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Clickable waypoint arrow and various other suggestions

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    Clickable waypoint arrow and various other suggestions

    When we need to find a quest npc or mob the arrow points us to them, but would be nice if it was clickable to target them.

    Also, not really a suggestion, but maybe you could keep in mind for future releases... I multibox, not sure if you know what that is but basically I quest with full group of 5 toons. So I generally skip all collection quests (way to boring to do x 5) and accept all group kill quests (which are easy and your guide ignores).

    The guides are not quite multibox friendly. If I skip all collection quests I am usually about 10 bars short of moving to the next area. Not something I would bother you guys with, just thought you could keep it in mind for the future.

    Thanks for the work on the guides.

    Originally posted by johngabriel View Post
    When we need to find a quest npc or mob the arrow points us to them, but would be nice if it was clickable to target them.
    This is something that had been implemented a while ago with the magic key. But as it turned out to cause problems it was temporary removed from the guide. I don't know the status if and when it will come back.

    Originally posted by johngabriel View Post
    Also, not really a suggestion, but maybe you could keep in mind for future releases... I multibox, not sure if you know what that is but basically I quest with full group of 5 toons. So I generally skip all collection quests (way to boring to do x 5) and accept all group kill quests (which are easy and your guide ignores).
    Those gathering quests are even a pain when leveling together with at least one other person as often there are not enough mobs around...
    But the guide is designed as a solo leveling guide, you may even fall back behind the guide when leveling together with others as XP for killing mobs is divided and therefore you get less XP on grinding quests in a group.
    However as the guide covers most of the quests in each zone I normally am ahead of the guide even when playing in a group.
    About skipping quests, this is a big problem as questing has become very linear. If you skip quests you may run into many problems, you may even get totally stuck as you won't unlock further quests then.
    Probably leveling by questing isn't the best way for multiboxing, maybe simple grinding is the faster way. Even playing solo some people are faster grinding than questing.


      Most times there are two separate zones to quest in for a certain level range. For example, Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm, Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord, Vashjir and Mount Hyjal, etc.....

      Doesnt seem anything wrong with skipping gathering quests that are too boring, since you can just move to the other area and do the same.

