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Feature Return or Addition Request: Reputation Guides

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    Feature Return or Addition Request: Reputation Guides

    Feel free to roar at me if my memory is serving me wrong here as I haven't done faction reputation grinding for quite a long time. My own time in the game is mainly built around acquiring achievements, and now I'm working on those related to faction reputations with the goal of becoming exalted with every available faction. Anyway...

    If I remember correctly, at one time Zygor Guides included a set of Northrend reputation guides that sent you to dailies specific to increasing reputation for a particular faction. I find I really miss those guides, as the current daily guides seem to be a catch-all system that send you to dailies for multiple factions across the different Northrend zones. Due to time constraints on my part, I much prefer to work on one faction at a time, the Kalu'ak fishing pole for example, and leave other factions for another time. The current system works, but I find I much prefer how the older system worked as, thanks to the 25 dailies limit, it made prioritization of which dailies to do much easier. Something which, thanks to the proliferation of dailies since the release of Cataclysm, is even more important now.

    Much as I hate to say it, I don't seem to do well at remembering details about faction dailies quest giver locations or names of the related quests. To help with that I use the addon 'Factionizer' which tells me the daily quests specific to a faction, all factions, not just those specific to WotLK/Northrend. What Factionizer doesn't tell me though is where quest givers are located, leading to time spent looking all this stuff up at WowHead, which was a major reason for buying Zygor Guides in the first place, mainly so I wouldn't have to spend time alt-tabbed out of WoW doing exactly that.

    So, the questions behind all of the above exposition.

    Is there plans in the works to restore faction specific reputation guides to Zygor Guides?

    Since I'm also doing some 'wishing for the moon' here, is there a chance that reputation guides will eventually be written for all of the factions, not just those specific to WotLK? That's a big job, so I'd be more than willing to pay for a full set of reputation guides if it's ever released.

    Looking at the guide files there are still many daily and reputation guides for WotLK as they have ever been.
    For example:
    Zygor's Alliance Dailies Guides\Northrend (70 - 80)\Reputation\The Kalu'ak
    This guide section will tell you the various ways you can gain reputation with The Kalu'ak faction with this guide.
    To gain reputation with The Kalu'ak faction:
    Complete the Kaskala Dailies guide section in the Borean Tundra section
    Do this daily, if you'd like.
    Complete the Moa'ki Harbor Dailies guide section in the Dragonblight section.
    Do this daily, if you'd like.
    Complete the Kamagua Dailies guide section in the Howling Fjord section.
    Do this daily, if you'd like.
    There is no tabard for The Kalu'ak available at this time.
    If you are looking for something like that for Cataclysm factions: each zone is faction specific. So if you want Therazane reputation do the Deepholm dailies. If you want Ramkahen doe the Uldum dailes.


      Yes, I already know how the guides are set up for the Cataclysm zones, that they are faction specific (other than Vash'jir maybe now that Firelands is here). However, that's pretty much not the case in any of the other older zones. In the older zones you have multiple factions and dailies specific to a particular faction, of which a 'one size fits all' approach to faction dailies doesn't work as well.

      OK, in Northrend, to use the Kalu'ak as an example. Currently, if I choose the Borean Tundra Kaskala daily, finishing that daily automatically sends me to the Kamagua daily in the Howling Fjord, and finishing that quest ends the guide. The Moa'ki daily never shows up in the guide progression, and it should be the second quest offered, in-between the Kaskala and Kamagua quests. Those three quests being the only ones for the Kalu'ak faction. It was only by accident, after doing the Kalu'ak dailies for several days, that I remembered that the Moa'ki Harbor daily was also for Kalu'ak reputation. Also, if I do the Moa'ki Harbor daily then after finishing that quest I'm automatically directed to the 'Defend the Temple' daily at the dragons temple in Dragonblight, which is not where I want be directed. If my memory serves me right, under the older reputation guides, there was a guide specific to the Kalu'ak which sent to only the three quests for that faction.

      As another example, there was another guide specific to the Sons of Hodir faction, which sent you to only that factions quests. Currently, if you want to do _only_ the Sons of Hodir dailies you can't, you also get directed at some point to other dailies in the zone, such as those for Ricket. I really see no reason why I should have to waste time clicking past other faction daily quests just to get to those for the particular faction I'm interested in working on.

      Yes, there are still as many daily and reputation guides for WotLK as there was under previous Zygor versions, but they are not nearly as well organized or user friendly as they used to be. The current system (primarily the SiS I gather) is trying to use one general guide to do everything in the zone, under several different links that use sub-sets of the guide. The problem is that while the newer versions of Zygor Guides might make it easier for the programmers, it's a distinct step backwards in useability for the user.

      As I said, I know that making up faction/reputation guides, especially for those located in EK, Kal, Outland etc would be a big job (if anything else, time consuming), which is why I said I'd be more than willing to buy such a set of guides. I highly suspect I'm not the only one who'd be more than happy to buy an upgrade like that. If any event, if that's not possible, I'd at least like to see the return of the Northrend faction/reputation specific guide menu choices that we used to have, ones that don't try and take you to other factions along the way.

      Heh... Somehow or other I don't think you or I are ever going to agree on this point.


