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2 Waypoint Arrows

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    2 Waypoint Arrows

    A lot of times I find that a second waypoint arrow would be useful. The second arrow would point to the next step after the one you're currently on. I find that I need it most often during the "Kill 20 of X Monster" quests.

    What happens is, I'll grind those mobs till I get them all and find out I have to run back through the camp (Most of the time killing more than the quest required, due to respawns) cause the next step is on the other side. A second arrow would let me know where the next step is so that I know to finish the current step as close as possible to it.

    We have considered this ourselves but we dismissed the idea because we felt it would be too confusing for players having to follow the two arrows. We used to not have a corpse arrow and customers were so used to following the arrow they would follow it when they were running to get their corpse, only to realize it wasn't pointing to their corpse. Having two arrows would be prone to errors like this. That is why we generally add multiple waypoints to a single step so players can be pointed to two locations in one step. However, for quests on separate steps, it would probably be best, for now, to just look ahead one step and see where the guide is going to be sending you.
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      Thanks for the reply. I definitely can sympathize with it being confusing for some people. I wonder if it might work to have it as an option you can toggle in the settings of the Addon, similar to auto turn-in and auto accept options.

      Those are off by default, but can be turned on. Maybe this could work in a similar way. Have it off by default, as well, but have the option if you want it. Thanks for all your work on the guide and the addon. Been a true time-saver.


        I'm not overly fond of the idea of two pointers, but it could be visually implemented, in a non-confusing way, by placing a smaller, secondary pointer inside the normal one.

        The CIA deliberately spread misinformation that tin-foil hats prevent mind control.
        The horrible truth is, that tinfoil hats enable mind control.

        Si vis pacem, para bellum


          That's an excellent idea. Much better than 2 separate arrows.


            Semi-related I hit a quest in Howling Fjord that said to kill 15 umm.. raptors? They were small proto-drake type things. The 2nd half was to kill 15 eggs. Well I hacked away and got the 15 drakes then went back to do the eggs. What do ya know, each egg pops a drake. In the end I killed 30 drakes and 15 eggs.

            I said that to say there are probably several places that can have some fine-tune done like you said about having to run back through and my extra 15 drakes
            Cairne Realm
            Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
            Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
            Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


              Originally posted by pinghansen View Post
              I'm not overly fond of the idea of two pointers, but it could be visually implemented, in a non-confusing way, by placing a smaller, secondary pointer inside the normal one.
              i give him 10 points for this idea GREAT! wish i had thought of it.
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              [COLOR="darkorange"]Halcius [/COLOR][COLOR="purple"]85 [/COLOR][COLOR="cyan"]DK [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Garona[/COLOR]
              [COLOR="darkorange"]Paally [/COLOR][COLOR="purple"]85 [/COLOR][COLOR="cyan"]Pally [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Garona[/COLOR]
              [COLOR="darkorange"]Warthan [/COLOR][COLOR="purple"]62 [/COLOR][COLOR="cyan"]Hunter [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Garona[/COLOR]

