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Implementing a dead character directional.

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    Implementing a dead character directional.

    Hey guys, love the addon. I would just like to suggest that when the character dies, the guide be paused, and the directional arrow take me back to my body, then unpause the guide and conitnue. You dont know how many times i have died during following the guide, started following the directional which took me back to the guide step, then once i get there i realize i have to run all the way back to where i died, pick up my body then run back to the guide step.. This may not be an improvement to the experience obtained to getting to 80 but it would definitely be an improvment to the amount of time it takes to get to 80. I've probably done this 30-40 times in 40 levels because i am used to following the arrow. Also i think tomtom did take you back to your body so that why I just follow the arrow. maybe not though.

    Yes, TomTom does indeed change to your corpse if you're dead so it's easy to get into the habit of just following the arrow when you die. I know the corpse function has been suggested quite a few times and it's on the list, but not a high priority item. If you want you could have TomTom installed and it would display the corpse arrow automatically for you and then disappear again after you resurrect while still having the Zygor Waypointer as your main guide arrow. Personally I have Carbonite installed and it has it's own arrow that will point to my corpse when I die.
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