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wod powerleveling?

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    wod powerleveling?

    would there be any way to implement this route /guide thing into zygor?

    its leveling using 300% exp pots and bonus objectives

    Something like that would require a separate guide to be written for it. I'm not sure if the team will do that but I'll make sure they see this so they can think about it.
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      okay thanks


        Something like this wouldn't be difficult imo and to be honest I'm surprised you guys haven't already added a power leveling section for people leveling alts and whatnot. The majority of the community has at least one character at max level and just want the rest of their toons leveled asap.


          I've used the power leveling method on two characters already. I'm continually getting the potion mission on two of my characters so every time I get 3 potions I do it again. I'm up to 7 lvl 100s my wife has 15. But my friend has 2 and he lives in a different time zone so he levels on the week when we can't play with him, but he has the latest Zygor.

          I have tried to write this guide the main problem I'm running into is that the add-on does not recognize the questID for when you've actually looted an item. I've tried writing it using the questIDs as if they were standard quests, but once you loot it doesn't mark as complete so the guide doesn't skip to the next step. I don't have the full version of ZygorGuides for Draenor. I haven't had a full version since Cataclysm because Pandaria pretty much removed all choice and you had to follow the quests sequentially.

          This particular guide is quite trivial to implement with existing zygorguides add-on the only function missing is for the guide to lookup the questID of looted treasure, if that particular kind of quest requires a different way to lookup that would be the only change needed. The other problem I sort of worked around, was that the basic design of the add-on is to help you complete bonus objectives not Nearly complete -1 kill or -1 loot. But changing the values the add-on tracks has worked and it skips to the next step (at least the last time I tried it).

          Anyway I abandoned this project for a while b/c life is too busy, I'm trying to attach the Guide01.lua file that I created (should be called .lua but the forum won't let me upload so I renamed .lua.txt). Its very incomplete as the looting of treasures is essential for this to function. I can't find the older version I had, in this one I'm trying a step format my friend suggested, I used to have the more traditional "Loot XXXX##questID" but that wasn't working.

          If anyone works out how to actually get the loot a treasure step work then writing the rest of this guide is truly trivial, all treasure coordinates should already be in other Zygor guides, but they are also in the linked guide.