        I moved this to the technical / suggestions section, which is more likely to get a view from one of the staff members. They can comment on the feasibility of this, which I think is a pretty good idea. Having a rep-only guide isnt a bad idea at all, and would be very handy for those that have faction changed, for example.
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          Originally posted by coasty View Post
          Heh... Somehow or other I don't think you or I are ever going to agree on this point.
          I agree that faction specific reputation guides are very useful. But looking at the guide selection they are still there.
          For example there are some Sons of Hodir daily guides:

          The Kalu'ak guides are also there, only drawback is that you find them in three different locations and they are not linked together (you get told to do the three guides in the reputation section guide). If I choose the Tundra daily guide for Kaskala it is complete after doing that one quest. It does not send me to the Fjord. Maybe you don't have a different guide version which is not the current one?

          If you need information on which guides to select for a specific faction go into the guide selection, click guides, dailies guides and (in case of Northrend scroll down) select reputation. If the viewer skips to the end of the guide automatically just go back one step. There you have the info which guides you need to build up reputation. Then go into the specific zone daily section and load up that particular guide. You don't have to go through whole zone dailies guides to complete quests for only one faction.

          Home city reputation guides can be found in the Dailies, Northrend, Icecrown, Crusader title guide.

          The only reputation guides currently missing are for the 1-60 factions and BC factions. I am currently creating some BC faction guides but don't have that much time to finish them (I spend too much time here on the forum ).


            Yes, they're there, but the current setup has problems.

            For one, the labeling of those dailies that give reputation rewards aren't very intuitive, they don't tell you which factions are affected by which dailies, and that's important information. The Sons of Hodir and the Argent dailies are self-explanatory, but that doesn't hold true for the rest of them. I rather suspect I'm like most people in that I don't do those dailies often enough to remember, say in Icecrown, which guide goes with which faction. If nothing else gets changed, Zygor really needs to change the description of those sub-guides and add faction information to the descriptions, not just for Ice Crown but for all the Northrend zones. Not everybody has stuff like this memorized.

            Ah yes, the Kalu'ak dailies. As you said, they aren't linked together, and yes the topic is mentioned in the reputation guide section, but even still they most definitely should be linked. The problem here is that this info should be placed where users are most likely to look for it, and it currently isn't. Other than that, the whole purpose of using Zygor Guides is to have this stuff automated, and not force you to open and close successive guides just get the dailies for one faction done. That's the whole reason for buying Zygor Guides in the first place.

            It sort of sounds like those BC faction guides you're doing are being done as a voluntary labor of love on your part, and kudo's to you for that. I'd love to see what you've already finished! However, the point I'm trying to make is that there's a lot of us Zygor Guide users who'd really like for the staff to create those 1-60 and BC faction guides, and are more than willing to pay for such a guide release. That was really the whole point behind my first post in the thread, which probably wasn't as clear as it could have been. Sort of a gentle push to tell the guys, 'hey, come on fellas, get it done and make us happy campers! I wanna give ya some more money!'

            As an aside, the 'Sons of Hodir Reputation - Revered' and 'Brunnhildar Village' dailies are carbon copies of each other, the guide doesn't really need the both of them. Frankly, the 'Brunnhildar Village' guide is ripe for deletion as the 'Sons of Hodir Reputation - Revered' guide title pretty much speaks for itself.

            I was in error when I said the Sons of Hodir Reputation guide also directed me to Ricket. After you mentioned that I realized that my first time through I accidentally used the full zone guide from that section instead of the Honored guide. I also made that same error in the Dragonblight section that has the Moa'ki Harbor guide. Just to mention though, if my memory isn't lying to me, in an earlier Zygor Guide incarnation all the Kalu'ak dailies were linked together.

            Anyway, even if Zygor nixes the idea of doing 1-60 and BC reputation guides, I'd still hope they'd fix the Northrend guide descriptions and link together the Kalu'ak dailies as I noted above. It really needs doing...

            P.S. Almost forgot to mention... I'm not sure why the reputation guide write-ups for the major cities are part of the Northrend guide. Myself, the first time I went looking for that information way back when was in the sections specific to those cities. It never occurred to me to go looking for it under the Northrend guides. The only reason I found it, which was a long time ago, was because I accidentally stumbled across a post in the forums where it was mentioned.


              I believe the home cities rep guides are part of the Northrend section simply because you need to work those reps for the ATG area which is in Northrend.
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                I also had the thought "why didn't they put the faction specific guides into the reputation section". You are right, first looking there and then switching to the dailies sections is not optimal, it would be better to link those guides there. I think the current guide viewer allows putting one guide into two sections so those looking at the dailies find the guides and those looking for reputation also.

                The simple reason why there are no reputation guides for BC factions (except the Netherdrake guide) is that at that time no daily guide existed. Maybe we get reputation guides for the missing factions but the Zygor team are currently busy with the professions guide and fixing bugs.


                  Originally posted by Cartman View Post
                  The simple reason why there are no reputation guides for BC factions (except the Netherdrake guide) is that at that time no daily guide existed. Maybe we get reputation guides for the missing factions but the Zygor team are currently busy with the professions guide and fixing bugs.
                  OK, makes sense to me. It would be nice if they put that onto the "To Do Some Time Soon" list and do some work on it once they get the professions guide released and finishing stomping on the major bugs. It'd be a huge help for those who, like me, want to go back and get exalted with the 1-60 and BC factions. If Zygor doesn't do it I doubt if it will ever get done by anybody else. It'd be a nice finishing touch that would really round out the Zygor Guides, sort of a covering the last base type of thing, although it's not something I'd expect to get done any time soon as I think it'd be a bit of a big project.

                  Heh... An announcement though saying that, yes, they'll work on it when current projects are done or just that it's on the future project list would be a nice touch.

