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really though...

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    really though...

    I continually see new threads on here about the lack of information on the Diablo 3 guide, and I kept saying to myself "well its only been 2 days, then 3 days...", now though I am halfway through nightmare mode. Out an extra 30 dollars and I have learned absolutely nothing from your guide.

    I understand that you guys are attempting to make sure the guide is full of all necessary information, and that you have your WoW guides to worry about, but if you were not going to be able to keep up with the players that purchased your guide, why not wait 4 months and then put one out with all the knowledge you can gain from that time. You suckered 30 dollars out of me and everyday I go to your guide saying, hey they'll have act 3 up... or hey they have to have the wizards build level higher than 13 by now... and then nothing. In the last 4 days you have put up 5 quests in act 2... act 2 took me about 3 hours tops.

    I don't want a refund. I want to know why I am not getting the service that I paid for. At least put up a forum post that you can update every 8 or 10 hours telling us what you are working on. And if you aren't going to do what you said you were, let us know so that we can stop wasting our time checking the guide hoping to get an edge over the competition.

    I wouldn't have bought this guide were it not for the 5 e-mails you sent me. (yes i went back through my history and counted.) And I also would not be on your e-mail list had I not experienced your WoW guides before. When you do something like this you risk hurting yourselves a lot. 30 dollars isn't going to break me. But I have no intentions of telling my friends to purchase this guide... nor to buy any more of your guides in the future until you give me what I expected to have the day after D3 came out.

    I don't need builds up to the level cap, I don't need Diablo running guides, I don't need a guide on how to get to whimsyshire. I need to see something more than one quest being put up a day. All I want is to see you guys working. I believe my 30 dollars and all of the others whom purchased your guide's money deserve to see how you are using it. Please don't respond with something saying you guys are just finishing up nightmare mode or something, as I could care less... start a new forum thread telling us what you are doing and I am almost positive every unsatisfied customer here will be much, much happier.

    please don't blow this off as I know this guide has potential coming from the guys who made some of the most successful WoW guides on the market.

    On a side note, if anyone out there wants to play or talk to me add me on D3 my battletag is ReccoR.


      I agree with you.

      I also feel like I just threw my money for nothing. Wish I could get a refud or at least some of my money back.


        Zygor just posted this: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...ll=1#post76590
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

