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Zygor Guides are awesome, but it is time for me to take a break from WOW

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    Zygor Guides are awesome, but it is time for me to take a break from WOW

    If you are looking for a quality leveling guide, Zygor is one that I would not play without. I have the MOP guides, and they are the best that Zygor has ever put out.

    I am however going to take a break from WOW. I have been through 3 expansion packs. I have had awesome level 70 toons, that went from awesome to bunnies overnight. And I battled throught BC

    Then we went through the same thing with Northrend, and I built up my now useless 70s to 80, and the PVP changed, and I did the mindless grinding and arenas and bgs and finally had some pretty decent toons.

    Out comes Cata, and I am really getting tired of having to start over, but I stuck it out. I had a decent pvp DK and a pretty nice Pally for tanking. I leveled a couple of other toons for fun (easy if you have Zygor) but I never really got great gear for my Lock or Priest.

    Out comes MOP, I upgrade Zygor, and quickly level to 90.
    But now my awesome pvpDK is an undergeared bunny, I have rep to grind with Shadow Pan and others, my gear is garbage for raiding at this time, and I ask myself "is this constant leveling and grinding, and never staying at the top, really fun??"

    And the answer is, I need a break from WOW, so I am taking some time off, I do not know how long, or if I will be back. It isn't much fun, I have done this before, time to take a breather.