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Path of Ascension, Sojourner

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    Path of Ascension, Sojourner

    I've used zygor for like 10 years and this is the first time I can remember you guys missing so much stuff, please get ahead. Much of the playerbase in here is further ahead then the guide

    I agree, it's a relatively simple guide yet it is still missing.


      I'm actually surprised had how little effort it seems goes into things these days. I really enjoyed running dungeons with Zygor as my guide with ant-trails for routes, notes on noteable trash etc. Now when I load up a Zygor guide for a dungeon all it shows is boss mobs. No more ant-trails, no more info about trash mobs or even named mobs for that matter. Just text wall about bosses. Come on Zygor... WTF!

      And yeah to the topic.. here we are almost 2 months from OP post and still nothing on Path of Ascension.


        We posted about this a few days ago in the News/Blog section. https://zygorguides.com/blog/post-sh...ntent-updates/
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          The remaining Sanctum upgrades: Ember Court, Queen's Conservatory, Stitchyard, and Path of Ascension appear to require enormous amounts of anima farming on top of things being time-gated in various ways. To achieve full rank 5 you need 43,000 Anima and 145 Redeemed Souls. If we were to write these our usual way, writing the guides as we complete the content, it's going to take many many weeks to complete. We are looking into other options here but no matter what it's not something we can easily or quickly add in. We are looking to add in many of the easier to obtain things like Exploration, Sojourner/Loremaster, and Treasures and Rare Spawns first.
          Zygor Guides Creative Director

