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    When the Leveling Guide(s) suggest that we are ready to start a new guide, it often tells us simple to "go to location xx,yy in (some far away locale) and talk with so-and-so."

    I think it would be very nice if the guides would add text as to how to get to those places in the most expedient manner. The guide 'knows' where we are currently, since we are following its leveling steps, and it knows that we are to begin using a new guide somewhere else, if we choose to.

    For instance, today the guide popped-up its big suggestion while I was in the middle of a fight (typical! grin) in Booty Bay, and told me to go to the Western Plaguelands. I have no idea where the quickest form of travel (Boat? Portal? whatever?) is near Booty Bay, to the Plaguelands area. So, I ended up using the FM, which took almost 9 minutes of flying time to get there. At least, it gave me time to wash lots of dishes and make a pot of coffee.

    Has anyone compiled some sort of "current list" of Blizzard's newly-added Portals, along with the city names, etc., for both Alliance and Horde characters? I'd sure like to have those lists!

    I think adding such info into the Guides themselves, would be the proper place, since the guides are supposed to 'speed-up leveling characters.' Flying by FM from the southern-most point on the Eastern Kingdoms all the way to a northern-most part of the Eastern Kingdoms continent, doesn't seem efficient (time-wise) to me. Heh heh.

    Moved down to Suggestions section.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      It's actually a question (in bold letters). It was meant to be answered by anyone, not just developers. But, it also fits as a suggestion.


        Yeah, I figured since you started the post out more as a suggestion I'd move it down here. For your question, I don't think anyone has compiled a list because the only thing that Blizzard added was portals over in Darnassus to get to Exodar and back. The may have added one to go from Darnassus to Stormwind but I'm not positive on that one.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          The problem with the traveling is that there are different questing zones you can choose from. For example the mentioned Western Plaguelands guide is a follow up to Stranglethorn and Hinterlands. Because of this the travel steps are not in the WPL guide but at the end of those two guides.
          A thing I already thought about and that I mentioned some time ago was to make small intermediate guides with the travel steps. So if you let the guide skip from Stranglethorn to WPL you will get a small guide that tells you to go to Booty Bay to get the quest and automatic teleport.

          However as you now get flight points automatically based on your character level you normally already have access to the flight master at the position where the next guide starts.

          Here's a list of portals and boat / zeppelin routes:
          Orgrimmar->Blasted Lands
          Thunder Bluff->Blasted Lands
          Undercity->Blasted Lands
          Silvermoon->Blasted Lands
          Shattrath->Island Of Quel'Danas
          Hellfire Peninsula->Orgrimmar
          Mulgore<->Darkmoon Island
          Orgrimmar<->Mount Hyjal
          Orgrimmar<->Deepholm (Temple Of The Earth)
          Deepholm (Temple Of The Earth)<->Deepholm (Therazane's Throne)
          Orgrimmar<->Twilight Highlands

          Orgrimmar<->Grom'Gol, Stranglethorn Vale
          Orgrimmar<->Thunder Bluff
          Orgrimmar<->Borean Tundra
          Undercity<->Grom'Gol, Stranglethorn Vale
          Undercity<->Howling Fjord

          Northern Barrens<->Cape Of Stranglethorn
          Borean Tundra<->Dragonblight
          Howling Fjord<->Dragonblight

          Stormwind City->Blasted Lands
          Ironforge->Blasted Lands
          Darnassus->Blasted Lands
          Exodar->Blasted Lands
          Shattrath->Stormwind City
          Shattrath->Island Of Quel'Danas
          Hellfire Peninsula->Stormwind City
          Dalaran->Stormwind City
          Elwynn Forest<->Darkmoon Island
          Stormwind City<->Mount Hyjal
          Stormwind City<->Vashj'ir
          Stormwind City<->Deepholm (Temple Of The Earth)
          Deepholm (Temple Of The Earth)<->Deepholm (Therazane's Throne)
          Stormwind City->Uldum
          Stormwind City<->Twilight Highlands

          Northern Barrens<->Cape Of Stranglethorn
          Stormwind City<->Darnassus
          Stormwind City<->Borean Tundra
          Wetlands<->Dustwallow Marsh
          Howling Fjord<->Wetlands
          Borean Tundra<->Dragonblight
          Howling Fjord<->Dragonblight

