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Overhaul the guides...

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    Overhaul the guides...

    I have seen so many typos, errors and other things that are not as they should on my way 1-85 using Zygor, on the Alliance side, I can only assume it is the same for Horde. As a long time supporter and member here, I could only ask you to go back through and check, and recheck, and check again for any bugs, errors, and typos, make a professional guide look professional not just with your new spiffy website but with the guides ingame.

    I love your guides they are the best out there, but you need to recheck everything because all the bugs, errors, and typos make it look a bit unprofessional, and in the process I would say it might be a good thing to add a few more waypoints to the guides for quests that are really spread out in mob locations. The Cata 80-85 on the ally side for instance does not even tell you what level you should be while questing, not a huge deal, but the whole Vash'ir guide says level 80, when by the time I was done I was 82 and 1/3rd to 83.

    I know this would take time, and a lot of it, but it should be done, as if you continue without doing so it will just get worse, and the quality of your guides will start to diminish and look horrible.

    Thank you for your time to read this, and please, please consider this much needed overhaul.

    Yeah, those do make you quirk your head a bit and wonder what the heck they were thinking when they typed it out.
    I should spend more time looking for those. Im usually more focused on if the guide gives you the right quests, and sends you to the best places to complete the gathering quests.
    Thanks for your suggestion / request.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      I never read the guide, I always play on autopilot. If I would read every step I could also read quest texts

      A lot of typos have been reported a while ago and I think they have been corrected. But in such a huge thing as the guide there will always be some left.


        I hope this gets sorted, because even the "take flights automatically" part for the most part remains broken. That is another thing I thought I would mention.

