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Recipe Farming

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    Recipe Farming


    Sorry if this has already be discussed or if its already available (if so please tell me where), but it would be good to have on the Professions Guides (which I love btw) the ability to point it to the recipe you want to make and it tells you where to farm the items from.



    For leveling the professions this is already included in the guide.
    For example in the blacksmithing guide you will be told where to get which materials if you have mining as second profession.
    Also you will be directed to where to get the recipe you need, though most of them are acquired by the trainer.

    If you want to get a specific recipe which is not needed to level the profession this is not included yet. Maybe something for the future, a guide which tells you how to get all recipes available.
    Farming guides are also not yet included, if you need a specific ore for example you have to go into the mining guide to a position where it tells you to get that ore (you may need to hold CTRL + ALT and click the next or previous step buttons to prevent the guide from skipping parts).

    If you are looking for a list of all recipes take a look at wowhead.com, it's easier to browse them there than it would be with an addon.

