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Suggestion: Current Log Quests ONLY routes

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    Suggestion: Current Log Quests ONLY routes

    I have used Zygor Levelling guide 2 level two of my characters so far very successfully and a third on the way. However with the changes to "instancing" (i.e. the 3.3 Dungeon Guide making it very easy to get PUGs - especially for tank and healer builds), and Heirloom gear how about having an option that will only plan a route for your current quests in your Log. Although the Smart Injection System helps "catchup" and is very effective - I often find myself picking up quests either accidentally of because I need a chain to get an item. Something like a "questhelper" mode...

    I understand that this would likely interfere with the routes Zygor uses for levelling but currently I use both Zygor and Questhelper but would be nice to do away with one.