          local ZygorGuidesViewer=ZygorGuidesViewer
          if not ZygorGuidesViewer then return end
          if UnitFactionGroup("player")~="Alliance" then return end
          if ZGV:DoMutex("LevelingAWODC") then return end
          ZygorGuidesViewer:RegisterGuide("Madseason Show's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Warlords of Draenor 90-100\\Shadowmoon Valley (90-92)",[[
          next Madseason Show's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Warlords of Draenor 90-100\\Gorgrond (92-96)
          image ShadowmoonValleyDraenor
          condition suggested !exclusive
          startlevel 90.5
          Before we begin. Make sure you have the entire set of Heirlooms that grant XP bonus (rings are optional but a nice bonus if you have them). You also need to have flying in Draenor. This guide doesn't work without flying. You must have completed the intro to Dreaenos quests all the way up to Establish Your Garrison.|confirm
          stickystart "bonusbloodthorncave0"
          stickystart "bonusbloodthorncave1"
          stickystart "bonusbloodthorncave2"
          step "bonusbloodthorncave0"
          accept Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          tip Be very carefull not to complete the objectives. You want to stop killing 1 before complete. It's better to die than complete and loose all that XP.
          step "bonusbloodthorncave1"
          clicknpc Juicy Mushroom##78904 |tip They're red-capped mushrooms that grow in small or large sizes.
          Collect #20# Mushroom Juice |q Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504/2 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          step "bonusbloodthorncave2"
          kill 11 Pale Crawler##76382+ |q Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504/1 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          talk Traevar Gunnermark##74233
          accept The Big Haul##33084 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 62.5,36.8
          stickystart "bighaul"
          accept Bonus Objective: The Hills of Valuun##34496 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 61.9,31.4
          kill 12 Shaded Plainsstalker##75483 |q Bonus Objective: The Hills of Valuun##34496/1 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 61.9,31.4 |tip They are purple and all around this area, spread out, so you'll have to run around a little to find more.
          kill 11 Seacliff Kaliri##82354 |q Bonus Objective: The Hills of Valuun##34496/2 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 61.9,31.4 |tip They are all around this area, and they fly, so look up in the air also.
          You can find more around [Shadowmoon Valley D 65.2,34.6]
          step "bighaul"
          from Rockhide Calf##87699+, Rockhide Bull##87698+, Rockhide Grazer##87700+
          get 1000 Raw Elekk Steak##108670 |q The Big Haul##33084/1 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 62.5,35.6 | tip collect all 1000 steaks but DO NOT Turn in.
          talk Traevar Gunnermark##74233
          turnin The Big Haul##33084 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 62.5,36.8
          stickystart "shimmermoor"
          goto Shadowmoon Valley D 60.5,66.7 < 20
          accept Bonus Objective: The Shimmer Moor##34728
          kill Sargerei Netherbinder##79681 |q Bonus Objective: The Shimmer Moor##34728/3	|goto Shadowmoon Valley D 62.8,62.7
          step "shimmermoor"
          accept Bonus Objective: The Shimmer Moor##34728
          click Lost Iridescent Egg## |tip They look like big white eggs sitting on the ground next to trees around this area.
          get 13 Iridescent Egg |q Bonus Objective: The Shimmer Moor##34728/1 goto Shadowmoon Valley D 59.4,65.4
          kill 8 Arcane Anomaly##79658 |q Bonus Objective: The Shimmer Moor##34728/2 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 59.4,65.4
          stickystart "burialfields"
          step burialfields
          goto Shadowmoon Valley D 46.4,55.6 <40
          accept Bonus Objective: The Burial Fields##34076
          kill 3 Phantom Pearltusk##79148+, Phantom Pearltusk Calf##79149+, Phantom Pearltusk Calf##82257+ |q Bonus Objective: The Burial Fields##34076/3
          kill 6 Shadowmoon Void Priestess##82196 |q Bonus Objective: The Burial Fields##34076/1
          kill 5 Shadowmoon Spirit##77920+, Shadowmoon Spirit##79552+, Void-Torn Spirit##82220+ |q Bonus Objective: The Burial Fields##34076/2
          step Prepare for speed run |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 47.0,38.0
          'At this point you're ready to power level in Shadowmoon Valley Zone. 
          'You will consume your potion and start a speed run to gather as much XP as possible in its 15 minutes duration. 
          'You will follow the guide, we will revisit the Bonus Objectives we've already done. We left only 1 item or 1 kill remaining to complete. 
          'You will arrive at the bonus objective kill 1 mob or pick 1 item get your XP and fly away to continue through the route picking up treasures.  
          'The Treasure route is the primary source of XP, each treasure looted is XP. 
          .'Do not engage rares or other things that take too long. 
          .'Loot your treasures, get out of combat and fly away.
          .'Do not waste time |confirm
          use Elixir of the Rapid Mind##128312 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 24.0,33.0
          accept Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          clicknpc Juicy Mushroom##78904 |tip They're red-capped mushrooms that grow in small or large sizes.
          Collect #20# Mushroom Juice |q Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504/2 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          kill 12 Pale Crawler##76382+ |q Bonus Objective: Bloodthorn Cave##34504/1 |goto Shadowmoon Valley D/15 60.0,32.0
          	|poiname Shadowmoon Treasure
          	|poilvl 90
          	|poispot Shadowmoon Valley D 28.3,39.3
          	|poitype treasure
          	|poiquest 33571
          	|poicurrency GR
          	click Shadowmoon Treasure##233126 |q 33571 |future |goto Shadowmoon Valley D 28.3,39.3
          	|tip Inside the hut, all the way to the back. 
          Is it working yet?|confirm
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 37.2, 23.1 Bubbling Cauldron
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 37.2, 26.1 Sunken Fishing boat
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 51.8, 35.5 False-Bottomed Jar
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 57.9, 45.3 Kaliri Egg
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 55.0, 45.0 Alchemist's Satchel
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 47.1, 46.1 Hanging Satchel
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 30.0, 45.3 -- goto Shadowmoon Sacrificial Dagger
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 37.5, 59.3 Iron Horde Tribute
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 43.8, 60.6 Peaceful Offering 1
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 45.2, 60.5 Peaceful Offering 2
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 44.5, 63.5 Peaceful Offering 3
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 44.5, 59.2 Peaceful Offering 4
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 49.3, 37.5 Astrologer's Box
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 35.9, 40.9 Uzko's Knickknacks
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 45.8, 24.6 -- goto Shadowmoon Exile Treasure
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 36.7, 44.5 Rovo's Dagger
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 36.8, 41.4 Beloved's Offering
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 38.5, 43.0 Greka's Urn
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 34.2, 43.5 Veema's Herb Bag
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 31.3, 39.1 Ronokk's Belongings
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 33.5, 39.7 Carved Drinking Horn
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 37.7, 44.3 Ashes of A'kumbo
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 34.5, 46.2 Giant Moonwillow Cone
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 58.9, 22.0 Mikkal's Chest
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 55.8, 19.9 Strange Spore
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 41.5, 27.9 Armored Elekk Tusk
          -- goto Shadowmoon Valley D 52.8, 48.4 Ancestral Greataxe
          ZygorGuidesViewer:RegisterGuide("Madseason Show's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Warlords of Draenor 90-100\\Gorgrond (92-96)",[[
          next Madseason Show's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Warlords of Draenor 90-100\\Spires of Arak (96-100)
          image Gorgrond
          condition suggested !exclusive
          startlevel 92
          ZygorGuidesViewer:RegisterGuide("Madseason Show's Alliance Leveling Guides\\Warlords of Draenor 90-100\\Spires of Arak (96-100)",[[
          image SpiresOfArak
          condition suggested !exclusive
          startlevel 96

