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Quest Log Sync

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    Quest Log Sync

    It would be kind of cool if you could see what quests you should have in your quest log at a given time. I always find myself picking up a quest I didnt need or really didnt want just out of habbit. So it would be kind of cool to click on a button when your on step 117 and see you should have quest a,b,c,d in your quest log so that you drop quest you picked up by mistake.

    This idea would be also nice with the quest skipping feature that way you keep track of quests you may of missed picking up.

    Just an idea.

    I love this idea.
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      i was going to suggest something like this .. have a ZG icon or something in the quest log .. more than a few times i have followed the guide only to find i cant get a quest because i have 25 already and i know it's because i picked up something or forgot to turn something in.


        I like it. It would help me clear out some of my quests.


          I agree, would be a nice feature if you suddently have reached quest cap and need to abandom some


            Also, if your working with a pre-leveled character, there needs to be a list of which quests should be in the quest log, for SIS to work properly.


              Originally posted by l0rdvirus View Post
              It would be kind of cool if you could see what quests you should have in your quest log at a given time. I always find myself picking up a quest I didnt need or really didnt want just out of habbit. So it would be kind of cool to click on a button when your on step 117 and see you should have quest a,b,c,d in your quest log so that you drop quest you picked up by mistake.

              This idea would be also nice with the quest skipping feature that way you keep track of quests you may of missed picking up.

              Just an idea.
              like the idea, i also takeing every quests i see cause i "could do it by accident" during getting to my next guided location etc :-P (hey its working :-P )


                I usually do those accidental quests... unless they're a pain in the butt.


                  Yes yes yes yes do it plz .... I love it

                  can i give u my quest log ?? and could u tell me which quest i will need ?? my questlog is always full and i often have to worry if i just deleted an important quest .. (yes i know i could have thought of this before i started the guided leveling )


                    I guess this suggestion never got picked up by zygor staff?


                      Great idea!!


                        I think this would be very helpful and quite easy to do. All that is needed is like the Zygor's "Z" symbol next to the quests you should have in the quest log! So if you need to check you could just open the quest log and ones without a "Z" logo next to them you can abandon (if you wanted)


                          Originally posted by l0rdvirus View Post
                          I guess this suggestion never got picked up by zygor staff?
                          Actually a lot of suggestions have been picked up by the staff but they will not surface until Cataclysm. Since we will already be reworking our 1-60 guides from scratch that will be the best time to rework some of the guide mechanics as well.
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                            So, just to be clear, is this going to be in the Cataclysm patch? I'd be willing to donate or even pay for this upgrade to the Zygor system. It's brilliant!


                              never saw this post before but i love the idea it would be great for me since i multibox and sometimes miss accepting a quest or 2

