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guide for player that have just hit 100

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    guide for player that have just hit 100

    when you hit lvl 100 it's not so clear what to do without spending time to read on the internet.

    I'd like a guide to follow up

    Currently there's not much to do at level 100.
    The options are gearing up for PvP through battlegrounds and in Ashran, doing the Apexis crystal daily, doing the dungeon quests you get if you built the Inn at your garrison, do normal and heroic dungeons, kill world bosses, let your garrison followers do quests and gear up, use your professions cooldowns, finalize your garrison, do the stables dailies, go treasure and rare mob hunting.

    As this all depends on what buildings you have in your garrison and what you want to achieve and which guides you own it is difficult to give a general advice.

