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Guide scheduleing

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    Guide scheduleing

    Ive wondered whether it might be possible to place guides in a schedule or an order or even just a group and zygor can tell me the best routes to take. Sometimes I want to do a line of dungeons or raids and having to switch guides each time, wouldn't be a huge hassle but may become helpful if it were automatically taken to the next guide in the queue.

    If the above is not making sense, say I want to kill onyxia and then stonecore (not the best example but something I like to do each week), followed by other things I want to do. It would guide me to onyxia lair and when complete, to stonecore (mount guide btw). If I have already managed to get one of the mounts it would remove that guide from my list.

    I don't mind the switching between guides but sometimes I find myself back tracking over areas that I could have done earlier after one of the other guides.

    I would love it if they would make a feature like this, cause I also find myself back tracking a lot of the time. Zygor please help us out.

