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Tauren (1-13) Guide Error

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    Tauren (1-13) Guide Error

    In Step 81, the waypoint for the NPC you have to accept the quest from is very inaccurate.

    Bug Report:

    Zygor Guides Viewer v3.0.1625

    Guide: "Zygor's Horde Leveling Guides\Kalimdor 1-60 Guide\Tauren (1-13)"
    Step: 81
    map: Thunder Bluff
    level: 8
    (complete: NO, auxiliary: NO, obsolete: YES, possible: NO)
    1. <Go to 37,59>
    action: goto
    L: true
    map: Thunder Bluff 37.7,59.6 +/- 0.2
    (not completeable)
    Status: passive
    2. . <Talk to Eyahn Eagletalon>
    action: talk
    npc: Eyahn Eagletalon
    npcid: 2987
    L: true
    (not completeable)
    Status: passive
    3. . . <Accept `Preparation for Ceremony'>
    action: accept
    L: true
    quest: "Preparation for Ceremony" ##744 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    (complete: no, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: YES)
    Status: obsolete

    --- Player information ---
    Race: Tauren Class: SHAMAN Level: 9
    Position: realzone:'Thunder Bluff' x:38.544,y:62.4729 (zone:'Thunder Bluff' subzone:'Thunder Bluff' minimapzone:'Thunder Bluff')

    -- Cached quest log --
    2. "The Restless Earth" ##14491 (lv=7):
    ... 1. "Spirits Calmed: 0/6" (monster, 0/6)
    3. "Mazzranache" ##26188 (lv=8, complete):
    ... 1. "Flatland Cougar Femur: 1/1" (item, 1/1, complete)
    4. "Thunderhorn Cleansing" ##24456 (lv=8):
    ... 1. "Well Cleansed" (event, 0/1)

    -- Cached quest log, by ID --
    #26188: Mazzranache
    #24456: Thunderhorn Cleansing
    #14491: The Restless Earth

    -- Items --
    Beaten Battle Axe ##1417 x1
    Cat Hair ##62391 x8
    Celestial Steed ##54811 x1
    Cracked Egg Shells ##4757 x3
    Drum of the Soothed Earth ##49647 x1
    Earthroot ##2449 x2
    Flanged Mace ##766 x1
    Flatland Cougar Femur ##4805 x1
    Hearthstone ##6948 x1
    Light Leather ##2318 x19
    Linen Cloth ##2589 x13
    Patchwork Cloak ##1429 x1
    Patchwork Pants ##1431 x1
    Pattern: Red Linen Robe ##2598 x1
    Peacebloom ##2447 x19
    Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper ##6289 x15
    Ruined Leather Scraps ##2934 x18
    Rusty Hatchet ##1416 x1
    Shed Fur ##62328 x16
    Silverleaf ##765 x19
    Skinning Knife ##7005 x1
    Slippers of High Honor ##57203 x1
    Small Egg ##6889 x3
    Small Leather Collar ##4813 x2
    Stringy Wolf Meat ##2672 x15
    Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem ##5415 x1
    Withered Staff ##1411 x1

    -- Buffs/debuffs --

    -- Pet action bar --

    -- Flight Paths --
    1 , Thunder Bluff , Bloodhoof Village

    -- Options --
    backopacity = 0.3
    goalupdateflash = true
    showmapbutton = true
    arrowmeters = false
    arrowfontsize = 10
    dispmodepri = true
    hideincombat = false
    nevershowborder = false
    briefclosetime = 1
    trackchains = true
    debug = false
    fixblizzardautoaccept = false
    minicons = true
    arrowalpha = 1
    fullheight = 400
    displaymode = guide
    goalcolorize = false
    golddetectiondist = 400
    arrowsmooth = true
    goalbackaux =
    showallsteps = false
    arrowcolordist = false
    skipimpossible = false
    goalbackcomplete =
    autoturnin = false
    fontsize = 12
    foglight = true
    goalbackimpossible =
    pointeraudio = true
    minimapzoom = false
    goalicons = true
    golddistmode = 1
    goalbackprogress = true
    showstepborders = true
    arrowscale = 1
    guidesinhistory = 5
    goaltotals = true
    autoaccept = false
    skin = midnight
    goalbackincomplete =
    fontsecsize = 11
    briefopentime = 0.5
    goalbackprogressing =
    waypointaddon = internal
    hidecompletedinbrief = true
    stepnumbers = true
    analyzereps = false
    iconScale = 0.5
    opacitymain = 1
    arrowshow = true
    tooltipsbelow = true
    dispprimary =
    goalbackgrounds = true
    goldreqmode = 3
    dispsecondary =
    flipsounds = true
    flashborder = true
    skipauxsteps = true
    completesound = MapPing
    arrowskin = midnight
    goalbackobsolete =
    showcountsteps = 1
    skipobsolete = true
    levelsahead = 0
    hidearrowwithguide = true
    iconAlpha = 1
    goalcompletionflash = true
    minimapnotedesc = true
    arrowfreeze = false
    framescale = 1
    stepbackalpha = 0.5
    filternotes = true
    hideborder = false
    contractmobs = true
    showbriefsteps = false
    skinstyle = black
    visible = true

