heirlooms or even blue items (because most of the time I just change area before finishing the big quest chains :P) I have no problems at all! I took mining and for all the time I kept trying to get as many as possible Copper Ores while traveling, but the Blacksmithing Guide requires a lot of them (I think because they are also needed for the Bronze quality items) so I need more gathering, as you can see from the screenshot.
                            My choice is to keep leveling at gathering Copper as I go, then when I will finally be in areas where the venis are no more copper, I will take a break from leveling in order to level my Blacksmithing. This means my leveling time will be a bit higher, but this time I really like leveling with a profession, so a focused leveling run will be made later on . Anyway at level 20, my time is 6 hours and 36 minutes - I did better, but I thought it would be worse considering I traveled around a bit.
                            As for gold, I had no problems. I sold on AH 4 gems I mined, for a total of 3 golds and 20 silvers and at level 20 I had little over 8 golds before spending money for skills and riding. I saved 80 silvers because I have BoA mounts . I think it'll be hard to get glyphs at 25, of course it's a downside of not having any kind of help from main characters.

                            Just wanted to say that I am having a good time, have a good day!
                            Thanks Zygor & Team for all the good work you've done!

