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    Every now and then the guide should take you to sell stuff to the closest store. To keep your bad uncluttered and also, take a sidetrip at level 20 to go and buy a mount because it will speed the process up as you can walk faster. Thanks in advance Love the guide

    Nice suggestion but you gotta keep in mind that if the guide told us how to do everything, we wouldn't learn anything about the game itself lol. Selling junk should be a habit after running about 10 quests or so pending on bag sizes. As to the mount, I'd have to agree in a sort. Should just be a reminder to go and pick it up. I leveled a priest to 40 before I remember to pick up my mount lol.


      If they got put in, youd think that it would be optional. I mean, i've owned the game for a little under a month. I dunno where to go to get a mount? When i was a dranei(?) i got one automatically @ level 20. I do look for stores to sell stuff at every time i fly somewhere new. But not everywhere has them

      Im currently level 31 and will look elsewhere to find mounts, but if you are looking for something that makes Zygor different to the other guides. It should be an ALL IN ONE solution.


        Putting getting the mount or going to a trainer into the guide is not that easy as it sounds.
        Most people are ahead of the guide when leveling so when the guide says "you should now be level 20" I am usually level 22 or higher.
        You should always visit a merchant when entering a village but this also depends on what bags you have, what professions and if you collect grey stuff.


          I agree with you completely, im about 1.5 levels above what i should be. But that doesnt stop me doing the quests anyways. The zygor guide around the level 20 region isnt one in which you need to goo long distances. I'm just saying, that this should be something that is in it.


            Yet again this is a good idea if it would be done right. Thanks for these suggestions, we do take into account each one and see if its something that could be used soon.
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              Maybe a reminder in the middle of the screen with Zygor's voice: "Go to your trainer!".
              Something other than a simple guide step would be a good idea so that you see it when hitting 20.


                As far as your mounts bro, just go back to the same person to get them.


                  Originally posted by dulak View Post
                  As far as your mounts bro, just go back to the same person to get them.
                  Well as i said earlier i've owned the game for under a month and got this so i could be ahead of the competition. I knew that you could get a mount at level 20, but still when i look for it all i get is "Go get a band and grind reputation" im a goblin btw


                    Not sure if Blizzard still has it in game, but it used to be when you hit 20 you'd get an in game mail with a small attachment that gave you a quest to go talk to your faction mount person to get your mount.
                    My Flight Path Follies guide

                    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                      That was stiil there as of patch 4.0.3a. Haven't leveled a character yet enough to see if you still get it in 4.0.6. If nobody has leveled a character yet enough by this weekend the I will try and level one of mine enough to find out if it still works.
                      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                      Twitter @Chaos5061.
                      Translations are done with Google Translate.


                        Ok here is a link to a list of Mounts in the game: http://www.wowhead.com/spells=-5.1
                        Now click the mount that you want and on that page should be a vendor that sells it if a vendor sells it. Click on the vendors name and it should take you to a page with a map with coords to that vendor in that zone of the map. If you don't have a addon that displays coords then you may want to try this addon: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-a...s-dcoords.aspx
                        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                        Twitter @Chaos5061.
                        Translations are done with Google Translate.


                          i walked past a mailbox and checked while i was there. Nothing.


                            The mail was there when I lvld my Mage but not when I lvld my shaman just After that and that was a while ago now...and for sure it's not there in Cata
                            Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
                            Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
                            Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
                            Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
                            Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
                            Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
                            Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
                            Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
                            Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
                            Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
                            Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA



                              Just for future reference, if you ever need to know just about anything about WoW (or anything else for that matter), just 'google it'. I've alt-tabbed out of game many, many times (after making sure I was at least semi-safe) and did a quick google search for something... whether it be 'wow goblin mounts' or 'wow inscription guide 525' or one of 500+ searches I've done... If you don't get the info you want right away, reword your search and try again, you'll find a strategy that works best for you... and most likely certain websites that you'll prefer. (I like wow-professions when it comes to profession guides and wow-head for many of my other questions, but that's me).

                              But in short, use google if you need the info - chances are that you'll find it very quickly and be on your way.

                              Just my .02 worth... and no, I do NOT have stock in google, it's just pretty much become the standard for internet search, ya know?
                              * Signature to be Updated at a later time *