    -- Log --
    00:15:49> SkipStep -1
    00:15:49> LastSkip -1
    00:15:49> FocusStep 88 (quiet)
    00:15:49> unpausing
    00:15:49> FocusStep 88
    00:15:54> SkipStep -1
    00:15:54> LastSkip -1
    00:15:54> FocusStep 87 (quiet)
    00:15:54> unpausing
    00:15:54> FocusStep 87
    00:15:54> SkipStep -1
    00:15:54> LastSkip -1
    00:15:54> FocusStep 86 (quiet)
    00:15:54> unpausing
    00:15:54> FocusStep 86
    00:15:54> SkipStep -1
    00:15:54> LastSkip -1
    00:15:54> FocusStep 85 (quiet)
    00:15:54> unpausing
    00:15:54> FocusStep 85
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 84 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 84
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 83 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 83
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 82 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 82
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 81 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 81
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 80 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 80
    00:15:55> SkipStep -1
    00:15:55> LastSkip -1
    00:15:55> FocusStep 79 (quiet)
    00:15:55> FocusStep 79
    00:15:56> SkipStep -1
    00:15:56> LastSkip -1
    00:15:56> FocusStep 78 (quiet)
    00:15:56> FocusStep 78
    00:15:56> SkipStep -1
    00:15:56> LastSkip -1
    00:15:56> FocusStep 77 (quiet)
    00:15:56> FocusStep 77
    00:15:56> SkipStep -1
    00:15:56> LastSkip -1
    00:15:56> FocusStep 76 (quiet)
    00:15:56> FocusStep 76
    00:15:57> SkipStep 1
    00:15:57> LastSkip 1
    00:15:57> FocusStep 77 (quiet)
    00:15:57> FocusStep 77
    00:15:58> SkipStep 1
    00:15:58> LastSkip 1
    00:15:58> FocusStep 78 (quiet)
    00:15:58> FocusStep 78
    00:15:58> SkipStep 1
    00:15:58> LastSkip 1
    00:15:58> FocusStep 79 (quiet)
    00:15:58> FocusStep 79
    00:15:59> SkipStep 1
    00:15:59> LastSkip 1
    00:15:59> FocusStep 80 (quiet)
    00:15:59> FocusStep 80
    00:16:00> SkipStep 1
    00:16:00> LastSkip 1
    00:16:00> FocusStep 81 (quiet)
    00:16:00> FocusStep 81
    00:16:12> SkipStep -1
    00:16:12> LastSkip -1
    00:16:12> FocusStep 80 (quiet)
    00:16:12> FocusStep 80
    00:16:12> SkipStep -1
    00:16:12> LastSkip -1
    00:16:12> FocusStep 79 (quiet)
    00:16:12> FocusStep 79
    00:16:12> SkipStep -1
    00:16:12> LastSkip -1
    00:16:12> FocusStep 78 (quiet)
    00:16:12> FocusStep 78
    00:16:14> SkipStep 1
    00:16:14> LastSkip 1
    00:16:14> FocusStep 79 (quiet)
    00:16:14> FocusStep 79
    00:16:15> SkipStep 1
    00:16:15> LastSkip 1
    00:16:15> FocusStep 80 (quiet)
    00:16:15> FocusStep 80
    00:16:16> SkipStep 1
    00:16:16> LastSkip 1
    00:16:16> FocusStep 81 (quiet)
    00:16:16> FocusStep 81

    Moved to bugs and errors.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      Moved to Bugs and Errors Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.


        I also think that this step should be step 96 because you go to Camp Sungraze after completing Bloodhoof Village, meaning there would be no point in making the walk earlier in the guide.


          Originally posted by sutekidane View Post
          In Step 81, the waypoint for the NPC you have to accept the quest from is very inaccurate.
          This error has been fixed and will be in the next update. Thanks for reporting it.
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