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Show percentage done for each guide ...

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    Show percentage done for each guide ...

    ... I know this is nothing major, but a small tweak I'd love would be for each guide to show either % done on each step, or total steps in the guide, i.e. 66/218, (up where it shows the current step).

    Only because I like to know how far I've got to go when doing the Full Zone Quest Path Guides that seem to be 200+ steps.

    At the moment I click like a lunatic to get to the last step and then all the way back to the current one. I should probably be more zen about the whole thing, but there's my suggestion anyway


    Not a bad idea, but I have to ask... why are you clicking?

    If you select the button right by where the gear comes out at the top, you get the scroll bar. You can left click that bar and just pan down in one easy single move to see how many steps, etc.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      Ah, in answer to your question, probably because I didn't rtfm

      Actually I think I clicked that once, saw that it only showed 2 steps at a time (I normally show 4) and dismissed it as an option I'd never use and promptly forgot about it. But yes, that does do what I want (if I do the maths in my head) so thank you

      Guess that means it's pretty much perfect now, I have no more suggestions


