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Identify guide quests

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    Identify guide quests

    I tend to pick up quests I do not know where I get them but I just seem to gather them. It would be awesome if I could via website or some other way enter the guide I am on and the step and it would tell me what quests I should have at this point so I can dump the quests I do not need for the guide. For example I would select Tauren (1-13) step 168 and it would tell me what quests I should have. This only becomes a problem when I have 20 active quests and guide says I need one more.


    I agree. I picked many up by accident early on. I'm much more careful about accepting quests now.

    A very helpful addition would be to note when an item received as part of a quest, but no longer needed, can be dumped, vendored, etc. I carried the Undertaker's note from Elwynn Forest around for weeks until I finally researched it and found it to be junk.

