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Routine - Dalies Chaining

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    Routine - Dalies Chaining

    I find myself doing dailies for long term achievements but currently I have to select each of them individually which isn't so bad, but often I end up forgetting a daily or two.

    Would it be possible to have a list, a todo list, or routine list as it were? I imagine it as another tab (Guides, Recent, Suggest) in the Guide Viewer, you shift-click a guide to add it to the routine. To remove it, go to the routine tab and shift-click it again. Possibly with the ability to move up and move down a guide in the list to create an order. With your routine setup you could then run it and it starts up your first dailies guide, you go through it and run the next until you're all done.

    Sounds like a killer feature to me, plus it would improve grinding efficiency which is what I think the Zygor guides are all about and would be very much appreciated.
    The right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously. - Hubert Humphrey

    I agree, that sure would help.

