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Suggestion: Quest names 'above each quest step'

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    Suggestion: Quest names 'above each quest step'

    I love Zygor's Leveling Guide, and use it daily.

    This suggestion has been mentioned before, but I think it's worth mentioning again, since it has not been incorporated into the Zygor Leveling Guide (quest steps).

    Please, consider more seriously about adding the quest name above each quest step (even with very small, and significantly-different font color and typeface).

    Since the Zygor Guide does not auto-save the current quest steps in real-time (a log-out and re-login is required to save the current step position in the list!), it loses steps already completed since the previous log-in.

    Using the guide only, I have to scroll backwards (sometimes many steps) just to hunt for the quest name I'm actually working on. And, even then, it's not very easy to determine.

    Using the Carbonite addon makes it much easier, but there are many people who don't use it.

    It's just my opinion, but I think it's one of the main things missing from the 'quest steps' list.