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At char Lvl 55: Zygor's "Suggestion" for which guide to use, has a flaw.

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    At char Lvl 55: Zygor's "Suggestion" for which guide to use, has a flaw.

    Some of you will probably laugh, because you are more experienced than I; you already know what you'd do, and how you'd do it (pertaining to my issue).

    I spent over4 frustrating hours trying to do what Zygor's "Suggest" (button) result told me to do. At my char level 55, the Zygor Guide popped-up a screen which wanted me to click its "Suggest" button, and select a new/different guide to follow. It told me to go to Winterspring (in Kalimdor) to talk with some person. That's the other side of the world, and my character has never been there! And, worse yet, once I got there, I found that Winterspring is a region totally surrounded by frozen mountains and hostiles! WTF?

    Here's a screen capture image (annotated): CLICK IT TO SEE FULL-SIZE

    My suggestion:

    If Zygor Guides cannot find any more quests for me to do (from level 55 and upward) in the Eastern Kingdoms, and it demands that I go deep into the heart of Kalimdor, then it should provide enough text to tell users exactly how they are supposed to get to that suggested step (location)!
    Last edited by kreelor; March 27, 2011, 01:08 PM. Reason: tying to add an image

    We will be adding this travel feature soon. For now, fly to Stormwind, then ride the boat to Rut'theran Village. From there, fly to Lor'danel (you'll get the flight path free in Rut'theran village). Once in Darkshore, run south to Ashenvale, then follow the road southeast, then north into Felwood. Follow the road to the very northeast of Felwood, and run through the long tunnel to Winterspring.

    Hope that helps.
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      Thank you for replying right away.

      I appreciate your reply, although it still leaves a couple of issues unanswered.

      For instance:

      -- Why are we being sent to Kalimdor (at level 55), since there is so much unexplored area (and questing potential) remaining in the Eastern Kingdoms?

      -- Why wasn't a highly-visible description added to The Guide, using words just like you gave to me in your reply? That certainly would have saved me hours of cussing, ranting, and frustration. heh heh.

      Thanks again for your help!


        There *are* step-by-step travel instructions at the end of the guide you were in. The "problem" is that you skipped ahead early so you didn't see them. That's why we are adding a dynamic travel system that can lead how to get to any step in the guide from anywhere at all - no need for static travel steps in the guide anymore. That travel system will fix this issue entirely.

        You are being lead to the other continent because there is a gap in leveling content for levels 55-58 on Eastern Kingdoms. You are seeing a lot of unexplored areas on Eastern Kingdoms, but it's all Horde low level content. So, you have to go to Kalimdor for levels 55-58, then come back to Eastern Kingdoms for 58-60 in the Blasted Lands, just before you head off to Outland.
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          Hmm, what about Blasted Lands? Do you have to go to Winterspring to unlock this zone?


            OK, when Blasted lands is suggested by the guide from 58 to 60. But I think you can do it with level 55, according to wowwiki it's a 54 to 58 zone.
            If you do it earlier you might end up with level 58 and then have no choice but to go to Silitus or Outlands but if you are experienced enough you should be able to do that.

