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Close Client instead of remain in background

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    Close Client instead of remain in background

    Hey there, love the guides, long time user. I have an issue with the new client updater though. I would prefer to not have the client updater running in the background all the time. When I click on the X in the upper right corner, I want the client updater to shut down, not minimize itself and continue running in the background. Maybe it's a little paranoid on my part, but that's how I roll. The older client updater had that as an option in the preferences, to continue running in the background, or to shut down when closing the window. This new client updater does not seem to have that as an option, and while I love the Zygor guides and products, been using for years, it almost feels a little deceptive to have the software just minimize and hide itself unseen in the system tray when clicking to exit the software. I don't allow the battle.net client, nor the curse clients, nor any other client updater software to run in the background, and I shouldn't have to click the X to minimize and hide it, and then open my system tray, and find the Zygor client icon, right-click, and choose Exit just to close down the updater.

    If I'm simply overlooking how to prevent this remain in background "feature" I apologize in advance and would appreciate guidance on how to turn this off.


    This is something that has been requested and we have to look into it more.

    And the old client just closed, there was no option for allowing it to run in the background.
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      We've added some extra client preferences in the latest version including the option to exit the client completely upon closing for folks who don't like it running in the background.
      Zygor Guides Creative Director

