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Zygor Guides Client App Mac Issues

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    Zygor Guides Client App Mac Issues

    Hi there,

    The client app for MacOS seems to be having issues launching. A couple of weeks ago when attempting to install the client app it would result in an error and say it could not connect. After using the uninstaller.jar file I was sent I was able to uninstall everything then reinstall the client app and that issue was resolved. However, I have yet to actually be able to launch the app itself. When attempting to do so it will show up in my top-menu bar but the application itself never attaches itself to a window. The Java processes are running because the Java application launches itself and I can see that on my application bar. After a bit though, the client app just shuts itself down. I'm assuming you have some sort of conditional that terminates its process after x seconds if some other such condition y is not met.

    Here's some relevant info:
    OS: High Sierra 10.13.5
    Java: JDK 10.0.1

    Please advise. Thanks.

    Uninstall the JDK 10 and install normal Java (JRE not JDK) 8. Java 10 is pretty buggy and they only plan to support it for a few months until Java 11 is finished which is going to be the proper upgrade from Java 8.
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      I uninstalled JDK 10 from the terminal and installed JDK 8. Used the .jar file to uninstall Zygors Client again then reinstalled it. Upon attempting to launch the issue still remains and the client app will not launch. It attempts to but after 30 or so seconds it terminates its process. Note that I cannot merely install normal Java (JRE); I have to be able to compile my own Java code on this machine. The JDK contains the runtime environment as well so I assume this should still work. I will note that Zygors Client app works just fine on my Windows machine with the JDK installed.


        I can confirm that the client is running on my mac on JDK 9.0.1 as well as JDK 1.8.0_171. This is on High Sierra 10.13.4.

        Like you said, the JDK should work just fine.

        Something you can try as a debugging step is to run the client manually via Terminal.

        The client resides in ~/Library/Application Support/Zygor Guides Client

        To invoke it manually, you need to provide a few JVM args, and another argument to bypass the fact that you're running it directly so it doesn't restart from a launcher like it's expecting.

        java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar ~/Library/Application\ Support/Zygor\ Guides\ Client/Zygor.jar forceRuntime=true

        Should do the trick. If the process terminates and it launches another process for the client, something was missing from those arguments.

        Let me know if you have any luck with that.
        Last edited by Zygor Dev 6; June 24, 2018, 03:29 PM.


          After running it twice from the terminal it recognized it needed to update, did so and then gave me the ability to log in. The Client App now runs as expected by the JVM from my regular application folder. I apologize for not attempting to run it from the terminal on my own first. I was attempting to debug your code myself instead of trying simpler things. Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees.

          I assume you have access to my log files but if not let me know and I'll email them to you. They're too large for your file uploader here. In case you ever want to figure out what caused this to begin with.

          Side note, since you confirmed it works with JDK 9 I think I'll go ahead and update to that version. I miss my Java REPL lol.
          Last edited by enjoiskyler; June 30, 2018, 06:15 PM.


            I would certainly never expect someone to have to run the client manually, but I figured you were more than capable of doing so, so I offered the solution.

            That's certainly odd that it took multiple times and it eventually kicked out of the incorrect behavior.

            Let us know if you run into any other issues, always happy to help.


              Okay so fun update. I went to run the Guide Client again today and once again it was failing. When running from the terminal I kept getting a `BindException` error. So I started checking my ports and couldn't figure out why your socket couldn't bind. Then I remembered that I've been experiencing a bug in High Sierra lately where I can't access localhost from Safari via MAMP but can via Chrome/Firefox. So I kill Safari, run the Client .jar from the terminal again and voila, it was able to bind. And this is why I stick to writing algorithms and stay the hell away from network stuff.

